
Christian Loubotin se swarovski kaminky :)

Dear bloggers,
What a sad news yesterday. One of the biggest man of our country passed away. Let’s keep him in our hearts and be proud of what he has achieved. However, it surprises me that there are many people that hated him…Well let’s send love to these people as well as they probably do not realize what their lives would be without his contribution.
Anyway, no more sad stuff. I picked random black and white pictures of outfits, me and friends as well. So little time and so much to do so did not have time to take pictures of outfits and also did lot of packing.
Have a great week.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Jake to smutne zpravy vcera zasahly Cesko. Jedna z nejvetsich osobnosti Ceska umrela. Ja mu preju odpocinek na veky a dekuji za to, co vse pro nasi zemi udelal. Bohuzel se najdou lide, kteri jeho pricineni nehodnoti, nybrz na nej plivaji, nadavaji a nemaji respekt ani v dobe umrti. No skoda, ze jim nejde ukazat jaky mohl byt jejich zivot, kdyby tohoto cloveka nebylo.
No myslim, ze stacilo, co se tyce smutnych zprav. Vybrala jsem nahodne cernobile fotografie starsich outfitu, pratel atd….Cernobile fotografie jsou nadherne, nemyslite?
Nestihala jsem se totiz pomalu ani sbalit, takze cas na nove fotografie nebyl. Vanoce za dverma, ja mam pred sebou jeste tri dny prace a tesim se na nic nedelani.
Preji krasny den a tyden.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Black and white pictures certainly have their charm. You look like Christie Brinkley. Has anyone told you that?
Jaj já jsem pihatá :-D
Girlie blogger thanks ur the first who said that usually its Kim basinger or maryna linchuk haha
Simco pihata kraska
asi mam radeji vetsi kontrast. Ale moc moc se mi libi to flitrovane sako!
Prvá fotka obdivujem boty, ale druhá foto to vyhrala na plnej čiare..veď vieš, že ja flitre môžem:)
Krásná fotky, černo-bílý mám hrozně ráda:) a ty botičky jsou překrásný;)A ty šaty na všech fotkách se mi líbí snad všechny :))
amazing pics ^^
Foly..to vime, ze si straka…
Thuy…thank you and thanks for stopping by
Theresa: No to je jasnacka, tvoje fotky jsou velmi kanarkove :) ale krasne…