Wearing: Converse Shoes, Mango Jeans, Oasis Coat, Asos Hat, Zara Shirt, Chanel Bag
On Saturday I went to see my friend and her kids and we headed to hyde park for a walk. Well, not the best idea if you want to avoid the crowds in Winter Wonderland to go for a walk with kids right there. You just cannot say no to them when you see almost tears in their eyes. However, we ended up to have a good time in the end.
I had a very casual outfit and took out my flared jeans again which I love more and more. And I went for Converse shoes to keep this very comfortable outfit for a day like that.
Next time I will take a scarf as I think I underestimated the weather and I am home with a flu.
V Sobotu jsem se sla podivat za kamaradkou a jejima detma a vyrazili jsme vsichni na prochazku do Hyde Parku. To mozna s detma neni asi nejlepsi napad, protoze jakmile uvidi Winter Wonderland tak zacnou kricet, brecet a vsechno mozne, protoze prece kdyz je to pred nima, tak se tam musi jit. No a tak jsme chte nechte musely obe dovnitr. Nahodou to bylo krasne a zabavne odpoledne a pekne jsme blby u vanocnich pisnicek, coz jste asi mohly videt na instagramu.
Ja jsem si dala oblibene zvonace a celkove velmi pohodlny outfit vcetne Conversek. Mozna jsem trosku podcenila pocasi a mela si vzit salu, protoze ted lezim doma s hnusnou chripkou.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Love your coat, it is wonderful.
Anami, xx
Dekuju x
Stunning photos!!
Please let me know if you would be interested in following eachother on GFC and Bloglovin.Would love to stay in contact.
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Of course x
I love your coat!! would look so good with some burgundy accessories!
Love, Hannah xo
absolutely love this whole outfit! especially your hat :)
Such a pretty outfit and photos :) love your style. Emma x