I love Instagram and I know I am not the only one. It offers endless inspiration in all areas and I can spend hours there to admire other people’s creativity. It is one of the key social media for bloggers and it tells a lot about them. We are often criticised that we create fake world and post the same things but I am afraid we have to as these are the things that gets the most likes. And that is a key for us in order to get wider recognition and grow our following. More likes lead to more opportunities and just more of everything. Yes I blog because I love it but it is nice to get something in return.
I picked some of the most popular pictures from my instagram and wanted to share some tips with you. These are the most liked things but at the same most criticised which is a bit of a paradox. You can name it all…selfies, macaroons, food, flowers….!
1. Colours, Background and Concept – I was having a coffee with another blogger the other day and she was telling me how many different wall papers she has ordered. I honestly did not know that it is not an oak table in her last post. Well, bloggers would do anything for a perfect shot and would arrange items for hours in order to get an awesome photo. So just head over to amazon and order a marble wall paper to get you the most trendy background.
2. Selfies – I never wanted my blog to go that direction however it is you followers that kind of create my content. Yes, people love selfies of other people. And from some reason the one I take in a bathroom mirror are the biggest hit. Well, I guess I have to keep doing it.
3. Cliche Items – Whether it is the latest book, Vogue magazine, macaroons or delicious smoothie…people seem to post the same stuff. Well, we do it because you love it.
4. Luxurious Items – It can be the latest it bag, sunglasses or luxurious hotel. Followers love nice things so we are always trying to find that next thing that will get our followers excited and inspired. Bloggers spend a lot of time at home arranging the right picture of their latest designer bag or shoes.
5. Holiday Snaps – Anything related with travel, nice weather, sea, lovely pool, Eiffel Tower and other cliche pictures is very popular with Instagrammers.
So although this can be a hard work these things do help. So next time you want to take a picture you know what to do.
Miluju Instagram a asi nejsem jedina, ze? Nachazim tam inspiraci ve vsech oblastech a dokazu travit hodiny sledovanim mody, decoru a jinych fotografii. Je to navic jedna z nejdulezitejsich aplikaci pro blogery a take o nas hodne prozradi. Casto se na blogery snasi kritika, ze postuji jedno a to same, ale musim se nas tak trochu zastat. My totiz postujeme veci, ktere lidi bavi. A cim vic liku, tim vice rostou nasi followeri a tim mame vetsi sance na to, ze si nas nekdo vsimne a oslovi na spoluprace. Tady asi namitnete, ze bychom meli blogovat pro radost. To ano…ale kdyz uz leta makate na svem blogu, tak je velmi prijemne z toho neco vytezit.
Vybrala jsem pro vas popularni fotografie z meho instagramu a par tipu. Tohle jsou presne veci, co ctenare bavi. Presne ty veci, ktere zaroven vsichni kritizuji….selfies, makronky a jidlo!
1. Barvy, Pozadi a celkovy koncept – Blogeri jsou sileni. Nedavno jsem sedela s jednou na kave a ta mi rikala, kolik ma doma ubrusu, tapet, papiru jenom, aby vyfotila dokonalou fotku na instagram. Takze si nemyslete, ze maji vsechny holky doma krasne dubove stoly a cele vybaveni v bile barve. Staci jit na amazon a objednat si tapety s drevenym ci mramorovym efektem a budete in.
2. Selfies – Timto smerem jsem nikdy jit nechtela, ale bohuzel moji ctenari moje selfies tak nejak zboznuji. Uplne nejvice jsou snad popularni fotky, ktere fotim v praci na toaletach. Nevim, proc zrovna tyhle fotografie tak frci, ale kdyz se vam to libi…tak proc ne?
3. Klise objekty – Tak techto je spousta…muze to byt popularni knizka, makronky, jidlo, Vogue. Vsichni postuji jedno a to same. Jakmile dam na svuj instagram neco jineho, tak to lidi nezajima. Takze vlastne ten obsah tvorite vy ctenari. Bohuzel lidi bavi hlavne klise. Takze klicem k uspechu je prave postovat, to co ostatni.
4. Luxusni Veci – Jestli se jedna o posledni kabelku,slunecni bryle nebo krasny hotel. Lide miluji luxusni a drahe veci. Tento typ fotografii ma vzdy velmi velky uspech. Blogeri doma aranzuji sve nejlepsi kabelky a boty jenom aby dosahli co nejvetsiho efektu. Za jednou fotkou se muze skryvat spousta prace. Jeste navic, pokud si za ni firma zaplati.
5. Krasne zabery z dovolene – Fotka more a koktejlu vas vzdy dostane co? Vsimla jsem si, ze cokoli spojene se sluncem, cestovanim, panoramata hor ci Eiffelovka vas bavi pokazde a znova. Staci najit spravny uhel a idealne vyfotit v zaberu kavu ci jiny napoj a lide jasaji jako o zivot.
A tak to my blogeri mame. Aranzujeme jidlo, hledame spravny uhel, objekt jenom, aby nas instagram bavil a followeri byli spokojeni.
Love Glamazon xoxo