Category Archives: Blogging

How to take a good Instagram photo?

I love Instagram and I know I am not the only one. It offers endless inspiration in all areas and I can spend hours there to admire other people’s creativity. It is one of the key social media for bloggers and it tells a lot about them. We are often criticised that we create fake world and post the same things but I am afraid we have to as these are the things that gets the most likes. And that is a key for us in order to get wider recognition and grow our following. More likes lead to more opportunities and just more of everything. Yes I blog because I love it but it is nice to get something in return.

I picked some of the most popular pictures from my instagram and wanted to share some tips with you. These are the most liked things but at the same most criticised which is a bit of a paradox. You can name it all…selfies, macaroons, food, flowers….!

1. Colours, Background and Concept – I was having a coffee with another blogger the other day and she was telling me how many different wall papers she has ordered. I honestly did not know that it is not an oak table in her last post. Well, bloggers would do anything for a perfect shot and would arrange items for hours in order to get an awesome photo. So just head over to amazon and order a marble wall paper to get you the most trendy background.

2. Selfies – I never wanted my blog to go that direction however it is you followers that kind of create my content. Yes, people love selfies of other people. And from some reason the one I take in a bathroom mirror are the biggest hit. Well, I guess I have to keep doing it.

3. Cliche Items  – Whether it is the latest book, Vogue magazine, macaroons or delicious smoothie…people seem to post the same stuff. Well, we do it because you love it.

4. Luxurious Items – It can be the latest it bag, sunglasses or luxurious hotel. Followers love nice things so we are always trying to find that next thing that will get our followers excited and inspired. Bloggers spend a lot of time at home arranging the right picture of their latest designer bag or shoes.

5. Holiday Snaps – Anything related with travel, nice weather, sea, lovely pool, Eiffel Tower and other cliche pictures is very popular with Instagrammers.

So although this can be a hard work these things do help. So next time you want to take a picture you know what to do.

Miluju Instagram a asi nejsem jedina, ze? Nachazim tam inspiraci ve vsech oblastech a dokazu travit hodiny sledovanim mody, decoru a jinych fotografii. Je to navic jedna z nejdulezitejsich aplikaci pro blogery a take o nas hodne prozradi. Casto se na blogery snasi kritika, ze postuji jedno a to same, ale musim se nas tak trochu zastat. My totiz postujeme veci, ktere lidi bavi. A cim vic liku, tim vice rostou nasi followeri a tim mame vetsi sance na to, ze si nas nekdo vsimne a oslovi na spoluprace. Tady asi namitnete, ze bychom meli blogovat pro radost. To ano…ale kdyz uz leta makate na svem blogu, tak je velmi prijemne z toho neco vytezit.

Vybrala jsem pro vas popularni fotografie z meho instagramu a par tipu. Tohle jsou presne veci, co ctenare bavi. Presne ty veci, ktere zaroven vsichni kritizuji….selfies, makronky a jidlo!

1. Barvy, Pozadi a celkovy koncept – Blogeri jsou sileni. Nedavno jsem sedela s jednou na kave a ta mi rikala, kolik ma doma ubrusu, tapet, papiru jenom, aby vyfotila dokonalou fotku na instagram. Takze si nemyslete, ze maji vsechny holky doma krasne dubove stoly a cele vybaveni v bile barve. Staci jit na amazon a objednat si tapety s drevenym ci mramorovym efektem a budete in. 

2. Selfies – Timto smerem jsem nikdy jit nechtela, ale bohuzel moji ctenari moje selfies tak nejak zboznuji. Uplne nejvice jsou snad popularni fotky, ktere fotim v praci na toaletach. Nevim, proc zrovna tyhle fotografie tak frci, ale kdyz se vam to libi…tak proc ne? 

3. Klise objekty – Tak techto je spousta…muze to byt popularni knizka, makronky, jidlo, Vogue. Vsichni postuji jedno a to same. Jakmile dam na svuj instagram neco jineho, tak to lidi nezajima. Takze vlastne ten obsah tvorite vy ctenari. Bohuzel lidi bavi hlavne klise. Takze klicem k uspechu je prave postovat, to co ostatni. 

4. Luxusni Veci – Jestli se jedna o posledni kabelku,slunecni bryle nebo krasny hotel. Lide miluji luxusni a drahe veci. Tento typ fotografii ma vzdy velmi velky uspech. Blogeri doma aranzuji sve nejlepsi kabelky a boty jenom aby dosahli co nejvetsiho efektu. Za jednou fotkou se muze skryvat spousta prace. Jeste navic, pokud si za ni firma zaplati. 

5. Krasne zabery z dovolene – Fotka more a koktejlu vas vzdy dostane co? Vsimla jsem si, ze cokoli spojene se sluncem, cestovanim, panoramata hor ci Eiffelovka vas bavi pokazde a znova. Staci najit spravny uhel a idealne vyfotit v zaberu kavu ci jiny napoj a lide jasaji jako o zivot.

A tak to my blogeri mame. Aranzujeme jidlo, hledame spravny uhel, objekt jenom, aby nas instagram bavil a followeri byli spokojeni. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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How to take good outfits photographs on your blog?


Pictures are one of the key things when talking about blogging and to be more specific lifestyle and fashion blogging. I love great blogs with beautiful pictures and I am always trying to create the best myself.
It can be very difficult unless you have a multitalented friend or a pro photographer however I learnt few tricks myself. I am far away from a pro but if I have time I can produce good enough pictures for other people. It is harder to teach other people how to take good photos for me. LOL

I use Canon 5 D Mark II and it is a very good Canon body…not cheap but great. However you do not need to spend a fortune in order to take a good shot. And as for the lens I usually use Canon EF 50 mm. It is so cheap and takes amazing pictures.

So what are important things to take into consideration.

1.Daylight – Everybody knows that daylight is the best for any picture. You should avoid direct sun unless you know how to work your camera to your own benefits. And if your really have the time try to shoot at sunset or sunrise. That sun kissed skin will be pleasure for all readers’ eyes. 

2. Composition – The whole composition is important as it gives an outfit a character. It can really enhance the colours, the style, the material. You have to really feel this or look for inspiration and plan ahead. I do not really do this personally as I have no time. I am more kind of a last minute person to be snapped in the street. However if you have that luxury that you have time you can produce some great shots. 

3. Place – Place is very important as well as small details like bins behind you or things that can ruin the picture. If you do not have around photogenic area just look for something simple like a nice gate or even a brick wall. I personally love quiet street, beach, beige or white buildings and always take in consideration the contrast of the outfit. However, as I said I decide last minute.

4. Styling – Ok you are already wearing an outfit however make sure that the outfit looks good on camera and make last minute touches…e.g. scarf or no scarf or roll your sleeves up. These last minute changes can make the outfit.

5. Angles – Oh, this one is hard and you have to learn your angles and other people angles. Even the skinniest person can look big from a bad angle. You always need one full length shot, details and I like pictures in motion. They are hard to produces as it is hit and miss but just keep trying and at least one has to come out well.

6. Editing – I do not retouch much and I do small editing like cut the picture and if the light is good I sometimes use filters. Like in the main picture of this article. That shot was done on a very dark and rainy day so added a bit of filter to get softer outcome. I used online editor pixrl.

7. Add something extra – if I have enough time I always try something different like shoot with the sun directly to your camera as the sun is coming through behind the person. I feel it is nice to add pictures like that. You may not see the outfit that well but it gives a bit of character. And I like to take pictures of the area where I shoot and then incorporate it in the post. e.g. If I am shooting with Eiffel Tower in the background I do few separate pictures and include in the post. It just gives the post more energy or something.

These are really basic but really important tips for any blogger so hopefully you found something new to try. If you have any question feel free to ask.

Fotografie jsou v blogovani velmi dulezite, abych to upresnila v modnim a lifestylovem blogovani. Ja osobne miluju blogy, ktere nabizi k shlednuti uzasne fotografie a tak jsem se pomalu jako samouk naucila trochu co a jak. Nejsem zadny expert, ale kdyz mam dost casu a spravne misto tak myslim, ze umim lidi i obleceni hezky zachytit.

Ja sama fotim Canonem Mark II 5 D. Neni to uplne nejlevnejsi fotoaparat ,ale myslim, ze i s jinym fotakem se daji vykouzlit krasne fotografie. Vim to, protoze jsem mela drive mnohem levnejsi.

A co se tyce objektivu tak pouzivam tento. Je levny a foti skvele. Presne nejlepsi na zacatky blogovani.

1. Denni Svetlo – Kazdy vi, ze denni svetlo je na foceni nejlepsi. A uplne nejlepsi je zapad ci vychod slunce, ktere vam vytvori uzasny nadech pokozky. Jenze ne vzdy se nam postesti. Uprimne je peklo fotit v zime, protoze se hned stmiva bohuzel. Ale pokud mate tu moznost, tak vyuzijte denni svetlo co nejvice. Ja osobne se vyhybam ostremu slunci, ale nekdo i behem praveho poledne umi vykouzlit skvele fotky. No porad se ucim.

2. Kompozice – Kompozice je dulezita, ja osobne tohle moc neplanuju, ale pokud mate cas a pripravit si nejaky napad a inspiraci, tak urcite bude vysledek mnohem lepsi a bude stat za to. Diky spravne kompozici muzete vytvorit skvelou atmosferu fotek, zvyraznit barvy, materialy ci obleceni. Jenom to chce cas a trpelivost.

3. Misto- Tohle je velmi dulezite. Ja se vetsinou rozhodnu na posledni chvili tam kde stojim, ale pokud mate moznost, tak urcite promyslete, kde se chcete vyfotit. Pokud nevidite kolem sebe nic fotogenickeho tak se vzdy rozhlednete po dverich, cihlove stene ci nejake jine stene. Ja rada fotim na poloprazdne ulici, kdyz mam v pozadi bile domy a neutralni barvy. Treba v takovem Kensingtonu a Chelsea se mi foti vyborne a obleceni vzdy vynikne. Dejte si pozor na hloupe detaily jako kose v pozadi, papir na zemi nebo neco oskliveho, co vam muze dojem zkazit.

4. Styling – Obleceni uz na sobe mate, ale ujistete se, ze mate posledni styling dotazeny do konce. Prehodte si kabat pres ramena ci uvazte sal trochu jinak. Ja rada trosku povyhrnu rukavy, protoze to da obleceni smrnc.

5. Spravny Uhel – Tohle clovek musi videt a citit. Kazdy vi, ze spatny uhel muze pridat deset kilo uplne jednoduse. Nezapomente take nafotit detaily a vzdy alespon jednu fotku cele postavy. Ja osobne mam rada fotografie v pohybu, ale to je vylozene o stesti, ze se vam podari hezky zachytit.

6. Editovani – Ja fotky moc neopravuju, obcas je orezu ci pridam filtr. Na upravu pouzivam pixrl editor, ktery je zadarmo online. Tam upravuju vsechny fotografie. Vetsinou jde spise o filtr, kdyz treba pri foceni nebylo dobre svetlo, nebo upravuju rozmery originalni fotky. 

7. Pridejte neco extra – Tim mam na mysli dve veci. Nerada fotim jen klasicke fotky jak nekde blogerka stoji, ale kdyz mam cas tak se snazim zachytit par mene tradicnich fotek. Treba rada fotim se sluncem za zady, protoze vysledek je takovy prosluneny. Outfit neni moc videt, ale fotka ma charakter a je hezke ji do postu pak zamichat. A taky obcas fotim treba veci kolem a mezi outfit pridam jen okoli. Napr. kdyz budu fotit u Eiffelovky, tak do postu namixuju par fotek samotne Eiffelovky. Mam pocit, ze post ma potom lepsi stavu. 

Tohle jsou takove zakladni veci, ktere byste meli vedet. A pokud mate nejake otazky, tak rada odpovim. 

Love Glamazon 

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5 tips how to increase followers on your blog

Blogging can be hard and it can be fun as well. However if you are serious and you want to get to a certain level you have to constantly move forward. One of the very important things for a blogger that wants to achieve something with their blog is their fan base and following. This can be very tricky part and trust me it does not happen over night or even over a few months (unless you are an exception). One of the scariest moments for me is the amount of the blogs that actually exist. Just in the last years Cosmopolitan Blog Awards there were 47 000 entries. So the market is clearly saturated which makes it even harder to attract more followers.

There are definitely number of things you need to constantly do and focus on. There are ways how to increase your fan base.

1. Become your own PR – When I started blogging I was not really serious about it and was afraid to talk about it. I thought people would not understand or judge me. I also did not mention anything in my previous job. However, I opened a bit more in my current company and people actually support me. It is important to let people know as they will talk about it in their circles and your following will grow naturally by a word of mouth.

2. Engage with other bloggers – If you start your blog it is important to comment on other blogs and try to meet as many other bloggers as possible. I am not talking about cold and calculated comments that some bloggers do only to get attraction. I am talking about genuine interest in other bloggers and perhaps attending some bloggers meet up. You should meet as many new people as possible and always build new relationships. This takes time but trust me this investment will bring you more readers and engaged followers.

3. Pay for advertising – Not everybody in a blogging world supports this however I believe that advertising and marketing is important part of any business. Look at Coca Cola how much this giant business spends on advertising every year. Everybody knows Coca Cola but they still take marketing very seriously. It is then up to the customer if they buy it or not. If you pay for an advert on Facebook it is only other people’s choice if they like your page or not. You are only letting them know who you are and what your business is. Most of the current top bloggers have been paying adverts on Facebook anyway as they know their invested money will come back eventually.

4. Social Media and Apps –  Every blogger should use other social media to promote their blog. There are potential followers waiting for you on each of them and not everybody uses all of them. You may need to manage multiple of different Apps. This is part when I know I am always behind as I do not have enough time. I am very good with my instagram and twitter however there are so many other key blogger’s platforms you can use. Share your outfits on Asos Fashion Finder, Chictopia, Lookbook, Chicisimo and many others. I am now spending lot of time on pinterest as that is one App I truly enjoy. I wish I had time for all of them but try to have as many as possible.

5. Get an Agent – I cannot believe how many bloggers I met last year have their own agent. Some of them have PR agents that are helping them to grow their following and some of them have an agent to negotiate collaborations for their blogs. Obviously, this will cost you money as you either have to pay a flat fee or share certain percentage from every collaboration. It is a bit like in modelling. When I was younger and did few model jobs I remember how hard it was for me to see part of the money I earned in someone else’s pocket. So before you get an agent you really should think about it and make sure it is a right timing for you.

I hope any of these tips have been helpful and if you have something that you want to share and give more tips I would be happy to read about it.

Blogovani muze byt zabavne, ale i narocne. Hlavne pokud je vasim cilem neco blogem dokazat, at uz je to cokoli. Ale pokud je vasim cilem nedelat blog jenom pro zabavu, tak je dulezite neustale posouvat blog kupredu a s tim souvisi pocet ctenaru a fanousku. A prave tohle muze byt ta nejtezsi faze v blogovani, protoze narust fanousku se urcite neuskutecni za jeden den nebo dokonce i mesice (pokud nejste nejaka vyjimka). Kdyz jsem loni byla zarazena Britskym Cosmopolitanem mezi Top 10 ze 47 000 blogu, tak me to nejak zasahlo. Tech blogerek je proste neskutecne moc a trh je zasyceny. A proto je tak narocne ziskavat nove ctenare. 

A proto otevrene rikam, ze to neni jednoduche a nesmite se zkratka vzdavat. Za vsim stoji hodne usili a to co jde lehce vetsinou nestoji za to! 

Mam pro vas pet zakladnich tipu, ktere by vam mohli pomoci.

1. Budte svoje vlastni PR – Kdyz jsem zacala blogovat, tak jsem o svem blogu moc nemluvila. Nebrala jsem blogovani nejak vazne a prislo mi, ze to spousta lidi nebude chapat. V mem drivejsim zamestnani jsem taky radsi mlcela, ale pozdeji mi doslo, ze je hrozne dulezite o vasem blogu dat vedet. Jeden z nejefektivnejsich PR triku je prave slovo. Taky urcite date na doporuceni kamaradky, ktera vam basnila o nove restauraci. A s blogem je to podobne a proto pokud lide ve vasem okoli vi, ze blogujete a blog ctou, tak se urcite podeli dale se svym okoli. V mem dnesnim zamestnani cte muj blog spousta lidi a uz jenom to je nemaly pocet ctenaru. A pokud zmini vas blog ve svem okoli, tak pocet fanousku a ctenaru tak pomalu a jiste bude narustat. 

2. Komunikujte s blogery – Komunikace je dulezita obecne ve vsem, ale i v blogovani hodne pomaha. Na zacatku blogovani je dulezite dat o sobe vedet a napriklad i obcasne komentovani na blogu ostatnich muze pomoci. Nemam na mysli takove prazdne komenty, ktere jsou cilene zamerene jenom na nalakani ctenaru. Mam na mysli komenty, ktere davaji smysl a jsou uprimne. Mozna si prave diky nim najdete nove kamaradky. Muzete take usporada blogersky sraz, kde poznate nove lidi a treba diky nim se dozvi o vasem blogu vice lidi. 

3. Investujte penize do reklamy – Z doslechu vim, ze cesky blogersky trh docela dost odsuzuje placeni reklam na facebooku. Ja to az tak cerne nevidim, protoze i takova celosvetova znacka jako Coca Cola investuje rocne miliony do reklamy. Je velmi dulezite o sobe davat vedet, i kdyz mate na trhu vysoke postaveni. Pak uz je jenom rozhodnuti zakaznika, ve vasem pripade potencialniho ctenare, jestli na reklamu klikne ci ne. Reklamu si plati vetsina svetovych blogerek, protoze bez ni by bylo tezke dosahnout tak neskutecnych cisel. Kazda top blogerka asi vi, ze se ji tato financni investice nekolikrat vratila. 

4. Socialni media a aplikace – Pokud mate blog, tak je dulezite pouzivat na promo i socialni media jako twitter, instagram a facebook. Tyhle tri pouzivam nejvice pravidelne a momentalne se bavim kazdy den i na pinterestu, protoze me to zkratka bavi. Ale nemam tolik casu, abych se venovala uplne vsem. Pokud vam to cas dovoli, tak sdilejte vase outfity treba na Asos Fashion Finder, Lookbook, Chicisimo ci Chictopia nebo Pose. Podobnych aplikaci existuje opravdu moc a porad mi chodi nejake nabidky, ze nekdo zalozil neco podobneho. Bohuzel je to casove narocne. Pokud vam to ale cas dovoli, je to idealni zpusob, jak sdilet vas blog a ziskat tak vice fanousku. 

5. Poridte si agenta – Za posledni rok jsem potkala desitky blogerek, kterym blog vydelava a maji vlastniho agenta. Nektere maji agenta, kterym jim pomaha prave s PR a narustem fanousku a nektere maji agenta na vyjednavani novych kolaboraci. Ja jsem byla nekolikrat oslovena, ale zatim jsem pokazde odmitla. Necitim, ze ted je spravny cas a zatim vse hezky zvladam sama. Hodne me od tohoto odrazuje i financni stranka. Jedna z agentek, ktera me oslovila si treba bere 600 £ mesicne. Nebo muzete mit agenta stejnym zpusobem jako to funguje u modelingove agentury, ze si vas agent vezme urcite procento z dohozene kolaborace. Kdyz jsem byla mladsi a delala par vedlejsaku jako modelka, tak vim, jak to cloveka boli, kdyz se musi vzdat casti sveho honorare. A proto si to s tim agentem rozmyslete. Ja osobne citim, ze neni ten pravy cas a mozna az nekdy v budoucnu. 

Doufam, ze vam tento clanek prinesl nejake nove tipy nebo spise otevrel nove moznosti. A pokud mate nejake napady a tipy, co pomaha vam, urcite se podelte v komentarich.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Review of 2014

I do not need to think that much about this statement however I can say that 2014 was an amazing year. Lot of great things happened and I managed to travel enough to keep me happy and this blog reached another level. I have always been writing this blog for myself and perhaps some of my readers however Glamazon blog reached new milestones and gave me new sense why to blog. I  met lot of fantastic people, made new friends and collaborated with leading brands of fashion industry. I honestly have to pinch myself when another parcel with another amazing item lands at my door step or when I get another email from a brand I love. It is a dream come true. There have been lot of things and invitations I had to turn down as I just purely did not have time. However all this buzz is making me really happy and I want to say huge thank you for this year.

Glamazon Blog ended up second year in a row in the top 10 Czech Fashion blogs and although I could not attend the awards I am so grateful for all the readers that voted for me. However the biggest thing that took my breath away is that this blog was also voted among TOP 10 Best Established Fashion blogs in UK. I still cannot believe that the blog has been shortlisted and you honestly cannot imagine how happy this made me.

I went on an unforgettable press trip alongside some travel journalists to Marrakesh with Thomson Holidays and also travel to other places like Hamburg, Croatia, Rome, Ireland and Lake Como. Last London Fashion Week was the best ever and I could not believe all those amazing shows I was invited to including Topshop, Paul Costelloe, Bora Aksu, Christopher Raeburn and many many others. Everyday it feels so surreal that I got so many opportunities thanks to Glamazon Blog and you. The blog caught attention of different media and I was featured across different platforms and magazines including Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Fashion Chick and much more. I cooperated with brands like Burberry, Reiss, Lipsy, F&F, Pretty Little Thing, Figleaves, Gioia Milano, Antler, Deichmann, Ash Footwear, Daniel Wellington, Sunglasses Shop, Phase Eight, Aspinal of London, Dune, Topshop, Warehouse, Danile Footwear, Loccitane, Esprit, Llunaa, Shopbop, House of Fraser, Faux England, Amazon Fashion, Pandora, Littlewoods, Clarks, Triangl, Bershka, Toni & Guy, Electric Hair and many more…the list is almost endless. I also cooperated with some of the best hotels and restaurants and attended number of restaurant openings. Just to name a few … Rocco Forte Hotels, Champagne and Fromage, Rome Times Hotel, Frescobaldi Restaurant, Guoman Hotels, Kensington Quarter.  I was so lucky I met people like Michelle Keegan or Fearne Cotton and you are surrounded by people you normally see just in magazines or TV. I always appreciate when another invite lands in the post as these are events where you just cannot buy a ticket for and I feel very lucky to be able to be there. You are surrounded by other bloggers and top bloggers and it feels like a dream come true.

I hope that I can bring new things in 2015 and push this blog further and I hope you will keep coming as it would not be the same without you. I introduced my new guest blogger in 2014 who is a model and will be contributing with her post from the modelling work.  In 2015 I am planning to bring new things, make videos and do everything I can to keep you smile and bring as much inspiration as possible. So here we are and I hope that all dreams will come true for you and me in 2015.

Nemusim o tom dlouho premyslet, abych prohlasila, ze rok 2014 byl uzasny. To vite, ze se naskytne vzdy nejaky ten problem, ale ja jsem clovek takovy, ze se snazim soustredit na ty lepsi stranky. Co se tyce blogu tak se udalo tolik veci, ze se mi tomu nechce ani verit. Kdyz jsem blog zakladala a snad jeste i v roce 2013 by me nenapadlo, ze muze narust do takovych rozmeru. Samozrejme me nenapadlo, ze se Glamazon Blog posune na takovou uroven, ze budu zavalena darkama a budu mit nespocet nabidek a pozvanek. Pokazde kdyz dostanu dalsi uzasny email nebo mi prijde dalsi uzasny kousek, tak se mu musim stipnout a chvili premyslet, jestli se mi to jen zda. Chapejte, nejsem zadna Blond Salad, ale jsem nesmirne vdecna za dalsi zkusenosti a moznosti, ktere se mi nabizi. Obcas nastavaly situace, kdy jsem uz diky casu a praci musela nabidky odmitnout…treba takovy press trip od Mercedes Benz, ale pevne verim, ze se dalsi nabidky opet naskytnou a ze se blogu budu moci venovat co nejvice.

Je naprosto neskutecne, ze Glamazon Blog uz druhym rokem skoncil v Top 10 v Blogerce Roku a hlavne doted neverim, ze Britsky Cosmopolitan letos zaradil tento blog mezi deset nejlepsich modnich blogu v Britanii. Moc vsem dekuju za hlasy a jak vite tak bez vas ctenaru by tohle nikdy nebylo mozne.

Take jsem poprve jela na press trip a to s cestovni kancelari Thomson a navstivila Marakes, kde jsem predtim nikdy nebyla. Neustale potkavam nove a zajimave lidi a bezne na akcich potkavach Britske zname osobnosti..seznamila jsem se treba s hereckou Michelle Keegan, promovala kolekci Kardashians nebo se osobne potkala s moderatorkou Fearne Cotton…pokazdne kdyz jsem na akci obklopena lidma, ktere znam z novin a casopisu tak  dekuji za kazdy moment, ktery mi tento blog prinesl. A v neposledni rade musim podekovat vsem firmam za uzasne spoluprace… Burberry, Reiss, Lipsy, F&F, Pretty Little Thing, Figleaves, Gioia Milano, Antler, Deichmann, Ash Footwear, Daniel Wellington, Sunglasses Shop, Phase Eight, Aspinal of London, Dune, Topshop, Warehouse, Danile Footwear, Loccitane, Esprit, Llunaa, Shopbop, House of Fraser, Faux England, Triangl, Amazon Fashion, Pandora, Littlewoods, Clarks, Toni & Guy, Electric Hair, Bershka a mohla bych pokracovat. Mela jsem moznost spolupracovat s hotely a navstivit a zrecenzovat mista jako… Rocco Forte Hotels, Champagne and Fromage, Rome Times Hotel, Frescobaldi Restaurant, Guoman Hotels ci Kensington Quarter. Rekla bych, ze v roce 2014 se zacal blog ubirat vice do lifestyle, ale to mi vubec nevadi, protoze to odrazi moji osobnost a doufam, ze i v roce 2015 se Glamazon Blog bude neustale vyvijet. V roce 2014 jsem vam predstavila modelku a kamaradku Kristynku, ktera bude obcas na blogu prispivat. V roce 2015 bych rada zacala delat videa a obsah blogu zlepsovat. 

Hlavne vam chci vsem podekovat za podporu a to, ze se sem vracite. Doufam, ze se nam vsem v tom Novem Roce splni vsechny sny a ze rok 2015 bude jeste lepsi nez ten posledni.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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