Category Archives: Health and Fitness

Insanity Workout Update

Well after you requested an update  how am I getting on with my new health and workout regime I decided to write a post about it and maybe there will be one to follow few weeks later. For those who have not read about my changes you can catch up here.

Let’s start with the drinks and food. I have been very good with limiting diet coke and I keep it very often for weekend only and I went from two a day (I know shocking) to probably two a week. The next thing is cutting down on bread. I had few occassions when I had a bit but it was not definitely in the evening. I would probably say I managed to limit bread to once a week and I take it as a treat. Moving on to drinking alcohol. You know I am more wine and champagne girl. It can be very hard especially when you go out however I can say I had only two drinks each week which I think is very good. As I always say cut it down but no need to cut it out completely.

I have been drinking tiny tea by your tea and I really like it. I am not sure it helped me to lose much weight but I feel really good after drinking it. I also add lot of green tea and other teas like detox and similar.

Let’s move to crazy Insanity Workout. I am now on day second of week four and that has been the biggest challenge. Prepare yourself it is very hard and very challenging. I mean Jillian Michaels is paradise with big P. The videos are actually longer than I read in reviews and I was told that the second month gets worse. I must admit I definitely take more breaks than the trainer and one massive problem occured towards the end of week three and I had to skip two days. My knee joints. I swear I almost cried walking up or down the stairs. Now I do suffer from bad joints but have not experienced this for a while. However I started week four now after having a bit of rest and getting some joints vitamins and also some gels to rub in. I also started to do this workout in trainers that give me good support. It is definitely good advice for anybody with similar problem. Now the last question is if I see any difference. Yes I do the answer is. My legs toned up the most and I now want to see improvment on my stomach. I hope it will come but it is my most difficult body part so that will probably shape as last.

I hope this help and let me know if you have any questions. And if you want recipe for the smoothie on the picture do let me know. It was delicious.

Jak jste si prali, rozhodla jsem napsat clanek o tom jak pokracuju v novem cvicebnim a taky stravovacim rezimu. Ti kdo necetli o tom co mam v planu si muzou precist o mych zmenach v tomto clanku.

Zacnu asi u jidla. Podarilo se mi hodne omezit lehkou Colu a z mych klasicky dvou denne (strasne ja vim) jsem presla na dve tydne a myslim, ze si pomalu zvykam. Dalsim rozhodnutim bylo vyradit chleba, obcas si dam, ale to tak jednou tydne a beru to jako takovou odmenu. Taky jsem se rozhodla omezit alkohol. Jak vite mam rada spise sampanske a dobre vino a kazdy tyden po dobu tech tri poslednich jsem vypila asi dve sklenicky za cely tyden. Jak rikam porad nekdy staci veci omezit a nemusi se uplne vypoustet.

Prvni dva tydny jsem take pila tiny tea by your tea a i kdyz nedokazu rici, zda jsem po nem zhubla, tak muzu priznat, ze se po nem citim dobre. Pitny rezim doplnuju take ruznyma bylinkovyma cajema a taky zelenym cajem.

A ted neco malo o samem Insanity Workout. Pripravte se, ze je to fakt zahul. Jillian Michaels je prochazka ruzovym sadem. Videa jsou delsi a jsou sestrak tydne a jeden den volna. Je to opravdu narocne na dychani a prvni dva tydny jsem mela po prvnich patnacti minutach promocene tricko. Hlavne se priznam, ze prvni tyden jsem je nedokazala ani poradne docvicit. Nejvetsi problem u me teda nastal diky kloubum a to koncem tretiho tydne, takze jsem musela bohuzel dva dny vynechat. Nakoupila jsem si kloubni vitaminy a masticky na tento problem a vcera zacala ctvrty tyden. Brala jsem to zlehka, protoze jedno koleno jeste porad boli. Pokud mate tento samy problem tak urcite cvicte v teniskach s dobrou podporou pro nohy, protoze je v celem cviceni hodne skoku a drepu apod a tim klouby urcite trpi.

Muzu ale rict, ze Insanity opravdu zabira. Nejvice teda vidim zmeny na nohou, krasne se tvaruji. Uz se tesim az se dostane efekt i na bricho, protoze to je moje problematicka partie.

Doufam, ze jsem pomohla a pokud mate nejake dotazy, tak vam rada odpovim. A pokud chcete recept na tu smoothie na obrazku, tak dejte vedet. Byla vyborna.

Love Glamazon xoxo


New Health and Workout Regime

I got a big wake up call after my holidays. I mean I cannot even publish my pictures in the bikini. And also it made me realize watching people around me on the beach how much we let slip things. In another words there were pretty much no people with toned healthy body. I do not need to be super fit and look like a rock however I want to shed few pounds and look more toned.
As you know I am not a big fan of extremes diets or even exercise. I support balanced diet when you can eat everything but in moderation and regulary moving your body. Whether it is just walking to work or up the stairs.
So what is my plan now:

1. I started that crazy Insanity Workout and I just finished first week. It is hard…I mean very HARD. I think it is the hardest DVD I have ever tried. Sorry Cindy and Jillian!
2. I started to drink tiny team by yourtea to clean my body after holidays. Not sure how much this can help me to lose weight but I feel good since I started to drink it.
3. Less Wine! I am a bit wine and champagne lover. Coming from a family with wineyards and growing up surrounded by good wine it is very hard. However, I am trying to limit this to minimum. Last week I had two glasses of red at the weekend.
4. Less bread. Now this is very hard for me because of my lifestyle. Basically due to full time job and blogging I am a very busy person. So If I have an event in the evening I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to do Insanity workout (oh man twice last week but I did it). And then every morning before I leave work I do something regarding blogging – sharing on social media and other things. So I have no time to prepare breakfast and local cafes offer all the time something with bread. I usually end up having something like salmon bagel. Well, I will try to do my best.

So lets try this. 4 Changes that I hope will deliver results. I think I will become Insane. LOL.

Po dovolene jsem mela trosku sok. To co jsem zhubla diky diete 5/2 mi prislo temer vse zpatky (no jo kdyz se clovek na dovolene prejida jako ja…neni se cemu divit). A hlavne jak jsem tak koukala na lidi na plazi, tak jsem si uvedomila, ze tam neni ani desetina lidi, na ktere muzu ukazat prstem, ze pravidelne cvici a staraji se o sebe. Vsude kolem povolene svalstvo a tak jsem si rikala, ze na sobe musim trosku vice maknout. At jsem priste v te jedne desetine.

Jak vite neuznavam nejake drasticke diety, spise je to o vyvazenosti. Jsem zastance, ze lidi maji jist vsechno, ale v mensi mire. Hlavne se o sobe starat a premyslet o tom, co jime a pijeme a taky jak se hybeme. Nekdy staci par delsich prochazek denne a je to. Ale pokud chce clovek trosku zhubnout a pritom vycvicit telo, je asi treba vice.

Takze muj novy plan je tento:

1. Mam za sebou prvni tyden Insanity Workout a je to opravdu silene. Druhy den jsem malem vypustila dusi a priznavam se, ze si delam urcite vice prestavek nez cvicitel radi, ale snad se mi fitness uroven pomalu bude zvysovat.

2. Po dovolene jsem mela pocit, ze potrebuju nejaky caj na procisteni. Vybrala jsem si Tiny Tea Teatox na dva tydny od Your tea. Nevim, zda se po nem hubne, ale kazdopadne se citim po prvni tydnu dobre.

3. Mene Vina. No jako milovnice vina a sampanskeho je tohle tezke. Vzhledem k tomu, ze vam tady na kazde akci spojene s blogovanim podavaji sklenku sampanskeho uz u dveri. Navic pochazim z Moravske vinarske rodiny a to mi taky nepomaha. Ale budu se snazit. Minuly tyden jsem mela o vikendu dve sklenky cerveneho vina. Jak rikam vseho s mirou.

4. Mene Chleba. Tohle mi prijde asi nejtezsi. Musim to trosku vysvetlit. Nemam totiz cas. Kdyz vim, ze vecer mam nejakou modni akci, coz je i nekolikrat tydne, tak musim vstat v 5:30 rano si zacvicit. Pak hned po tom samozrejme sprcha a pak si nechavam tak dvacet minut na blogovani, social media atd a hned odchazim do prace. Takze mi nezbyva nic jineho nez si koupit snidani v nejake kavarne. A to je vetsinou vzdy neco s chlebem. Asi si reknete, proc si nedam ovoce a jogurt. Ale ja proste sladke snidane moc nemusim. 80 % mych snidani je slanych. LOL.

Doufam, ze tyhle zmeny konecne zaberou. Je to neustaly boj co?

Mejte se krasne a dejte vedet vase tipy?

Love Glamazon xoxo