I do not need to think that much about this statement however I can say that 2014 was an amazing year. Lot of great things happened and I managed to travel enough to keep me happy and this blog reached another level. I have always been writing this blog for myself and perhaps some of my readers however Glamazon blog reached new milestones and gave me new sense why to blog. I met lot of fantastic people, made new friends and collaborated with leading brands of fashion industry. I honestly have to pinch myself when another parcel with another amazing item lands at my door step or when I get another email from a brand I love. It is a dream come true. There have been lot of things and invitations I had to turn down as I just purely did not have time. However all this buzz is making me really happy and I want to say huge thank you for this year.
Glamazon Blog ended up second year in a row in the top 10 Czech Fashion blogs and although I could not attend the awards I am so grateful for all the readers that voted for me. However the biggest thing that took my breath away is that this blog was also voted among TOP 10 Best Established Fashion blogs in UK. I still cannot believe that the blog has been shortlisted and you honestly cannot imagine how happy this made me.
I went on an unforgettable press trip alongside some travel journalists to Marrakesh with Thomson Holidays and also travel to other places like Hamburg, Croatia, Rome, Ireland and Lake Como. Last London Fashion Week was the best ever and I could not believe all those amazing shows I was invited to including Topshop, Paul Costelloe, Bora Aksu, Christopher Raeburn and many many others. Everyday it feels so surreal that I got so many opportunities thanks to Glamazon Blog and you. The blog caught attention of different media and I was featured across different platforms and magazines including Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Fashion Chick and much more. I cooperated with brands like Burberry, Reiss, Lipsy, F&F, Pretty Little Thing, Figleaves, Gioia Milano, Antler, Deichmann, Ash Footwear, Daniel Wellington, Sunglasses Shop, Phase Eight, Aspinal of London, Dune, Topshop, Warehouse, Danile Footwear, Loccitane, Esprit, Llunaa, Shopbop, House of Fraser, Faux England, Amazon Fashion, Pandora, Littlewoods, Clarks, Triangl, Bershka, Toni & Guy, Electric Hair and many more…the list is almost endless. I also cooperated with some of the best hotels and restaurants and attended number of restaurant openings. Just to name a few … Rocco Forte Hotels, Champagne and Fromage, Rome Times Hotel, Frescobaldi Restaurant, Guoman Hotels, Kensington Quarter. I was so lucky I met people like Michelle Keegan or Fearne Cotton and you are surrounded by people you normally see just in magazines or TV. I always appreciate when another invite lands in the post as these are events where you just cannot buy a ticket for and I feel very lucky to be able to be there. You are surrounded by other bloggers and top bloggers and it feels like a dream come true.
I hope that I can bring new things in 2015 and push this blog further and I hope you will keep coming as it would not be the same without you. I introduced my new guest blogger in 2014 who is a model and will be contributing with her post from the modelling work. In 2015 I am planning to bring new things, make videos and do everything I can to keep you smile and bring as much inspiration as possible. So here we are and I hope that all dreams will come true for you and me in 2015.
Nemusim o tom dlouho premyslet, abych prohlasila, ze rok 2014 byl uzasny. To vite, ze se naskytne vzdy nejaky ten problem, ale ja jsem clovek takovy, ze se snazim soustredit na ty lepsi stranky. Co se tyce blogu tak se udalo tolik veci, ze se mi tomu nechce ani verit. Kdyz jsem blog zakladala a snad jeste i v roce 2013 by me nenapadlo, ze muze narust do takovych rozmeru. Samozrejme me nenapadlo, ze se Glamazon Blog posune na takovou uroven, ze budu zavalena darkama a budu mit nespocet nabidek a pozvanek. Pokazde kdyz dostanu dalsi uzasny email nebo mi prijde dalsi uzasny kousek, tak se mu musim stipnout a chvili premyslet, jestli se mi to jen zda. Chapejte, nejsem zadna Blond Salad, ale jsem nesmirne vdecna za dalsi zkusenosti a moznosti, ktere se mi nabizi. Obcas nastavaly situace, kdy jsem uz diky casu a praci musela nabidky odmitnout…treba takovy press trip od Mercedes Benz, ale pevne verim, ze se dalsi nabidky opet naskytnou a ze se blogu budu moci venovat co nejvice.
Je naprosto neskutecne, ze Glamazon Blog uz druhym rokem skoncil v Top 10 v Blogerce Roku a hlavne doted neverim, ze Britsky Cosmopolitan letos zaradil tento blog mezi deset nejlepsich modnich blogu v Britanii. Moc vsem dekuju za hlasy a jak vite tak bez vas ctenaru by tohle nikdy nebylo mozne.
Take jsem poprve jela na press trip a to s cestovni kancelari Thomson a navstivila Marakes, kde jsem predtim nikdy nebyla. Neustale potkavam nove a zajimave lidi a bezne na akcich potkavach Britske zname osobnosti..seznamila jsem se treba s hereckou Michelle Keegan, promovala kolekci Kardashians nebo se osobne potkala s moderatorkou Fearne Cotton…pokazdne kdyz jsem na akci obklopena lidma, ktere znam z novin a casopisu tak dekuji za kazdy moment, ktery mi tento blog prinesl. A v neposledni rade musim podekovat vsem firmam za uzasne spoluprace… Burberry, Reiss, Lipsy, F&F, Pretty Little Thing, Figleaves, Gioia Milano, Antler, Deichmann, Ash Footwear, Daniel Wellington, Sunglasses Shop, Phase Eight, Aspinal of London, Dune, Topshop, Warehouse, Danile Footwear, Loccitane, Esprit, Llunaa, Shopbop, House of Fraser, Faux England, Triangl, Amazon Fashion, Pandora, Littlewoods, Clarks, Toni & Guy, Electric Hair, Bershka a mohla bych pokracovat. Mela jsem moznost spolupracovat s hotely a navstivit a zrecenzovat mista jako… Rocco Forte Hotels, Champagne and Fromage, Rome Times Hotel, Frescobaldi Restaurant, Guoman Hotels ci Kensington Quarter. Rekla bych, ze v roce 2014 se zacal blog ubirat vice do lifestyle, ale to mi vubec nevadi, protoze to odrazi moji osobnost a doufam, ze i v roce 2015 se Glamazon Blog bude neustale vyvijet. V roce 2014 jsem vam predstavila modelku a kamaradku Kristynku, ktera bude obcas na blogu prispivat. V roce 2015 bych rada zacala delat videa a obsah blogu zlepsovat.
Hlavne vam chci vsem podekovat za podporu a to, ze se sem vracite. Doufam, ze se nam vsem v tom Novem Roce splni vsechny sny a ze rok 2015 bude jeste lepsi nez ten posledni.
Love Glamazon xoxo
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