There is no proper Christmas without a Christmas market. On Sunday I put on my gorgeous shearling Jacket and my Balenciaga and headed over to Herne Hill which is not far away from where I live. Yes, it may not be the biggest market however I went to check my boyfriend’s stall. Some of you may know that my boyfriend and his friends are running a brewery in London – London Beer Lab and they decided to open a stall alongside all other cheese, punch and food stalls at Herne Hill Christmas market.
The atmosphere was fantastic and it really felt like Christmas. Such a wonderful time of the year. I hope you are all ready and excited at least as I am.
To by nebyly poradne Vanoce bez Vanocnich trhu. V Nedeli jsem se oblekla do me oblibene a teploucke bundy a vydala se do Herne Hill, ktery neni daleko od meho bytu. Tento Vanocni trh neni urcite nejvetsi, ale rozhodla jsem se tam jit podivat, jelikoz muj pritel, ktery ma svuj pivovar si s kamarady otevrel stanek. A tak jsem se rozhodla vam nafotit par fotek, protoze vsechno vypadalo tak krasne a lakave…od domaciho peciva, pres zeleninu, vanocni ozdoby ci vyborne syry.
Prestoze trh byl malicky, tak mel krasnou Vanocni atmosferu a nevedela jsem kam koukat prvni. Doufam, ze uz se vsichni tesite alespon tak jako ja.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Hezké fotky a tobě to moc sluší na té první fotce!
Bozi fotky, super atmoska :)
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