Czech Fashion Blogger of the Year 2014


My dearest readers I feel like jumping as I was nominated again for the Best Established Fashion Blog in Czech Republic. And this time second year in a row. I would love if you can support me with your votes. You can do so here.

It will be harder for my foreign readers as it is in Czech. If you go here and click on the red Icon saying Hlasovat you need to fill the first line with your full name, second with your email adress and third with mobile number. Unfortunately the English numbers do not fit there so just drop the zero at the start and last digit and it will work. You will then get an email where you need to click on the words saying Tento Odkaz to confirm the vote. It may be difficult but thanks everybody for the support.

Vubec se mi nechce verit, ze uz je to rok od prvniho rocniku Blogerka Roka. Ja jsem loni skoncila na krasnem sedmem miste a letos jste me opet nominovali v kategorii Fashion. Jsem strasne rada a asi stejne rada jako za Britske Top 10 v Cosmpopolitan Bloggers Award. Nechce se mi ani verit, ze mam tolik podpory jak v Cesku tak v Britanii. Rada bych vas chtela poprosit o hlasy. Svymi hlasy me muzete podporit tady.

Zajima me, kdo by to podle vas mel vyhrat? Ja mam svuj tip, ale ten vam prozradim az budou vysledky vyhlaseny na oficialnim veceru venovane blogerkam.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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