Get the look….Giovanna Battaglia

The other day my friend said she saw Giovanna staying in the same hotel where she was and I thought I should do inspirational post of her fashion style. I picked similar pieces to create this outfit and you can buy them on various online shops. The combination of grey trousers and polo neck really does create an amazing outfit.
Minuly tyden mi kamaradka rikala, ze videla Giovannu ve stejnym hotelu, kde byla ubytovana. Tak jsem si rekla, proc nevyuzit jeji styl k dalsimu inspiracnimu postu. Vsechny tyhle obdobne kusy jsou k dostani na ruznych online obchodech. Myslim, ze kombinace sede a zlate pusobi skvele a je nestarnouci a sik klasikou.
Buy: Shoes here, Trousers here, Necklace here, Clutch here, shades here, Polo Neck here  and Burberry belt here.

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