Photos by Lucy
Wearing: Sandro Dress, Valentino Bag and Shoes, Oasis Jacket
So it happened. Another year and another birthday girls night out (crashed unexpectedly by some boys but it does not count as one of them is my friend’s Christina new hubby and he cannot be without her even a second). Also you have to let a guy wearing fab pair of Gucci loafers to sit with us right? I never say no to stylish people!
What a night honestly. We started a bit slowly and then once the champagne was served we got a bit wilder. However that happens at parties like this. Dirty Martini at Covent garden was packed but that did not stop us from having the best time. If our table would not be covered with food I would have swapped it for a dance floor. Yes I am not in my 20’s anymore but still a teenager inside.
I also had an opportunity to wear my new Valentino shoes and now I want another pair. How often can you find super comfortable and stylish pair of shoes? So black pair is already on another wish list.
I wish you guys successful week and sending you lots of love.
A tak jsem zase o rok starsi a mam za sebou dalsi suprovou oslavu narozenin. Jako kazdy rok jsem usporadala oslavu pouze s holkama i kdyz tentokrat se nam neplanovane vplizili na party i nejaci ti panove (nekteri manzele proste nedokazou bez tech svych zenskych byt a hlavne, kdyz je to zrovna cerstva laska, ze jo). Ale tak kdyz maji na sobe skvele nove Gucci boty, tak jsem si rekla proc ne. Alespon bylo u stolu vice stylu.
Konecne jsem mela moznost si dat nove Valentino boty a jsem nadsena. Tolik pohodli jsem od nich necekala a hrozim se toho, ze ted uz je budu chtit jeste v cerne barve. Zase dalsi kousek na mem wish listu.
Vecer byl opravdu plny zabavy a pokud me sledujete na snapchatu, tak jste se asi bavili nad nasi rozjarenou cestou taxikem domu. No bublinky a koktejly dohromady vam obcas zatemni mozek. LOL
Mejte se krasne a preji vsem uspesny tyden.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Can’t stop staring at your shoes.
Liv me neither hehe x
So beautiful!
Thank you Kris x
Love the color of your bag and heels!
Thank you x
men by sa páčili v telovej, aj keď na začiatku sa mi takmer vôbec nepáčili, na tebe vyzerajú skvele a oceňujem aj výber laku;)
Dekuju x
That dress is just gorgeous, Eva. I love the mesh detailing on the chest. And those shoes really are incredible! x
Thank you Gareth x
Fantastic look!! Love your shoes and black dress:)