Wearing: Swimsuit: Figleaves, Earrings: Celeste Starre, Sunglasses: Celine
I am sitting on my sofa and still wearing my pyjamas and thinking how to name this article. The truth is after seeing the swimsuit pictures from my holidays I saw the reality of my body and I know the best way is to accept it and love it with my full heart.
This can be difficult sometimes as we are surrounded by the best images of others on social media, you may also have friends with great genetics, resources, time or that are younger and they are fitter than you from different reasons. My best friend though always tells me that we definitely look better than 95 % of people on this planet and she may be right. Other people may be dreaming about your body or state of your skin, level of cellulite and size. And some maybe even wishing to have fully functional and healthy body if you see where I am coming from.
Originally, I wanted this to be about my journey during lockdown when I pushed myself and did a full course of insanity workout and diet and pretty much everyday did dry body brushing with oil massage after. I wanted to test myself for sure if it all actually works. I lost weight but I am not where I thought I would be…having said that I look better. I am just thinking imagine how much models or stars have to work out if even after all this hard work I am not super tight and smooth?
I have serious respect for everybody that can transform their body to J Lo or supermodel level as it must be bloody hard work. Back to my questions does dry body brushing work? Not for me sadly….I have been inspecting this closely and did lot of reading about this and found an interesting article that said you would need to brush yourself very tough (almost bleeding they stated) in order to awake your lymphatic system like that so maybe there is a truth to this. What I have tried second time and I can swear on it is Insanity workout. It does help cellulite a lot. I still have huge amount of it but it was much worse. And if you are trying to first lose weight I can say The fine diet, Keto diet both work effectively. I am amazed myself.
I would say my last comment is to stay on track. If you want to feel and look good and you have had success just keep trying out new things. The more I am looking into it I need to start to introduce weight training to my routine to tone the lose skin and sculpt your muscles.
However, no matter what you have to start to love your body as it all begins with that. You could lose 10 Kgs or have a boob job but if you do not love yourself it will not change much. That is something we need to take in account.
Sedim na pohovce a jsem jeste rozcuchana a v pyzamu a premyslela jsem delsi dobu jak nazvat tento clanek. Po tom co jsem prosla fotografie v plavkach z nasi dovolene jsem videla realitu sveho tela. A uvedomila jsem si, ze proste sve telo je nejlepsi milovat tak jak je. Milovat se bezpodminecne a prijmout vsechny nedostatky jako celulitida.
To muze byt obcas tezke a to hlavne v dnesni dobe, kdy na nas vyskakuji dokolane fotografie ze socialnich medii a vetsina lidi ukazuje tu nejlepsi cast sebe. Nebo take mozna jako ja mate kamaradky, ktere maji zkratka lepsi telo. Muze to byt danou genetikou, maji na sebe vice casu, maji vice penez na ruzne procedury ci stavi sve telo a to jak vypada na nejvyssi pricku svych priorit a vzdy na sobe pracuji. At uz je to tak ci tak, je treba si uvedomit, ze mnoho lidi by ted s vama klidne menilo. Mnoho lidi si treba preje plne funkcni a zdrave telo a neco jako povolena kuze je jim u pr….! Jedna moje kamaradka mi vzdy rekne, ze stejne vypadame lepe nez 95 % lidi na teto planete a ma asi pravdu.
Jak mozna vite z mych socialnich medii, tak jsem behem izolace zacala trosku vic makat. Ja jsme se vzdy hybala a starala o sebe, ale opet jsem zacala s treninkem Insanity, ktery zabral jiz drive a nasadila poprve keto dietu. Navic jsem pridala kazdodenni masirovani celulitidy kartacem na sucho a po cviceni a sprse osetrovala kuzi olejem. Puvodne jsem chtela venovat clanek pouze vysledkum, ale nastala takova smrst myslenek, ktere jsem vam chtela sdelit.
Jak to vsechno dopadlo asi vidite a vite z mych predchozich postu. Prvni veci je, ze jsem urcite zhubla, ale nejsem zdaleka tam, kde jsem si to cele predstavovala. A diky tomu me napadlo, ze nekteri lide musi opravdu makat jako blazni. A tem opravdu rikam klobouk dolu. Predstava jak musi makat top modelka ci J Lo je docela masakr. Insanity je velmi intenzivni cviceni a v kombinaci s masazi a dietou by mel byt vysledek mnohem lepsi, ale neni. Presto jsem rada, ze jsem se do vseho pustila. Je mi mnohem lepe, obleceni sedi lepe a diky Insanity se dokonce i zlepsila celulitida. Mam ji az az, ale bylo to mnohem horsi. Take jsem zjistila, ze masirovani kartacem na ni v mem pripade nezabira bohuzel. No a keto dieta je zaruceny a efektivni zpusob jak zatocit s kily navic. Tvarovani postavy je uz dalsi vec a to je neco na cem budu muset asi pracovat.
Procitala jsem spoustu clanku a informaci a jak to tak vypada s pribyvajicim vekem je treba pridat cviceni s cinkou a zavazim, aby se zpevnovala volna kuze a celkove se zpevnilo cele telo. Pilates je take dobra volba pro celkove zpevneni.
Ale stejne je treba zacit s tim, ze sve telo mate radi takove jak je. Nepomuzeme vam ani o deset kilo mene ci nova prsa. Vsechno to zacina u vas v srdci. Na tom si musi zapracovat kazdy z nas.