Lace Details Forever

Hey Darlings,
Did you miss me? I am back from a quick weekend in Czech Republic and as always I did not want to bring too many things. One of the things I always think of is how to combine things and I tend to pack simple things and timeless things. Like this Armani Exchange dress I bought ages ago in New York and still love it. As you can see all it needs is a bit of dress down styling for a day. So I added a grey cardigan from Zara and this gorgeous leather jacket :)
Chybela jsem vam? A nelzete :DDD Jsem zpatky v Londyne a jako vzdy jsem si na kratky pobyt v CR nechtela brat moc veci. Resim to vzdy tak, ze si beru jednoduse kombinovatelene kousky. Jako treba tyhle Armani Exchange saty s krajkou. Koupila jsem je pred par lety v New Yorku a libi se mi porad stejne. Opravdu nadcasovy kousek a jak vidite staci jednoduchy styling a hodi se i na bezne noseni. Jednoduchy svetrik ze Zary a klasicka kozena bunda z nich udelaji obycejne saty. A jindy staci krasne boty a pekny pasek a jsou z nich skvele saty na vecer :)
A jaky mate kousek v satniku vy, ktery vas nezklame pri zadne prilezitosti?
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Muubaa Leather Jacket, Balenciaga Bag, Armani Exchange Dress, Zara Cardigan, Rayban Sunglasses

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