Wearing: Lucy Choi Boots, F&F jeans, Lavish Alice Coat, Dior Sunglasses and Chanel Bag
Nothing beats travelling with friends and especially if your friend is a fashion blogger so you can share clothes. I was so happy that Atosa brought this statement faux fur coat to Paris as it was perfect catchy item for Fashion Week. It was hard in general as I did not know what to expect when going to Paris for fashion week. One of my dresses had broken zip and the style is so different to London. I will definitely be more prepared for next season. LOL
Neni nic lepsiho nez cestovani s kamaradkou a jeste k tomu, kdyz je to modni blogerka, protoze si muzete pujcovat veci, kdyz vam dojdou zasoby. Byla jsem hrozne rada, ze Atosa si vzala sebou do Parize tento vyrazny kozisek, protoze az mi dosla inspirace, tak jsem pekne zavitala do jejiho kufru. A prave na fashion week potrebuje clovek vyrazne veci. Vubec jsem mela trochu satnikovou krizi, protoze jedny saty mely pokazeny zip a vubec Parizsky fashion week je zkratka uplne jiny, co se tyce mody. Myslim, ze priste si to naplanuju zcela jinak a vezmu si snad dva kufry. LOL
Love Glamazon xoxo

That coat is amazing, I love it!!
|| D I A N A ||
Thank u x
That coat is just amazing.
Thank u Izabela x
wow, tak tohle je absolutní pecka!! <3333
Dekuju x
Bozi look!
Dekuju x
love this! You have a great blog! The pictures look great too!