London Fashion Week…Part 5

Hey Darlings,Yes, there are still more pictures and there will be more. It is impossible if you spend few days at LFW not to have so much. I cannot believe I actually saw Tiffany Hsu, she is just adorable and this black and white jumper with a fur boa is super cute. I am sure you can also spot here Polish blogger Alice. 
Well, Fashion Week always brings a lot of fun and inspiration. I am definitely getting excited about Fashion Weekend on Saturday. Watch out as more pictures will come.

Thank you for reading.

Ano, dalsi fotografie z tydne mody a bude jich vice. Je to skoro nemozne, kdyz stravite nekolik dni na tydnu mody, abyste nefotili. A taky nemuzu verit, ze jsem potkala Tiffany Hsu, je proste skvela. A tento cernobily outfit s kozesinovym boa je skutecne povedeny. Urcite poznavate i Polskou blogerku Alice. Tohle me na tom taky bavi, potkate blogery a lidi, ktere mate pocit, ze znate velmi dobre, ale opak je pravdou. Moje poznani je, ze vetsina svetovych blogerek je mensi, nez jsem cekala a taky hubenejsi. (Proc jenom ty fotky pridavaji par kilo navic).
Tyhle dny jsou zkratka vzdy nabite modou a davaji mi tunu inspirace. Uz se tesim na Sobotu, kdy budu na Fashion Weekendu blogovat pro Canon. Teste se na dalsi fotografie.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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