Lockdown has started in UK and I am still loving life. Yes, you read that correctly. Do I miss seeing my friends? Yes I do but I am trying to take the most out of the whole situation. I workout, I cook, I watch TV (you have to watch the Undoing with Nicole Kidman.. soooo good), I meditate, I learn languages on Duolingo, I enjoy walks with my son and so much more.
You are looking at images I took a day before lockdown. I drove down to one of my favourite locations to shoot this amazing dress from Fresha London. I am also wearing the waistcoat from my last post which has been shared on The Nines and I simply love it. It is such a versatile piece that helps you to create endless amount of fabulous looks.
I hope you are also loving life wherever you are as that is that one thing we must do right now. Enjoy the little things to get through these strange times.
Lockdown zacal v Anglii pred par dny, ale to me nezastavuje v tom, abych si uzivala zivota. Samozrejme mi chybi pratele, ale snazim si uzivat vseho, co mi v techto chvilich zivot nabizi. Cvicim, varim, chodim na prochazky, medituju, ucim se jazyky a oprasuju jazykove znalosti s aplikaci Duolingo, medituju, ctu a koukam na TV. Mimochodem koukate na The Undoing s Nicole Kidman? Je to totiz pecka.
Tyhle fotografie jsem poridila posledni den pred lockdownem a zajela si na jedno sve oblibene misto, abych nafotila tyhle krasne saty od Fresha London . Na sobe mam take vestu z posledniho clanku a tento look nasdilela skvela stranka The Nines. Je to kousek, ktery se v satniku neztrati. Daji se s nim kouzlit skvele outfity a jsem rada, ze jsem ho ulovila. Online byla vesta totiz vyprodana, ale uplne nahodne jsem narazila na mou velikost primo v obchode.
Ja doufam, ze si take uzivate zivota, at uz jste kdekoli. Uzivat si kazdodeni radosti je to co je treba v teto zvlastni dobe.

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