Dear bloggers,
I decided to do one post about people at the show, atmosphere and vibe. It was absolutely amazing experience. When I arrived there was bunch of the most stylish people I have ever seen at one place at the gates of British Museum where the show was taken place. The security were checking invitations and did not look very welcoming. It was dark and I was alone so it was not really the easiest to take some pictures. Anyway after they let us in it took another hour for the show to start so I guess it is right that the shows always start later than they should:)
I was soaking the atmosphere, watching people and chatting to people as well. When all of a sudden all the photographers went mad and started to take pictures of Pippa Middleton. Yes, she was the main star of the show but I saw people that I adore much more. The front row was full of proper fashionistas like Julia Restoin-Roitfield and she looked amazing in her black dress, then gorgeous Poppy Delevigne in the nicest sparkly dress ever. She basically looked like a fairy and the petite body frame, just stunning. So was Laura Bailey.
Another popular celebrity was Peaches Geldof in stunning red dress, showing of all her tattoos. And I should not forget actress Rosaria Dawson wearing red lace dress. They all were surrounded by press and flashes from the cameras.
When I was leaving the show I have noticed also two girls from the final 2011 competition of Britain and Ireland’s next top model (funny enough it was only last week when they won the tickets for lfw in the last challenge), it was Juste and Jade. They looked great as anyone expect anyway.
I really wish this experience to any fashion blogger as it was truly amazing and I had to pinch myself when I was there to believe that it was actually happening :)
Love Glamazon xoxo
Rozhodla jsem se jeden post z fashion weeku v Londyne venovat pouze lidem a atmosfere. Show mela zacit v Britskem muzeu v pul devate vecer, dorazila jsem drive asi v osm, clovek nikdy nevi, i kdyz je znamo, ze kazda show vzdy zacne pozdeji. Pred brany muzea uz stalo asi tricet tech nejstylovejsich lidi, co jsem kdy videla na jednom miste a ja proste zirala. Kazdy mel na sobe neco, co bylo uzasne, unikatni a dech berouci. Po chvili zacali organizatori poustet dovnitr na pozvanky a pak nasledovala dalsi kontrola pozvanek u dalsich dveri. Ano prosim dvakrat:)
Snazila jsem se nasavat atmosferu behem cekani, po dalsi pul hodine nas pustili poradatele do atria musea, ktere vypadalo skvostne. Mista se jmeny nachystana, fotografove pripraveni, v pozadi hrala hudba. Sledovala jsem lidi kolem, protoze tolik inspirace clovek hned tak nevidi, povidala si s lidmi a z niceho nic se nahrnulo mnozstvi fotografu k prvni rade. Pippa Middleton prave usedla. Takove silenstvi clovek nezazil. Byli jako zver.
Ja osobne jasala nad jinymi celebritami z prvnich rad a to hlavne, kdyz jsem uvidela Julii Restoin-Roitfield, vypadala nadherne, mela cerne saty a dokonaly makeup. Ostatne jako vzdy. Prekrasna byla i Poppy Delevigne v tech nejkrasnejsich maxi satech a vypadala jako vila, stejne jako Laura Bailey. Pippa sedela vedle herecky Rosarie Dawson, ktera si na show oblekla sexy cervene krajkove saty.
Dalsi obletovanou hvezdou byla Peaches Geldof, ktera mela na sobe rude saty, jez odhalovaly snad vsechna jeji tetovani. Tyhle stylove damy byly v obklopeni lidi, kteri si je fotili, kameramanu, jez s nimi delali rozhovor az nez zacala show, ktera vypukla opravdu az o hodinu pozdeji. Ja jsem jednoduse sledovala atmosferu, lidi a nasavala co nejvic zazitku a inspirace.
Kdyz jsem odchazela po prehlidce, tak jsem pred sebou uvidela dve finalistky z letosni souteze Britain and Ireland’s next top model (zvlastni je, ze jeste minuly tyden jsem se koukala na posledni dil, kde prave tyto slecny vyhraly listky na fashion week) Juste a Jade. Samozrejme obe vypadaly vyborne a take byly velmi mile.
Opravdu preji kazdemu modnimu blogerovi zazit poradnou show, protoze to byl skvely zazitek, musela jsem se stipnout, abych se ujistila, ze jsem opravdu tam a pouze se mi to nezda. Tesim se na dalsi podobne udalosti do budoucna.
Love Glamazon xoxo
krásné fotky. !!!!
Marti, jsem rada, ze se libi…moc dobre se fotit nedalo…hodne lidi a tma:)
Super fotky Evi a velká závist! Muselo to být opravdu úúúúžasné!
Tie fotky sú naozaj super. Človek aj závidí tým, ktorí tam boli… Jedného dňa možno aj ja budem mať to šťastie <3.
Kejmy <3.
Amazing! I would have loved to people watch- very jealous!
What a fabulous blog you have!
Hope you have been well, was lovely to meet you, I don’t blog often so excuse me if my visits are sporadic but I’ll definitely be around! I’m excited to see the feature and the wedding. Keep in touch xx
Simco, ano bylo…
Kejmy urcite se prilezitost naskytne…
Anna…glad you like the blog…i love urs so u better post more often..haha xxx