I am definitely not a mum that researches for hours what pram she would like for her child but when I know I know. When picking a stroller I always consider my lifestyle the most. I live in London and city may have different requirements to countryside but I also walk a lot and use public transport and I consider the style of the pram also important as it often appears on social media too.
And that is the reason why I opted for Anex E-Type in this stunning caramel shade. When I had Liam I had a black pram and although it is very practical I really wanted to try something different. Even though this pram is made of washable material (which is super handy and one of my favourite things about it) I still did not want to go for the very light shades (soul and marble) even though they are beautiful. So this shade was great option for a girl and also my wardrobe. LOL The curve design makes it looks very chic and I constantly get compliments on it online and offline from strangers in the street.
I was worried that the light colours may be too much for London which can be difficult to maintain. There are many situations like last minute closing doors on the tube and similar where I did not want obvious marks to deal with. However, there is always the option of easily washing it. I really love this option.
I also love that now Nessa can be in this chic carrycot and then transfer to a seat which to be honest I am excited about. Babies love that transition as they can finally see the world around them. The seat is also extremely chic so cannot wait for her to enjoy walks on warmer days. However the seat can be fully inclined so you can use it for newborns too. This pram is easy to push even with one hand due to large rubber wheels and suspension. I also love my cup holder as I am always on the go with a coffee and just obsessed with the overall design. So far it has been a dream to use this pram.
The only thing I would change at this point is size of the shopping basket however we have also bag that comes at the front on the pram which can be used for storage too and is very handy.
I love the fact that you can only do one purchase and this gorgeous pram will grow with your child from newborn to pre-schooler. You can easily fold it if you are often using car and it has many great things about.
I am really glad we can now get this great brand in UK. We also have Anex Air Z which we cannot wait to use on our travels as I always prefer more compact option when travelling abroad. However, that you will have to wait to hear about in few months time.
Ja nepatrim mezi maminky, co vyhledavaji hodiny a hodiny ten spravny kocar. Presne vim, co od kocaru ocekavam a kdyz vim, tak proste vim. Dulezite je pro me, aby fungoval k memu zivotnimu stylu. Ziju v rusnem velkomeste a pouzivam hodne dopravu nebo chodim pesky. Takze nepotrebuju nejaky ultra lehky kocar, ktery ve vterine skladam do auta. I kdyz u tohoto kocaru to take neni problem.
A tak jsem vedela, ze Anex E type v teto karamelove barve je pro nas spravna volba. Libi se mi design, coz je dulezite vzhledem k tomu, ze se objevuje na mych socialnich sitich, da se omyvat, coz je fantasticke, protoze ziju ve velkomeste, kde clovek nikdy nevi. Nekolikrat v minulosti mi kocar uvizl v zavirajicich se dverich metra. Moc jsem chtela vyzkouset tentokrat jiny odstin nez cerny a tak jsem zvolila prave zlaty stred. Svetle odstiny jez firma nabizi jsou sice krasne, ale do Londyna mozna nevhodne.
Kocar se skvele ovlada dokonce i jednou rukou diky kolum se sirokou gumou. Mam samozrejme i nezbytny drzak na piti, ktery casto pouzivam na kavu. Tento kocar ma tuto kolebku do sesti mesicu a pak klasickou sportakovou verzi. Ta se da vsak uplne polozit, takze pokud chcete, muzete ji pouzit i u mensich deti. Ja se tesim az bude tepleti a Nessa si bude uzivat, ze se muze konecne poradne rozhlizet na nasich cestach po Londyne.
Jedinou vec, kterou bych zmenila je asi velikost nakupniho kosiku, to ale kompenzuje ulozny prostor v tasce, ktera se da zavesit na pred kocarku. Je to take velmi prakticke.
Jsem rada, ze mame takovy skvely kocarek a ze Anex nyni prodava sve modely i v Britanii. Nessu ceka jeste na cestovani jejich model Air Z, ktery je samozrejme kompaktnejsi, protoze rada cestu s opravdu lehkym a skladnym kocarkem. Na to jaky je si ale budete muset jeste asi dva mesice pockat.

This is not sponsored post. This article contains gifted items.