Wearing: Coat: Armani Exchange, Shoes: Asos, Bag: Chanel, Belt: Vintage, Skirt and Dress: Zara, Sunglasses: Celine
This post is almost a follow up on my previous article about metallics. I have had this skirt for few years and MFW was a perfect occasion to wear it again. I felt there were lot of metallics during the last fashion week so I felt bang on trend.
Although it was the hardest outfit to shoot because of the constant heavy rain. You can literally see the drops of rain on my coat. However, this is what bloggers have to do. Bad weather or good weather we still have to create a content without any excuses.
On this day I went to see a few shows – Alberto Zambelli and Laura Biagiotti. And after waiting for a cab for over 30 minutes after Marni show I could not feel my fingers. Honestly, the commute in Milan during fashion week was a major downfall. It was so cold and so rainy and no sight of uber or regular taxi. However after one cappuccino and several tries to call a car, I finally managed to get to the Four Season hotel where I spent a lovely afternoon with my friend Monika. We decided to treat ourselves to one of the best brunches ever. And that was a perfect end to my MFW experience.
Tento clanek uplne nahodne navazuje na muj predchozi o metalicke mode. I kdyz mam tuhle zlatou sukni nekolik let, tak jsem se rozhodla ji zakomponovat do jednoho outfitu behem Milanskeho fashion weeku. A byla to trefa do cerneho. Kam jsem se podivala tak jsem videla metalicke kousky, at uz kalhoty ci kabaty.
I kdyz nebylo tak snadne tentokrat outfit nafotit. Prisaham, ze cely den tak strasne lilo, ze se divim, ze se nam vubec par fotografii podarilo. Dokonce jdou i videt kapky deste na mem kabate a take vlhke vlasy. No ale tohle musi blogerky zkratka vydrzet. At uz fouka, prsi ci snezi, je treba stale tvorit novy obsah. Bez vymluv.
V tento den jsem mela v planu nekolik prehlidek..rano jsem zacala na show Alberto Zambelli a po te me cekala Laura Biagiotti. Mam pocit, ze jsem neustale spechala a pred obedem jsem mela sraz s Barou na prehlidce Marni. Prestoze porad prselo a z toho deste a cekani na taxi mi byla silena zima, tak jsem zvladla vsechny prehlidky a take vyfotit outfit. Uplne nejhorsi bylo cekani po posledni prehlidce, kdyz jsem se snazila dostat do Hotelu Four Seasons, kde jsem se mela sejit s kamaradkou Monikou. Po asi pul hodine snazeni najit volneho ubera ci taxika se mi to konecne podarilo a ja si konecne mohla vydechnout. Sice jsem necitila prsty na nohou, ale jidlo za to teda stalo. A takhle vytecne jsem zakoncila muj prvni Milansky tyden mody.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Love your outfit! Love the gold with the black.
Thank you Stephanie x
Metallics have always been a challenge for me and I find it “hard” to combine them into a daytime outfit. You did give me a lot of great inspiration with this outfit, you’re looking flawless!!
Thank you Natali x