Wearing: Trousers: H&M, Jumper H&M, Bag: Valentino, Sunglasses: Celine, Pom Pom: Dorothy Perkins, Shoes: New Balance
Leather joggers are a great partner in crime when it comes to long weekends away. I am currently soaking a bit of sunshine at french riviera and considering it is November and not long until Christmas the weather has been fantastic.
We are doing long strolls alongside the sea, drinking red wine and sleeping….everything you need if you want to recharge your batteries.
Unfortunately, the last night news about the attacks in Paris really hit me. Firstly, why is this even happening? Why do people need to be like that? I had number of friends celebrating friend’s 30th birthday in Paris and I realised that we are no longer safe. I am planning a trip to Paris next week and still not sure if it is safe to go. We should not feel like that.
I hope we can soon get to the point where these things are no longer happening and all cities are safe from this. London, Paris, NY or any other smaller or bigger city in the world.
Kozene ci kozenkove volne kalhoty jsou idealnim spolecnikem na prodlouzene vikendy. Ja jsem se vydala do jizni Francie, kde to mam moc rada a pocasi nam opravdu preje. Presne idealni doba na relax a nacerpani energie.
Bohuzel vcera me zasahly zpravy o utocich v Parizi. Za prve jsem tam mela skupinu kamaradek na oslave narozenin a v tu dobu jsem si uvedomila, ze vlastne nejsme vubec v bezpeci. Nejsem velkym zastancem psat o tomto na blogu, ale vzhledem k tomu, ze mam naplanovanou cestu do Parize pristi tyden a mam tam pratele, kteri tam bydli mi tohle nemuze byt ukradne. Ja proste nedokazu pochopit proc tohle nekdo vubec dela? A myslenka, ze se tohle muze stat kdekoli a kdykoli me desi.
Ja doufam, ze se nam podari tohle prekonat a budeme se citit bezpecne at uz v Londyne, NY, Parizi ci jinem meste.
Love Glamazon xoxo
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Pekny pihodovy outfit. Kabelka s bbulemi vypada moc pekne.
Ja taky nechapu, jak to nekdo muze udelat a proc vubec. To jsou lidi, co to nemaji v hlave v poradku.
I completely with what you said about Paris. So horrible. xx Lita
Very beautiful