(Pictures: Marsha)
Wearing: Trousers: Asos, Bag and Shoes: Pinko, Sunglasses: Celine, Jumper: Atmosphere
I could not be happier that spring is slowly coming. I know I have been going on about it all the time however it is one of the best seasons ever. After a long winter you probably have enough of coats and layers and miserable weather and you just want to wear light jacket or jumper and enjoy your lunch or coffee outside.
And it will be a great time to go out and about and start to discover some fantastic places with beer gardens and outside space. I think you deserve more tips of the week as it has been a while. So, London I am ready for you.
I wish you all successful week with lot of sunshine.
Mam takovou radost, ze mame konecne jaro. Vikend byl v Londyne nadherny a vim, ze to tady resim porad dokola, ale jaro je proste jedno z nejkrasnejsich rocnich obdobi. A snad kazdy se tesi po zime, ktera je vetsinou dlouha a ponura, az odlozi vsechny kabaty a svrsky. Na jare miluju to, ze nam staci lehka bunda, svetr a konecne si muzeme uzivat kaficko ci obed venku. Vsechno je zkratka veselejsi.
Nevim kdo z vas sledoval Ceskou Miss, ale po dlouhe dobe jsem teto soutezi venovala trosku pozornosti, protoze jsme tam meli zastupkyni z nasich blogersky vod. Prenos jsem bohuzel nemohla sledovat tady v Britanii, ale vsimla jsem si, ze socialni media byla plna kritiky a to uz ohledne vitezek, poroty, celeho vecera atd. Je to skoda, ze lide si zkratka neuvedomuji, ze kazda ze soutezicich je prece jenom clovek a nektere komenty, co jsem cetla byly opravdu na hranici slusnosti. Kez by se lide drzeli zasady…nedelej ostatnim, to co sam nemas rad.
Snad chapete, co tim myslim. Vsem preju uspesny tyden plny radosti a krasneho pocasi.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Really digging the trainers! x
Haha…thanks Ashley x
Always styled to “nines” in all of your outfits! Love your sneakers, they’re such an awesome pair. :)
Thank you Natali x
I have been looking for leather looking leggings or jeans forever. Love the shoes too! X
Thank you x