Wearing: Dress: Pinko, Waistcoat: Pinko, Boots: Zara, Sunglasses: Pinko, Bag: Chanel
It is so nice to throw away casual stuff and put on a lovely dress. I have times when I live for a month in my casual uniform like jeans, tops and blazers and then times when I just want to wear dresses and skirts. Well, this Pinko dress is so adorable I have worn it few times already and every time I style differently. Sometimes like this, sometimes with a blazer or leather jackets. And you definitely need pieces like this for your girly dress up days.
I hope you are enjoying long weekend. I am loving every second of it and I am also off tomorrow. So great to get time off and get things done.
Myslim, ze neni obcas na skodu odhodit moji kazdodeni uniformu a dat si hezke saty. Mam takove obdobi, ze prochodim mesic v dzinech, teniskach, saku ci bunde a pak obdobi, kdy mam chut na sukne, saty a podpatky. Tyhle nove saty se mi libi tak, ze uz jsem je mela na sobe nekolikrat a to je co rict. Pokazde je mam trochu jinak. Do prace se sakem, ven treba takhle a nebo s kozenou bundickou. Kazdopadne neni na skodu mit par takovych kousku ve skrini.
Doufam, ze si uzivate prodlouzeneho vikendu. Ja teda no a zitra mam volno taky a ceka me par schuzek a prace ohledne blogu. Ale i tak si to uzivam. Neni nad to si dobre odpocinout.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Wow! Love the way that you’ve styled this chic and girly dress!
Thank you x