It has only been two days since I have left this paradise and already want to go back. Who can blame me? Let me take you on a little journey to Mallorca and feel the beauty of this stunning place Castell son Claret.
Although I was meant to go with my plus one and baby Liam we had a big hurdle when boarding the plane and my friend could not leave UK due to some visa issues. I was terrified to travel on my own with 9 months old but I decided to go and really do not regret. The hotel staff made sure I had help at the airport and from that point they made my stay even better than expected. I kept saying to baby Liam we are a bit like a royalty, aren’t we? LOL.
This place really is a hidden gem and luxury at Mallorca.
Je to jenom druhy den, co jsem zpatky v Londyne z tohoto raje a uz bych se nejradeji vratila. A nemuzete me obvinovat, protoze tento prekrasny hotel na Mallorce Castell son Claret je skutecny raj na zemi.
Prestoze jsem letela na Mallorcu s kamaradkou, tak diky problemu s vizy nemohla odletet. No nebudu vam lhat, bala jsem se jet sama, mela jsem sebou jenom Liama a tunu veci. Kdo cestuje s detmi tak asi vi, o cem mluvim. Riskla jsem to a i diky uzasnym zamestnacum hotelu vse zvladla. Na letisti me cekal taxikar a se vsim mi pomohl. A od te chvile jsem Liamkovi porad rikala, ze se mame jako princatka. LOL
After we checked in we headed into our room with a stunning view to the pool and Olivera restaurant. All I could think of was a cold glass of white wine after a stressful journey and the terrace downstairs looked more than welcoming. The room was lovely with lot of luxury touches. Ok, hands up how many hotels you stayed in had a pillow menu? Do you fancy Lady’s pillow, anti aging or aromatherapy? That is all on the menu. The bathroom did exceed my expectations with super soft bathrobes, plenty of towels and even cooling eye gel. That is only a cherry on the cake. The only thing I missed was a bath as I do love my bath and considering I traveled with a baby that is scared of the shower it would have been more convenient for us. However, the shower was so spacious that I quickly forgot about it and Liam had to bath in the sink. LOL
And there is more. The hotel offers plenty of pool towels, straw hats and even flip flops. Yes, you read that right.
During my stay I got few messages from my followers on social media to find out if this hotel is baby friendly. I can only speak for myself. The staff was so welcoming, provided a cot and everything I asked for and the other guests were very tolerant too. I would say it is a good place for a young small family or family with small babies. If your children are a bit older and running around wild it may not be ideal. You will find here beautiful nature, silence and tranquility but you will not find slings and slides if that is a good answer. Otherwise everybody was so lovely and they made sure the stay in the hotel was comfortable for both of us.
Hned po check in v hotelu jsem se odebrala s prckem na pokoj trochu nabrat sily a dostala jsem krasny pokoj s vyhledem na bazen, hory a take restauraci Olivera. Priznavam se, ze v ten moment jsem se videla se sklenickou vina dole v restauraci, protoze po tom stresu na letisti a ceste jenom s Liamkem jsem ji opravdu potrebovala. Nas pokoj byl moc pekny a nabizel hodne luxusnich drobnosti jako napriklad menicko polstaru. Ano nedelam si srandu, je libo polstar proti starnuti ci aromaterapeuticky? Na vyber je sest druhu. V koupelne jsem nasla mekkoucke zupany, spoustu kvalitnich rucniku a dokonce i chladici ocni krem. To uz je tresnicka na dortu, nemyslite? Jedine co mi trochu chybelo byla vana. Miluju si davat vanu a navic Liam se boji sprchy, tak jsem ho koupala koupala v umyvadle. hehe
A to neni vsechno, hotel nabizi dostatek rucniku k bazenu, slamaky a dokonce i zabky. No neni to uzasne?
Behem meho pobytu mi par followeru psalo na Instagramu, zda se mi zda hotel vhodny pro deti. Urcite s malym miminkem nemuzu nic vycist, ale pokud mate neposedne a hlavne hlucne deti, tak asi ne. Nenajdete tady ani houpacky ci skluzavky, ale pohodu, klid a luxus. Takze urcite pokud jste mensi rodina s prckem tak nevahejte, jinak mozna hotel nema k nabidce moc pro vetsi deti. Ja mluvim za sebe a citila jsem pohodli celou dobu a vsichni byli moc mili.
The gardens surrounding the hotel are honestly like heaven on Earth. Imagine beautiful paths, sounds of nature, sun and blooming flowers. Whoever designed these gardens thought of everything. You bump into lemon trees, water fountain, gorgeous flowers and palm trees you can name it all. I loved going there for a walk in the morning and in the evening with the buggy. This place really mixes the tradition and luxury so well. Everywhere you look you find something so beautiful that is hard to describe. I can just imagine morning yoga session in the gardens as it fills you in with calmness just when you go for a walk there. The pool area is perfect and the bar next to it provides refreshments. I spent there so much time with Liam and had always the best time. There is nothing nicer than having a great view from your sun bed, sipping a cold drink and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.
Zahrady, ktere obklopuji hotel jsou jako nebe na zemi. Predstavte si krasne chodnicky, zvuky prirody, slunicko a kvety. Ten kdo navrhl tuhle zahradu myslel opravdu na vsechno. Najdete tady citroniky, fontanky, krasne kvetiny a palmy…snad vse na co si clovek vzpomene. Ja jsem se chodila projit kazde rano i vecer s kocarkem a myslim, ze si to uzival i Liam. Bazen a okoli take nema chybu a bar u bazenu nabizi ruzne drinky i lehke obcerstveni. Tam jsem travila s Liamkem hodne casu a on si bazen vylozene uzival. Nejdrive jsem se trosku bala, prece jenom byla voda trosku studena, ale byl nadseny. Jde videt,ze je to polovicni Ir. Haha
You know I am a huge fan of hotel breakfasts and food in general and the food in Castell son Claret is another story and very good one. The breakfast is served in the Olivera restaurant however the hotel also has got a Michelin star restaurant Zaranda that attracts a lot of international guests. Unfortunately, that has been fully booked but I can only imagine the quality. Olivera though has got exciting menu and I quickly found my favourites. After trying out their ceviche I had it for lunch every day and that octopus I had for dinner has been one of the best dishes I have had recently. The presentation and the flavours are priceless.
The breakfast offers so much selection from local specialities, through delicious cakes but also things like goji berries and fresh juices for fans of healthy lifestyle. I love the fact I could start with beetroot, orange and ginger juice every day followed by my beloved soya latte. Olivera has got relaxing feel and lovely views on to the pool that it makes your experience even nicer. I can only speak in superlatives.
The hotel has got also a lovely spa which I could not try unfortunately as I was on my own with the baby. Otherwise I would definitely go. The whole experience was incredible and I had such a fantastic break. It is a fabulous place for couples, young families, food and nature lovers and it has got so much to offer. And if you are planning a wedding or a big event this is a place to consider. Endless luxury and relaxation. I would definitely visit again and cannot thank Castell son Claret enough for having me and Liam and looking after us so well. I hope I can come back soon.
I am working on a vlog and also a look book from Mallorca so if you want to see more you can subscribe to my youtube channel to make sure you will not miss these.
Jak vite, jsem milovnice hotelovych snidani a vubec jidla a jidlo v Castell son Claret je opravdu na vysoke urovni. Snidane se podava take v restauraci Olivera, ale v hotelu najdete i restauraci Zaranda, ktera ma michelin hvezdicku. Ta byla bohuzel plne zarezervovana, ale jsem si jista, ze jidlo ma na jednicku, je to jedna z nejvyhlasenejsich restauraci na Mallorce. Olivera byla sama o sobe bezchybna, at uz snidane tak i vecere. Po tom co jsem jednou na obed ochutnala jejich ceviche, tak jsem ho mela kazdy den k obedu a chobotnice, co jsem si dala prvni vecer bylo jedno z nejlepsich jidel, co jsem v posledni dobe jedla.
Snidane je podavana formou bufetu, ale jidla jako michana vajicka, omelety si muzete objednat cerstve. Ja jsem kazde rano zacinala cerstvym dzusem a maji takove pochoutky jako cervena repa, zazvor a pomeranc a sojove latte. Navic Olivera ma krasny vyhled na bazen a zahradu a to je snidane ci vecere mnohem prijemnejsi. Fanousci zdraveho zivotniho stylu zde najdou vychytavky jako chia seminka a jine. Castell son Claret opravdu mysli na vsechny.
V hotelu najdete i lazne a kosmeticky salon a kryty bazen. To jsem bohuzel nemohla vyzkouset, protoze nemel kdo Liamka hlidat, jinak bych byla prvni v rade. Muzu ale prohlasit, ze Castell son Claret je fantasticky na relaxaci, plny luxusu a nebudete litovat. Ja moc dekuji Pr tymu za uzasny pobyt a doufam, ze se tam jednoho dne vratim, protoze to stoji za to.
Momentalne edituju vlog a take look book z Mallorky a pokud se chcete na videa podivat, muzete se prihlasit k odberu tady.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Beautiful photos. I loved my stay at Castell, absolute heaven of tranquility. Glad you had a great time x
These pictures are so beautiful and the place looks like a dream. I really want to visit. Anna