Show Time LFW

J. Js Lee

I wanted to share with you bits from the shows I attended this season. It was a real variety of things, styles and collections however that is what is fashion about. My first show was J. Js Lee and it was stunning collection and easy to wear. I felt there was lot of floating designs and dresses, great silk materials and also lovely prints. The whole collection had a modern and clean feel though.

Chtela jsem vam ukazat par kolekci, ktere jsem videla na letosnim LFW. Pouzila jsem oficialni fotografie, protoze jsou na nich zkratka modely lepe videt a taky jsem si hloupe vzala spatny objektiv a skoro vsechny fotografie mam rozmazane. Prvni show sezony pro me byla J. Js Lee. Prvni show je vzdy zazitek a kolekce byla plna hedvabi, rozevlatych modelu, ale presto se nesla v takovem tom cistem stylu.

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Bora Aksu

Bora always does amazing show. It has got that theatrical impact and this year especially. I absolutely loved it and it was one of my favourite shows. The designs and his play with textures was unreal. I would pick almost every single outfit of this collection. And then that was that main purple dress. When the model came out on the catwalk I swear every single iphone in the room started to take pictures like mad. It was such a performance.

Bora ma vzdy show, ktere jsou jine. Rekla bych ze maji az takovy divadelni spad a zanecha to ve vas hodne emoci. Letos teda kazdopadne. Cela kolekce byla prekrasna a jeho hra s texturou je dokonala. Myslim, ze z teto kolekce bych si vybrala hodne. A na zaver kdyz vysla modelka v takovem fialovem modelu se zavojem, tak prisaham, ze kazdy vytahl iphone a fotil jako sileny. Byla to zkratka pohadka.

2 Jean Pierre Braganza

This was definitely very energetic show with lot of cool designs. I saw sexy nd I saw trendy and lot of monochrome. Lot of models were screaming comfort and that can be sometimes the most important thing. And I loved that sexy makeup. I would definitely pick lot of dresses to my closet. I wish it would be that easy. LOL

Tohle byla velmi energeticka show a v kolekci jsem nasla spoustu krasnych modelu. Nektere navrhy byly velmi sexy a take makeup modelek. A nektere modely byly vylozene uzasne na pohodlne noseni jako treba tento cernobily komplet. Cela show se mi opravdu libila a urcite bych si vybrala nekolik skvelych veci.

1 Paul Costelloe

I absolutely loved the venue and it complimented the collection in the best possible way. If you are a romantic soul and love bit of structure and colour this collection will grab your heart. The whole show had such a lovely atmosphere and I loved the colours, the materials and those 60’s big hair.

Tahle show probihala mimo Somerset House a myslim, ze si Paul nemohl vybrat lepsi misto. Tento maly sal byl k cele kolekci uplne idealni. Nadherne prostory tuhle romantickou kolekci, v niz jsem videla hodne inspirace v sedesatych letech hodne umocnila. V kolekci jsme nasla skvele materialy a prekrasne barvy vcetne zelene, modre a zlute. Na nekterych modelech dominovala i zlata barva.

1 Christopher Raeburn

This was my last collection of the first day and it was also very different. The whole collection had a feel of sporty slash parachute girl and the music was funky to compliment the clothes. Good end of a day one!

Tohle byla posledni show na kterou jsem sla prvni den behem Londynskeho Fashion weeku. Cela kolekce mela takovy sportovni nadech a byla ocividne inspirovana parasutisty a letectvim. A myslim, ze i vyber hudby byl uplne jiny. Na zaver to byl zcela jiny salek caje. Uplne presne si pamatuju jak unavena jsem ten byla a jak moc jsem se tesila do postele.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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