Wearing: Zara Blazer and Blouse, Dune Shoes, Chanel Bag, Vintage Belt and Asos skirt
Following my article about lack of motivation I listened to some of you and took a proper break. Last weekend was a lot about spending time at home and yes I was still active but I stayed in my local area and turned my phone off as much I could cope with. Yes, switching off my phone actually did help me a lot so thank you for the tip my lovely readers.
And I hope my next trip to Czech Republic on Friday will help me even more. Sometimes we just need simple things in life.
Myslim, ze se musim vratit ke svemu nedavnemu clanku o ztrate motivace. A musim priznat, ze jsem dbala na to, abych si o vikendu odpocala. Doma jsem travila vice casu nez obvykle a taky jsem se snazila nestresovat. A tim padem ani zadne foceni na blog a vypinala jsem si hodne telefon. No nektere vase rady maji opravdu neco do sebe. A svete div se, citim se lepe. Takze je to mozna pravda, ze staci vypnout telefon, vyhnout se socialnim mediim a motivace a energie se pomalu vraci.
A v patek se chystam na par dni do Ceska, tak snad si odpocinu jeste vic a motivace bude zpet.
Love Glamazon xoxo

You look royal in this outfit! In love <3
xo Stefanie
Thanks Stefanie x
Nádhera a jsi neuvěřitelná kočka. :)
Dekuju zlato x