Few months ago nobody expected how the world would change for most of us. We lost going to restaurants, socialising, checking out bags in Chanel, travelling and all the fun you are in to. Instead we started to appreciate the small things…having a garden, family dinners, staying in and good Tv series. And for most of us shopping has changed too. I am personally looking at things I can wear at home and will look lovely and give me comfort.
At least we look nice when passing a mirror for the 100th time or taking the bin out. LOL. I have shot a selection of my comfy clothes which I truly enjoy. And loungewear is the new IT thing after all. At least it looks like that on Instagram. LOL
Jeste pred par mesici si mnoho z nas nedokazalo predstavit jak se vse zmeni. Zabava jako chozeni do restauraci, spolecenske akce, nakupovani v Chanelu a vubec vse, co vas bavi se muselo omezit. A misto toho konecne dokazeme ocenit ty ‘male’ veci, ktere nejsou tak male…jako treba mit zahradu, rodinne vecere, zustavat doma v teple domova ci dobry TV serial. A pro mnoho z nas se zmenilo i nakupovani. Ja se osobne divam vice na praktickejsi veci jako domaci obleceni, obleceni na sport ci veci do domu.
Alespon se nam pak libi pohled do zrcadla, kolem nejz projdeme tak stokrat denne a postak se nelekne pri kazdem zazvoneni. A navic pohodlne obleceni do domu je nova IT zalezitost. Alespon na Instagramu to tak vypada. LOL