Tag Archives: luxury

Serene Paradise at Castell Son Claret

It has only been two days since I have left this paradise and already want to go back. Who can blame me? Let me take you on a little journey to Mallorca and feel the beauty of this stunning place Castell son Claret. 

Although I was meant to go with my plus one and baby Liam we had a big hurdle when boarding the plane and my friend could not leave UK due to some visa issues. I was terrified to travel on my own with 9 months old but I decided to go and really do not regret. The hotel staff made sure I had help at the airport and from that point they made my stay even better than expected. I kept saying to baby Liam we are a bit like a royalty, aren’t we?  LOL.

This place really is a hidden gem and luxury at Mallorca.

Je to jenom druhy den, co jsem zpatky v Londyne z tohoto raje a uz bych se nejradeji vratila. A nemuzete me obvinovat, protoze tento prekrasny hotel na Mallorce Castell son Claret je skutecny raj na zemi.

Prestoze jsem letela na Mallorcu s kamaradkou, tak diky problemu s vizy nemohla odletet. No nebudu vam lhat, bala jsem se jet sama, mela jsem sebou jenom Liama a tunu veci. Kdo cestuje s detmi tak asi vi, o cem mluvim. Riskla jsem to a i diky uzasnym zamestnacum hotelu vse zvladla. Na letisti me cekal taxikar a se vsim mi pomohl. A od te chvile jsem Liamkovi porad rikala, ze se mame jako princatka. LOL

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