Dear bloggers,
Sorry for being off for couple of days but I went to Munich for longer weekend to enjoy this years October fest. I had so much laugh and fun and I must recommend this event to everyone. Its not maybe the most glamorous event but its definitely good to visit with bunch of friends. I will be posting pictures soon and also pictures from my last visit in Tuscany so stay tuned.
Here are some last pictures from LFW and its the collection mainly. I loved it so much. I watched couple of weeks ago one of my fav movies Scarface and I was dying when I saw Michele Pfeiffer in all the hot 70’s dresses and was thinking that it would be great inspiration for new fashion line. And Alice created collection that actually remind me so much of 70’s and this amazing movie. So well done Alice.
Hope you like it as well and start to gather some hot head scarves for next season.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Omlouvam se, ze jsem tu opet par dni nebyla, ale prave jsem se vratila zmozena z Mnichova, kde jsem byla na opevovanem Oktoberfestu. Neni to uplne glamour udalost, ale bylo kopec srandy vas nemine a urcite doporucuji tento festival navstivit a to nejlepe s bandou kamaradu. Brzy dam na blog fotografie a take fotografie z posledni navstevy Toskanska.
Tentokrat jsem vam chtela ukazat posledni fotky z Londynskeho Fashion weeku a to primo kolekci Temperley. Vtipne je, ze jsem pred par tydny v letadle sledovala jeden z mych oblibenych filmu Scarface a rikala si, ze Michele Pfeiffer vypada v tech vsech nadhernych satech naprosto uzasne, a ze by to byla skvela inspirace.
A Alice Temperley mi vyrazila dech, protoze jeji kolekce ve me evokovala presne tento film a vsechny ty uzasne, zenske outfity. Proste 70. leta miluju a prijdou mi neskutence zenske a sik. Doufam, ze se vam take libi a urcite uz zacnete hledat skvele satky na dalsi sezonu, protoze head scarves budou pokracovat na plno :)
PS: Co se tyce me….vyrazila jsem na show v cerne barve a vedle me mi nabidly mile divciny, ze me vyfoti a jelikoz byly obe uzasne, tak jsem se hned vyfotila s nima:)
Love Glamazon xoxo