Isolation has hit most countries and sadly UK is behind of other countries. Whilst other places are almost back to normal we are still not there yet. I feel very lucky to be in a position I have a house with a garden, my little family and lot of things to enjoy. I thought I would share some things how I loved spending my time.
One of my number things is signing up for Tik Tok and actually creating content. You can follow me on evaglamazon. I got so hooked and continue stalking amazing accounts and fun videos. I have been also loving having iced coffees almost daily and it is one of my favourite parts of the day to make a nice cold brew or latte. There is just something so enjoyable about sipping cold coffee in the garden and enjoying bit of sunshine.
I also have more time for trying out beauty launches and spend more time on skincare and routines. I have discovered so many great products in the last three months and really enjoy this more than ever. Last but not least I love having a bit more time for books. You know I love psychology, motivation and law of attraction books but there were also others that I truly enjoyed reading.
Being in isolation is not so bad after all.
Isolace zasahla snad cely svet, ale UK je hodne pozadu a to bohuzel diky spatne strategii. Zatimco vetsina zemi uz se vraci k normalu, UK je jeste par tydnu pozadu. Ja jsem velmi vdecna, ze mam dum se zahradou a svoji malou rodinu a ze jsem si dokazala diky malym radostem a svym klukum isolaci i trochu uzit. Tak me napadlo, ze napisu, co mi hodne delalo radost.
Jedna z nejvetsich radosti je urcite Tik Tok. Nekolik let jsem se zdrahala a nakonec me to totalne chytlo. Muzete mi dat follow evaglamazon. Denne se kocham super ucty a Liamka to taky moc bavi. Dalsi radosti je urcite ledova kava. Tu si delam casto odpoledne a uzivam si na zahrade, kdyz je hezky. Miluju bud jenom cernou kavu s ledem nebo latte.
Nesmim zapomenout na zkouseni novych produktu. Jsem moc rada za to, ze mam tu moznost i v isolaci zkouset novinky na trhu a take mam vic casu sama na sebe. Objevila jsem ruzne kosmeticke poklady, ktere si me okamzite ziskaly. No a v neposledni rade nesmim zapomenout na cteni. Urcite ted ctu vice a jsem za to vdecna.
Diky temto radostem ta isolace nebyla vubec spatna.