Top 5 Tips to Make your Mornings Nicer

10 (Image via Pinterest)

I am a morning person in general. I have usually lot of energy and always prefer to do work in the morning whether that is to create content for my blog, meet people, go to the gym or any other activity. However, some people are the total opposite and they absolutely hate mornings. Whether you are like me or the others I believe it is about positive attitude and bringing lovely routines to make your mornings better.

So I decided to put together few tips and suggestion of things you can try to make your mornings nicer. Obviously you may not be able to fit all of this in on a weekday but you may pick one to try and do the rest on Saturday or Sunday.

  1. Move your body – It can be a morning walk or a run or any other sort of exercise. I guarantee that if you do this first thing in the morning you will feel so much better.
  2. Try new methods like Hayo’u Method – A while back I wrote this article about this fab way how to start your day and shake the stress off your shoulders.
  3. It is all about the small things – Whether you like a nice cup of coffee or a hot shower do it. Whatever makes you happy. I love having a nice cup of coffee. It seems to trigger some sort of satisfaction and happiness.
  4. Plan the night before – I am a typical planner and it does help in life a lot. I set targets, goals and prepare strategy to achieve things. It is so much easier to know what you need to do that day rather than having chaos in your head already.
  5. Healthy touch – Ok, I mentioned coffee in a point three and that is not the healthiest thing on the planet. However, another thing I love is to start to healthy. I love to have a warm water with lemon or a nice green juice. There is just something about starting your day like this.

You all may have different ideas and routines however the point was to share mine. Hopefully we all get to the point when we love to wake up each day and with a big smile.

Jsem typicke ranni ptace. Rano mam vzdy nejvice energie, vstavam brzo a rana mam k vsemoznym aktivitam. Jsem schopna se v nedeli brzy vzbudit a napsat hned za sebou nekolik clanku na blog, jit cvicit, jit s nekym na snidani a mnohem vice. Ale na druhe strane jsou lide, kteri rana nesnasi a dela jim problem se vyhrabat z postele. At uz patrite do prvni ci druhe skupiny je dulezite si rana zprijemnit a prinest trosku rutiny, at vkrocite do kazdeho dne tou spravnou nohou.

Samozrejme kazdy je uplne jiny a ne vsechny nas bavi stejne veci a tak mozna v tydnu si muzete vybrat jednu z techto veci. Ale o vikendech urcite zvladnete i vice.

  1. Hybejte se – Miluju ranni pohyb a je uplne jedno, co delate. Nekdo rad plave, nekdo si jen radsi zajde na prochazku ci behat. Ten pocit kdyz skoncim nejakou aktivitu je k nezaplaceni.
  2. Zkuste nove metody jako napriklad Hayo’u – Nedavno jsem napsala clanek o nove metode, ktera trva par minut a pomuze vam zbavit se stresu.
  3. Male veci, ktere udelaji radost – Ranni kava, dobra snidane ci sprcha. Muzou to byt male ritualy, ktere vam zprijemni rano. Ja mam pocit, ze dobry salek kavy mi dodava takovy prijemny pocit radosti.
  4. Naplanujte si den predem – Ja jsem typicky planovac. Stanovuju si cile, strategie a vetsinou vim uz rano, co musim udelat. Je urcite lepsi vstat z postela a mit pevnejsi plan nez chaoticke myslenky a nevedet, co musite udelat prvni. 
  5. Zacnete zdrave – Vim, ze jsem v bode 3 zminila kavu a to asi neni ta nejzdravejsi vec na svete, ale rada zacinam den zdrave napriklad teplou vodou s citronem ci cerstvym dzusem. Neco na tom zkratka je, kdyz si prvni rano vypiju neco zdraveho. Mam pocit, ze jsem pro sebe neco udelala a den je pak zkratka jiny.

Mozna mate jine male ranni radosti a ritualy, ale chtela jsem sdilet ty me. Snad se jednou dopracujeme k tomu, ze kazde rano bude prijemne a vykouzli nam usmev na tvari. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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