I cannot believe how much photos I have from Marrakech. Perfect place for a long weekend and you have got so much to do. One day we went for a day trip to the Atlas Mountains and although there were parts where I felt a bit sad…to see how people live few thousands miles away while we are surrounded by restaurants, cafe, luxurious cars and all the things we have on a daily basis. It is good to see the reality and the life of the locals.
It all feels so real. I hope the pictures will bring you at least an idea and take a look at the small villages on the hill and the open fire in the kitchen.
The journey took few hours and we stopped by lovely pottery shop where we saw how the berber pottery is made. We also stopped to see those cute camels and I think that little one peeking at us is one of my favourite shots from this trip.
When we reached the highest point in the mountains we were invited for a cup of mint tea and fresh bred. I am a huge fan of their mint tea and I visit Moroccan restaurant in London I always have it after my meal. I could not help and instead of running away from the scorpion I took a picture for you.
The day ended in a lovely restaurant on the way back and I am confident to say that I ate there the best tajine ever. It was perfect combination of tastes and that tender meat just topped it up.
Please, take me back !
Nechce se mi verit, kolik fotografii jeste mam v zasobe z Marakese. Je to idealni misto na prodlouzeny vikend a clovek ma porad co delat. Jeden den jsme se vydali na vylet do hor Atlas. A myslim, ze me docela dostala realita zivota…zatimco my jsme obklopeni luxusem a restauraceni a vsim, co nam zivot denodenne nabizi, tak v techto horach vidi clovek proste sed. Staci se podivat na sedive a ponure vesnice, nebo na mistni zenu jak dela chleba na otevrenem ohni.
Cesta trvala par hodin a udelali jsme si par zastavek…prvni byla v mistnim obchode s porcelanem, kde jsme meli moznost se podivat, jak se jejich porcelan vubec vyrabi. Dalsi zastavka byla u techto rozkosnych velbloudu. Myslim, ze ta fotka s malym velbloudem, jak vykuje za maminkou je jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich.
V horach nas take pohostila rodina cerstvym chlebem a matovym cajem (tech sem si privezla nekolik), ktery miluju. Rada chodim i tady v Londyne do Marockych a Arabskych restauraci a pokazde si dam jejich matovy caj. Po ceste zpatky jsme se zastavili na obed v moc prijemne restauraci a troufam si prohlasit, ze tam jsem mela nejlepsi tajine, ktery jsem kdy jedla. A zadna restaurace ani v Marakesi a ani tady v Londyne se mu proste nevyrovna. Smes chuti a mekkoucke maso nemelo chybu.
A aby ten vylet byl jeste pestrejsi, tak jsem v horach dokonce nasla stira. Myslela, ze jsem pobezim tri sta metru daleko, ale musela jsem vam ho prece odfotit. LOL
Love Glamazon xoxo
Taky jsem letos byla na dovolené v Maroku a byla překvapená těmi rozdíly u moře a v horách. Krásná země, ještě plánuji návštěvu ;)
I am glad you were able to enjoy your time there, although it is a shame to know that people are living like that when the luxury life is so close by. At least now you are more aware.