Fearne Cotton is definitely one of the best British Fashion Icons so I was very honored to be invited by Very.co.uk to check out her latest collection. And it is always great opportunity to meet somebody like Fearne. You may have spotted some pictures on my instagram already but wanted to share this experience with you.
The collection is definitely very quirky, colourful and it has got that Fearne Factor. I saw prints and colour and that vintage influence you would always see on her. The whole event hosted was hosted in a lovely private club Groucho and as always tasty cocktails were served.
Fearne was wearing this dress herself and she looked fantastic…as always. What a great piece for a girls night out.
Fearne Cotton je jedna z nejvice uznavanych modnich ikon v Britanii a tak jsem byla velmi poctena, kdyz me nakupni portal very.co.uk pozval na predstaveni jeji nove kolekce. A navic je vzdy skvele potkat takove osobnosti jako Fearne a trosku vice je poznat. Uz jste mozna videli nejake fotografie na instagramu, ale chtela jsem s vami sdilet par fotografii i tady. A navic budete mit trochu prestavku od neustalych outfit postu.
Cela kolekce se nese presne v jejim stylu, trosku vintage, hodne barevna a hrava. Akce se konala v jednom z privatnich klubu Grouchu a samozrejme nechybely vytecne kotkejly.
Love Glamazon xoxo