Wearing: Asos Jumper, Zara Skirt, Daniel Shoes, Celine Sunglasses, Chloe Bag
Forget practical and wear white. I dressed up in white at work and managed to stay white all day surprisingly. You know I am that type of person that spills coffee on themselves with a first sip. However, all white outfits are so pristine so you just have to take the risk and be careful. With the right accessories and a big smile you can rock this anywhere.
Anyway, tomorrow I am off to Paris for fashion week with my girls Hannah and Atosa. I cannot wait to share everything with you as Paris Fashion Week is truly amazing! Don’t forget to watch on snapchat (evaglamazon) our Parisian fashion adventure.
Zapomente na prakticnost a oblecte se cele do bile. Takhle jsem si odvazne kracela do prace v utery rano a prestoze jsem ten typ, co na sebe vylije kavu pri prvnim dousku nebo drobi vsude mozne, tak jsem to ustala. Bile outfity maji opravdu neco do sebe, jsou takove nezkazene a sik. A to opravdu stoji za to.
Zitra odjizdim do Parize na Fashion Week a nemuzu se dockat. Jenom s tim balenim to nejak nezvladam a kufr uz docela preteka! LOL A nezapomente sledovat na snapchatu (evaglamazon) nase Parizske dobrodruzstvi.
Love Glamazon

I love all white looks! so classic and perfect for work
Thank you x
Krásné jako vždycky :) Tvé outfity miluju! http://www.kristynablog.com
Dekuju x
Love this look – so stylish!
Rachel Coco
Thank you so much for your lovely comment x