Hi Sweethearts,
What a great day it was. Thank you again for at least hundred times to Canon and Andy Torres to have an opportunity to take pictures during London Fashion Weekend. I got a chance to take pictures with all the photographers during the show and also met some other people that participated in the competition. Let me introduce lovely Jessica who writes amazing blog and works as a stylist for Net-a-Porter. Well, what a cool job to have.
We also went through all the shopping space where you can always find some good bargain. There are lot of designers selling their clothes, bags and shoes for cheaper and you can definitely find some quirky jewellery and much more.
And you will definitely see more pictures from the show itself over the next few days.
S kamaradkou, kterou jsem vzala sebou na Londynsky Vikend Mody jsme si opravdu Sobotni den uzily. Chtela bych podekovat uz potisice firme Canon a blogerce Andy Torres za tuhle prilezitost. Behem prehlidky jsem spolu s fotografy (podotykam profiky) mohla fotit celou show a take jsem se podivala do Canon studia, kde to opravdu zilo. Andy pro nas mela schovany video vzkaz, ktery me opravdu potesil. A navic jsem diky soutezi poznala dalsi blogery napriklad skvelou Jessicu, ktera pise uzasny blog a pracuje jako stylistka pro Net-a-Porter. Myslim, ze urcite je to zajimava prace.
A jako vzdy nesmelo na teto akci nakupovani, nespocetne mnozstvi navrharu prodava obleceni, kabelky, zajimave sperky a jak vidite i zajimave boty.
A fotky z prehlidky na vas cekaji v dalsich postech.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo