Category Archives: Photography

Paris Photo Diary


At the moment I am probably sipping coffee in one of the beautiful streets of Rome however I wanted to share with you the last few photographs from Paris Fashion Week. It is always such a beautiful experience and I wanted to share with you a bit of atmosphere from another fantastic stay. There is just something magical about this place and I love going back.

Ted pravdepodobne sedim v roztomile Rimske kavarne u salku kavy, ale jeste jsem s vama naposledy chtela sdilet atmosferu z Parizskeho Fashion Weeku. Vybrala jsem par ruznych fotografii, ktere snad dokazou i pres obrazovky prinest me zazitky i do vasich domovu. Pariz je proste magicke misto a strasne rada se tam vracim.

Love Glamazon xoxo
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Paris Photo Diary

It would not be a proper trip if I did not post a photo diary of random things from Paris. I was not only going to the shows and events but I tried to do a bit of touristy stuff. I picked some of my favourite shots of different things…Beyonce’s sister Solange leaving show, lovely locks at the famous bridge or picturesque carousel. This all is Paris and I hope I can bring a bit of atmosphere of this chic city to all of you.

To byl nebyl poradny vylet, abych nevydala Photo Diary post. Rada zachycuju atmosferu mesta a fotim veci, ktere me zaujmou…muzete videt ruzne fotografie od sestry Beyonce – Solange jak odchazi z prehlidky, pres zamky na kouzelne moste ci typicky Parizsky kolotoc. Doufam, ze z fotek citite tu pravou Parizskou atmosferu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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How to take good outfits photographs on your blog?


Pictures are one of the key things when talking about blogging and to be more specific lifestyle and fashion blogging. I love great blogs with beautiful pictures and I am always trying to create the best myself.
It can be very difficult unless you have a multitalented friend or a pro photographer however I learnt few tricks myself. I am far away from a pro but if I have time I can produce good enough pictures for other people. It is harder to teach other people how to take good photos for me. LOL

I use Canon 5 D Mark II and it is a very good Canon body…not cheap but great. However you do not need to spend a fortune in order to take a good shot. And as for the lens I usually use Canon EF 50 mm. It is so cheap and takes amazing pictures.

So what are important things to take into consideration.

1.Daylight – Everybody knows that daylight is the best for any picture. You should avoid direct sun unless you know how to work your camera to your own benefits. And if your really have the time try to shoot at sunset or sunrise. That sun kissed skin will be pleasure for all readers’ eyes. 

2. Composition – The whole composition is important as it gives an outfit a character. It can really enhance the colours, the style, the material. You have to really feel this or look for inspiration and plan ahead. I do not really do this personally as I have no time. I am more kind of a last minute person to be snapped in the street. However if you have that luxury that you have time you can produce some great shots. 

3. Place – Place is very important as well as small details like bins behind you or things that can ruin the picture. If you do not have around photogenic area just look for something simple like a nice gate or even a brick wall. I personally love quiet street, beach, beige or white buildings and always take in consideration the contrast of the outfit. However, as I said I decide last minute.

4. Styling – Ok you are already wearing an outfit however make sure that the outfit looks good on camera and make last minute touches…e.g. scarf or no scarf or roll your sleeves up. These last minute changes can make the outfit.

5. Angles – Oh, this one is hard and you have to learn your angles and other people angles. Even the skinniest person can look big from a bad angle. You always need one full length shot, details and I like pictures in motion. They are hard to produces as it is hit and miss but just keep trying and at least one has to come out well.

6. Editing – I do not retouch much and I do small editing like cut the picture and if the light is good I sometimes use filters. Like in the main picture of this article. That shot was done on a very dark and rainy day so added a bit of filter to get softer outcome. I used online editor pixrl.

7. Add something extra – if I have enough time I always try something different like shoot with the sun directly to your camera as the sun is coming through behind the person. I feel it is nice to add pictures like that. You may not see the outfit that well but it gives a bit of character. And I like to take pictures of the area where I shoot and then incorporate it in the post. e.g. If I am shooting with Eiffel Tower in the background I do few separate pictures and include in the post. It just gives the post more energy or something.

These are really basic but really important tips for any blogger so hopefully you found something new to try. If you have any question feel free to ask.

Fotografie jsou v blogovani velmi dulezite, abych to upresnila v modnim a lifestylovem blogovani. Ja osobne miluju blogy, ktere nabizi k shlednuti uzasne fotografie a tak jsem se pomalu jako samouk naucila trochu co a jak. Nejsem zadny expert, ale kdyz mam dost casu a spravne misto tak myslim, ze umim lidi i obleceni hezky zachytit.

Ja sama fotim Canonem Mark II 5 D. Neni to uplne nejlevnejsi fotoaparat ,ale myslim, ze i s jinym fotakem se daji vykouzlit krasne fotografie. Vim to, protoze jsem mela drive mnohem levnejsi.

A co se tyce objektivu tak pouzivam tento. Je levny a foti skvele. Presne nejlepsi na zacatky blogovani.

1. Denni Svetlo – Kazdy vi, ze denni svetlo je na foceni nejlepsi. A uplne nejlepsi je zapad ci vychod slunce, ktere vam vytvori uzasny nadech pokozky. Jenze ne vzdy se nam postesti. Uprimne je peklo fotit v zime, protoze se hned stmiva bohuzel. Ale pokud mate tu moznost, tak vyuzijte denni svetlo co nejvice. Ja osobne se vyhybam ostremu slunci, ale nekdo i behem praveho poledne umi vykouzlit skvele fotky. No porad se ucim.

2. Kompozice – Kompozice je dulezita, ja osobne tohle moc neplanuju, ale pokud mate cas a pripravit si nejaky napad a inspiraci, tak urcite bude vysledek mnohem lepsi a bude stat za to. Diky spravne kompozici muzete vytvorit skvelou atmosferu fotek, zvyraznit barvy, materialy ci obleceni. Jenom to chce cas a trpelivost.

3. Misto- Tohle je velmi dulezite. Ja se vetsinou rozhodnu na posledni chvili tam kde stojim, ale pokud mate moznost, tak urcite promyslete, kde se chcete vyfotit. Pokud nevidite kolem sebe nic fotogenickeho tak se vzdy rozhlednete po dverich, cihlove stene ci nejake jine stene. Ja rada fotim na poloprazdne ulici, kdyz mam v pozadi bile domy a neutralni barvy. Treba v takovem Kensingtonu a Chelsea se mi foti vyborne a obleceni vzdy vynikne. Dejte si pozor na hloupe detaily jako kose v pozadi, papir na zemi nebo neco oskliveho, co vam muze dojem zkazit.

4. Styling – Obleceni uz na sobe mate, ale ujistete se, ze mate posledni styling dotazeny do konce. Prehodte si kabat pres ramena ci uvazte sal trochu jinak. Ja rada trosku povyhrnu rukavy, protoze to da obleceni smrnc.

5. Spravny Uhel – Tohle clovek musi videt a citit. Kazdy vi, ze spatny uhel muze pridat deset kilo uplne jednoduse. Nezapomente take nafotit detaily a vzdy alespon jednu fotku cele postavy. Ja osobne mam rada fotografie v pohybu, ale to je vylozene o stesti, ze se vam podari hezky zachytit.

6. Editovani – Ja fotky moc neopravuju, obcas je orezu ci pridam filtr. Na upravu pouzivam pixrl editor, ktery je zadarmo online. Tam upravuju vsechny fotografie. Vetsinou jde spise o filtr, kdyz treba pri foceni nebylo dobre svetlo, nebo upravuju rozmery originalni fotky. 

7. Pridejte neco extra – Tim mam na mysli dve veci. Nerada fotim jen klasicke fotky jak nekde blogerka stoji, ale kdyz mam cas tak se snazim zachytit par mene tradicnich fotek. Treba rada fotim se sluncem za zady, protoze vysledek je takovy prosluneny. Outfit neni moc videt, ale fotka ma charakter a je hezke ji do postu pak zamichat. A taky obcas fotim treba veci kolem a mezi outfit pridam jen okoli. Napr. kdyz budu fotit u Eiffelovky, tak do postu namixuju par fotek samotne Eiffelovky. Mam pocit, ze post ma potom lepsi stavu. 

Tohle jsou takove zakladni veci, ktere byste meli vedet. A pokud mate nejake otazky, tak rada odpovim. 

Love Glamazon 

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I am very visual person and have always been. I love looking around at nice things, taking pictures, arranging my house around and just absorbing beauty. All these things can really cheer up my day when I am down or moody. Well, it may sound shallow but I guess it is not harming anybody either. One of my ways how to escape and day dream is to browse on pinterest and searching for new inspiration.

I must say in the last few weeks I have been very active and I have a feeling this will be more and more. I created lot of new boards and it is my own way how to enjoy more things like after work bus drive when you are squashed by hundreds of people or January blues. I love coming up with new ideas for boards and discovering other pinners with similar taste. Well, if you are not on pinterest and you love similar things like me … you should definitely get on it right away! And if you are…you can follow me here.

I think there are thousands of great recipes, mood boards, photographs, quotes, motivation pictures that everybody will find their own thing. And how about me – I went from three boards to niche boards like rippped jeans look, London, Paris, beautiful cafes and much more. Oh man, I just love it.

This is not really a way to tell you about pinterest more about a way how to escape away on a gloomy day! Enjoy your own little moment.

Myslim, ze jsem to tady zminila jiz nekolikrat, ale jsem hrozne vizualni clovek. I kdyz jsem v minulosti delala v ramci prace ruzne testy jak vnimam, jak se ucim, tak to bylo velmi casto vizualne. A sama to taky tak vidim…miluju se koukat na krasne fotografie, veci, obrazky a pekne veci kolem. Dokazu hodiny jenom tak pozorovat a vnimat. A jedna z veci, ktera me vzdycky bavila, ale v posledni dobe uplne neskutecne je prave Pinterest. Aplikace, ktera uz je tu nejaky patek, ale rozhodla jsem ji rozjet na maximum.

Je to takovy muj kazdodenni unik od reality a zprijemnuje mi cestu z prace v narvanem autobuse ci ospala rana. Kdyz jsem si pinterest zalozila, mela jsem tak tri nastenky a ty jsem ted rozsirila a myslim, ze budu pokracovat dal od inspirace a stylu jsem prisla az na outfity s dzinama, zvonace, krasne kavarny a restaurace, Paris, New York, Londyn, citaty a mnohem vice.

Nevim, jestli pinterest mate, ale pokud ano tak me muzete sledovat tady a pokud ne, tak pokud mate radi krasne veci, ci jenom hledate zajimave recepty, tak si pinterest urcite zalozte.

Tento clanek nema slouzit jako nejaky informacni clanek o pinterestu…spis o tom jak ja sama unikam negativnim myslenkam, kdyz mam spatny den. Je na vas kam se vydate a s kym a cim budete snit.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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