Aspinal and Glamour Magazine Event

On Saturday morning it felt like spring arrived (at least for few hours). Aspinal of London and Glamour Magazine  did really well to create happy and warm setting at the Marylebone hotel during London Fashion Week. What a fabulous way to present new collection and put few bloggers and fashion lovers together to admire new collection!
I loved pretty much every piece and as always they managed to create timeless and chic collection full of neutral colours with few bright pieces for spring. My absolutely favourite piece is this bag as I love the shape and colour as well.  Fashion Director of Glamour Claudia Mahoney and a blogger Ella from La Petite Anglaise talked about street style and fashion. And did I mention tasty cocktails and canapes? Hmm, why doesn’t every Saturday start like this?
I brought my dear friend Margita and also bumped into lovely Atosa and her friends. It was also nice to see somebody from Made in Chelsea crowd who was checking her favourite pieces too. Imagine lot of fashion lovers with cameras in one room and lot of great bags. Could this get any better? Yes and it did. So thank you Aspinal team for my new gorgeous coin purse who you may have seen on my Instagram already. I have been carrying it around since. Perfect friend for a London Fashion Week. And this is only a start so stay tuned for more posts from shows, events and street style. This is not the end.

V Sobotu jsem nachvili pocitila, ze je jaro. Tedy alespon na akci Aspinal of London a casopisu Glamour, kterym dekuji moc za pozvani na tak skvele predstaveni nove kolekce kabelek. Claudia Mahoney z casopisu Glamour a znama blogerka Ella z La Petit Anglaise debatovali o mode a take street stylu a na akci prisla take jedna z hvezd serialu Made in Chelsea – Ashley. Ta vypadala, ze se ji kolekce moc libi.

Coz se ani nedivim, Aspinal predstavuje klasiku, ale tentokrat se mi libila kolekce obvzlast. Nasla jsem v ni krasne chic psanicka a take velke prakticke tasky. Nejvice se mi libily ty v neutralnich barvach, ale Aspinal pridal par kousku v jarnich pestrejsich barvach. Na akci jsem si mohla privest plus one a tak jsem mela doprovod od kamaradky Margity a samozrejme blogersky svet je maly a narazila jsem na kamaradku Atosu. Akce se povedla a kdo by si stezoval, kdyz mate dobrou spolecnost, dobre koktejly a jeste dostanete krasnou malou penezku z nove kolekce? Tahle malicka kamaradka se mi hodila na zbytek Fashion Weeku a od te doby si ji opravdu nemuzu vynachvalit. Takze dekuju teamu Aspinal za darek. Vy co me sledujete na Instagramu jste urcite jiz par fotek mohli videt. A timto samozrejme posty z Fashion Weeku nekonci. Myslim, ze se to bude jenom zlepsovat, takze se muzete tesit na dalsi posty z prehlidek, akci a take skveleho Londynskeho street stylu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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