Beauty: Current Favourites January 2017


January can be quite dull month. People indulged over holidays, spent lot of money during party season and Christmas and of course New Years celebrations. And January is the type of the month when people try to start eating healthy, gyms are packed with newcomers and then there is January drinking detox. Well, that all is great but may not be as much fun so I use January for trying new products and pampering. It is a great way how to brighten up otherwise grey and cold days.

So here are my current favourites. During winter months I am all about hydrating my skin. The weather can be quite harsh and skin can get really dry. I am huge fan of face masks as January is a perfect month for Netflix and your favourite face masks. This month I have been all about this soothing and hydrating mask from Nuxe, this amazing white oil miracle from Gazelli that really brings results instantly and last but not least I fell in love with everything from Skin Laundry. As a daily moisturiser I am currently using a face cream by Younom that has been tailored to my needs based on my DNA. In the evenings I have been all about this Estee Lauder serum that really helped to get rid of some dark spots on my skin. If I am in a rush and really need a quick way to hydrate my skin I reach for this Rodial hyaluronic tonic from their Blood range. And I do not leave house without my latest crush by Dior. I madly fell in love with this plumping lip balm. And it gets bonus points for the most chic packaging.

As you can see there is no chance for my skin to feel dry in January. So what your current favourites? Anything I should try?

Leden muze byt docela depresivni mesic. Vetsina lidi utratila spoustu penez pres svatky a v lednu se vsichni snazi setrit. A nejenom to. Spousta lidi se rozhodne najednou jist zdrave, zacit cvicit a prestat pit. A tak vsechna ta predchozi zabava konci jako kdyz utne. Ja se snazim ponure lednove dny zpestrit zkousenim novych produktu, casto si delam pletove masky a snazim se uzivat si dny doma u dobreho filmu. A proc ne? Je to prijemny zpusob jak zpestrit tu lednovou nudu a sed. 

A tady je par z mych oblibenych lednovych produktu. Uz v prosinci jsem ve velkem pouzivala tohle serum od Estee Lauder a take hydratacni masku od Nuxe, ktera je opravdu vyborna. Krasne vam hydratuje plet a zklidni ji a to hlavne v chladnem pocasi. A vubec celkove se v zimnich dnech venuju hydrataci. Dalsim oblibencem je maska od Skin Laundry a take maska Gazelli, ktera prinasi vysledky temer ihned. Jako denni krem momentalne pouzivam krem Younom, ktery mi byl vytvoren na miru na zaklade meho testu DNA. A kdyz potrebuju rychleho zachrance behem par vterin, tak si plet prestrikam touhle vodou od znacky Rodial. A jelikoz nesmime zapominat na rty, tak u sebe mam v kabelce tento uzasny balzam na rty od Diora. Jak vidite v lednu opravdu hydratuju. A jak vidim v Cesku je opravdu velka zima a kdybych byla u nas tak tu hydrataci jeste zdvounasobim. 

Urcite se rada doctu, jestli mate nejake momentalni oblibene produkty. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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