Category Archives: Blogging

How to have a good karma in blogging?

1 Picture source: Pinterest

Who would not know the saying what goes around comes around and basic karma rules? I am a huge believer in karma and law of attraction. I believe your behaviour, what you send to the universe will always come back. It is not sometimes that easy to stick to being good all the time however the more we try and we are aware of this the better it is for us. And Karma definitely comes to blogging as well and with giving the best intentions and hard work and good thoughts to all your work and being you can make your blog and yourself better and better. So how can you bring karma to your blog? I put together some tips that I think are relevant.

  1. Create a content that you have a passion for! Write about things you love, you believe in and do it with love and passion. These things can only make you look credible but also will bring more great things to your life and blog and also more readers.
  2. If you like something share it. There were many times I shared other people’s content just because I loved it. Share the love and share articles and pictures of others. And of course ideally if you can credit the original source that would be ideal. Otherwise that is just stealing the original content right. And always think do not do others things you would not like yourself.
  3. Reply to your comments and communicate with your readers and followers. This is such a basic karma rule as what you give to people they will give you back. They will engage, comment more as they feel you are actually reading their comments. Nobody wants to feel like they are putting their time into commenting and they get nothing back. I know there are many of us that have no time to respond to every email or question but try to do your best.
  4. Share your knowledge and share it for free. Yes I get paid for some of the content I create but there are still many things I share and do it for free. Like this article or any other blogging tips. Do you remember how people say sharing is caring and it is so true. I get emails from people asking me things like how to make a blog better, more successful…how to set up a blog or which platform is better. It is sometimes hard to find time to respond to everybody so these blogging articles are the best way to  share what I learnt over the years.
  5. Treat everybody equally. This is a tricky one. It is not a long time ago when I watched snapchat of Aimee Song where she saw at a big event a “colleague” who she met numerous times and that person totally ignored her. I believe there are basic rules for being polite and even though you do not get on with people that well or they may not be your closest or favourite you should have the courtesy to at least smile, wave or say quick hello. It does not matter how many followers you have or what you do or how good you are at what you do. It is about how you come across and stay polite.

There are only 5 tips how to bring karma to blogging and there are so many things I can think about that perhaps I can write a part two of these particular blogging series. So have a lovely rest of the weekend and stay positive.

Urcite vetsina z vas vi, co je karma. Ja v karmu verim a take v zakon pritazlivosti. To co vysleme do vesmiru se nam zkratka vrati. Neni jednoduche se porad ridit positivnimi myslenkami a obcas s tim take bojuju, ale snazim se byt v zivote pozitivni a uvedomovat si, ze to co dam jinym lidem ci vlozim do prace, se vzdy vrati. Cim vice positivnich veci a dobra tvorite, tim vice se vam vrati. A myslim, ze je tomu take i v blogovani. A jak tedy muzete karmu v blogovani ovlivnit? Mam pro vas par tipu, ktere me napadly.

  1. Tvorte obsah, ktery vam dela radost a bavi vas. Piste o vecech, kterym verite a o produktech, ktere vam sedi. Vasen a laska kterou vlozite do dila bude pridavat vasemu blogu zajimavy obsah a ctenari si vas najdou a hlavne budou verit vasim slovum.
  2. Kdyz vas neco zaujme, sdilejte to. Kdyz se mi neco opravdu libi, rada to sdilim se svymi followery. A idealni, kdyz uvedet zdroj. Vzdy se snazte vzit do dane situace. Predstavte si, ze nekdo pouzije neco od vas, co jste s velkym usilim vytvorili a nedali vam kredit. To je proste plagiat a kradez a to by se vam taky nelibilo.
  3. Komunikujte se ctenari a odpovidejte na komentare. Zadny ctenar nechce mit pocit, ze hovori do prazdna. Ja se snazim co nejvice odpovidat na komentare na socialnich mediich a pri nejhorsi, kdyz uz nezbyva cas tak alespon dat like poslednimu tweetu ci komentu na facebooku.
  4. Sdilejte vase znalosti a zkusenosti (zadarmo). Ne vsechno co blogeri tvori na svem blogu je placene. Ja jsem prave proto napriklad zavedla tuto rubriku, kde sdilim tipy v blogovani a sve zkusenosti. Nemam vzdy cas odpovidat na kazdy email ohledne blogovani, kde se me ptate na to jak udelat blog uspesnym, jak zacit apod. A tohle byl pro me idealni zpusob, jak sdilet to co jsem se za poslednich sest let naucila. 
  5. Chovejte se ke vsem stejne a nepovysujte se. Neni to tak davno, kdy jsem s udivem sledovala snapchat Aimee Song. Je to sama blogerka s velkym B a proto me prekvapilo, ze neco takoveho se muze stat prave ji. Uz si presne nepamatuju kontext ci misto, kdy se ji to stalo, ale nekde na akci potkala svou “kolegyni”, kterou nekolikrat potkala a ta ji uplne ignorovala. Clovek si nemuze vzdy sednout se vsema, ale ja jsem osobne typ cloveka, ktery da sanci vsem. A je slusnost se alespon usmat ci pozdravit. A je uplne jedno jak uspesny ten clovek je, ci zda ma vic fanousku a ctenaru, ale existuji zasady chovani a tech bych se mel kazdy drzet. 

Myslim, ze tohle je pet zakladnich veci, u kterych muzeme zacit, ale takovych bodu by se naslo urcite vice. Takze mozna budu mit moznot napsat dalsi dil o karme a blogovani. 

Preji vsem krasny zbytek vikendu.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Blogging: Know your value

It has been a while since my last “blogging tips” article. The other day I came across a discussion about sponsored post and how much individual bloggers charge. One blogger basically responded with a polite but open email to a brand that massively under offered her work. Everything she wrote back to them made sense. She explained how much time, money and effort goes to each post and broke down the offered fee and once she has done that it  all made sense.

Well, people coming from business or sales environment hear time, money and effort all the time right? It is used so much and it is all about making money, save time and ideally for little effort. The more time and effort you put into something the more money you should get in return. There are lot of ways to look at it but there is one important thing to realise and that is you must know your VALUE.

The question is how do you set your VALUE? I was trying to find some articles about this topic over the weekend and actually I found few very good posts about this matter. I thought most people would be silent about this but actually the blogging world is more and more open about sponsored posts and their earnings. And why not? At the end of the day most bloggers are business owners and that means that money will be a big part of it. I am not sure what is the ideal way how to set your price as I found lot of ways and indicators but there are few factors to take into an account. And trust me it is not all about the numbers. Firstly it also depends on the type of collaboration and the brand but let’s talk about standard sponsored posts in general. One thing is for sure that you should not work with a brand just because they pay you. You should like the brand and only present things that you believe in. Otherwise you will lose trust of your readers and followers.

So what can you use as an indicator to set up your value? There are easy ways how to find out PR strength of your blog so that would be a good start. Then you can look at things like traffic, social media followers, engagement of your readers, how much can you sell on your blog, content or quality of the blog or the brand fit. Luckily most brands are not just looking at numbers anymore as they realise that huge numbers are not everything.

I honestly came across extremes when bloggers with lot of followers work practically for silly amounts to bloggers that charge tens of thousands pounds. There are still many of us that do not realise their value and it is actually quite sad as I am sure they put lot of time and effort to each post. Perhaps if some people in your circles are open enough and share their standard fee that could help you as an indicator. Especially if you feel that your blogs are similar when it comes to PR strength.

Whatever you decide to do though just remember that you must VALUE what you do and you work very hard. It is mainly you that should set your worth. If a brand tells you that somebody with this amount of followers charges less it means nothing. Perhaps they have a reason for it or they do not know their own value. You need to be able to explain why you charge a certain amount and what can the brand get for that amount of money. You may have better engagement or more suitable readership for the brand. Whatever it is be prepared to present it.

And let me know if you came across this topic elsewhere as it would be great how you all feel about this.

Uz je to nejakou chvili, co jsem vydala posledni clanek venovany blogovani. Minuly tyden jsem narazila na diskuzi blogeru o tom kolik si uctuji za jednotlive spoluprace. Jedna blogerka zratka sdilela s ostatnima email, ve kterem odmitla spolupraci, jelikoz ji potencialni klient nabidl sazbu, ktera byla pod cenou. Myslim, ze email nemohla napsat lepe a uprimne vysvetlila kolik prace, snahy a casu venuje jednotlivemu clanku. A to samozrejme porovnala s nabidnutou castkou a ve finale by i velmi hloupy clovek musel uznat, ze ma pravdu.

Nevim kolik z vas slyselo v oblasti prodeje a businessu tri kouzelna slovicka – cas, penize a usili (time, money, effort), ale prave tyhle slovicka se daji aplikovat i v blogovani. Pokud jste uz v blogovani na urovni, ze chcete vydelavat nebo je to dokonce vase zamestnani tak opravdu je dulezite znat vasi HODNOTU. Zalezi vzdy jak se na to podivate, ale v kazdem pripade kazdy chce usetrit cas a usili a dostat dobre zaplaceno. Ale zalezi z jakeho uhlu se na tohle divate. Potencialni znacka zrovna chce penize usetrit a mozna si neuvedomuje kolik prace a casu do dane spoluprace investujete. Je treba vzit v potaz obe strany. 

Myslim, ze v dnesni dobe je velmi tezke urcit presne jakou mate hodnotu a kolik by si mel ten a ten bloger uctovat, ale existuje spousta ukazatelu, ktera vam mohou pomoci si cenu stanovit a tu uz si zaradit do vaseho media kitu. Zalezi na vecech jako typ blogu, navstevnost, sila vasich socialnich medii, obsah blogu a kvalita, demografie a ctenari samotni a take kolik jste schopni pres vas blog prodat produktu ci sluzeb a jakych. A kazda firma hleda neco uplne jineho a na kazdou spolupraci se hodi neco jineho a proto je treba umoznit misto pro vyjednavani, ale urcite se nepodcenovat. PR silu vaseho blogu je docela jednoduche si najit a to muze byt takovy pocatecni bod na stanoveni ceny. Ja jsem vyhledavala o vikendu ruzne clanky venovane tomuto tematu a nasla jsem jich nekolik. Myslela jsem, ze je to tema, o kterem se otevrene nemluvi a ono ano. Pokud mate to stesti a vase “kolegyne” se vam sveri jake pouzivaji sazby, tak to muze byt take vas pomocnik. Zejmena pokud vite, ze mate podobnou PR silu. Muzete si zkratka cenu stanovit podobne pokud to odpovida praci a usili, ktere do teto spoluprace vlozite. 

Mam pocit, ze se setkavam s extremy, kdy si blogeri s velkym poctem sledovanych stanovuji smesne castky, protoze si asi neuvedomuji silu jejich pozice na trhu az po castky, ktere si top blogeri stanovuji tak vysoko, ze se pohybuji v castkach milionu korun. Ani uznavana celebrita by takovou nabidku asi neodmitla. A take jsem se setkala s blogery, kteri pracuji zadarmo a otazkou je proc? Neceni si snad sveho casu a usili? At uz je za jejich rozhodnuti cokoli, mozna je na case si prave stanovit HODNOTU vasi prace a z te neustupovat. Proc byste meli svoji snahu a usili hodnotit mene jenom protoze nekdo to tak dela? Mozna vam trvalo nekolik let vybudovat vas “blogersky business” a proc tohle vsechno hodit za hlavu? Musite si vazit sebe a vasi prace a to je prvni krok.

To samozrejme neznamena, ze je spravne presentovat znacky na vasem blogu jenom protoze vam zaplati. Kazdy bloger by mel presentovat veci, za kteryma si stoji a hodi se do konceptu jejich blogu, nemyslite? Ale svou HODNOTU nemusite menit.

Urcite me zajima jak se na tohle tema divate a taky zda jste narazili nekdy na clanky s podobnou problematikou?? 

Love Glamazon xoxo

Berlin with Marcell von Berlin/Bonprix

For those who follow me on snapchat (evaglamazon) you may remember my recent press and bloggers trip to Berlin. Berlin is one of my favourite European destinations. It has got cool vibe, great spots, great fashion and shopping and in a way it reminds my some parts of London.

Marcell von Berlin who is a very talented german designer teamed up with Bonprix to design affordable yet trendy collection that is fun and young. And 15 different international bloggers came to Berlin to create different stylings, shoot and have a great day with the brand. As for UK representation it was myself and gorgeous Megan from Pages by Megan. I was glad I knew Megan before as it is always easier to see familiar face when travelling to these events.

I am not going to lie I was a bit worried how I will style and shoot normal clothes when I had quite obvious baby bump back then. I was finishing month 5 of pregnancy however I think I managed it quite well in the end. I picked tracksuit bottoms with white blouse and this super genius bomber jacket. And guess what? Everybody loved it.

After very tiring and long day of travelling, visiting Marcell’s show room and design studio, makeup, hair styling, shooting we headed to Berlin wall and finally for super delicious dinner at Volt Berlin. You know I am a big foodie and I can give five stars to this restaurant of choice.

Although I was soooo tired (the issues of a pregnant woman LOL) I had such a fabulous time with the team and all the bloggers and I wanted to share it with all of you. Not everybody follows me on snapchat so thought it was a nice day to write about.

Pro ty co me sleduji na snapchatu (evaglamazon) tohle asi nebude zadna novinka, ale nedavno jsem byla na press tripu jako blogerka a to v Berline. Berlin je jedno z mych nejoblibenjsich mest v Evrope. Ma uzasnou atmosferu, skvele restaurace, kluby a take modu a nakupovani. Trochu mi pripomina Londyn nebo abych byla presnejsi nektere cool casti jako je treba Shoreditch.

Marcell von Berlin je talentovany mlady nemecky navrhar a spojil sily s firmou Bonprix pro kterou navrhl cenove dostupnou, mladou a zabavnou kolekci obleceni a doplnku. Je to zkratka dalsi kolaborace navrhare a modniho retezce, se kteryma se v poslednich letech roztrhl pytel. Bonprix pozval 15 blogerek z ruznych zemi a z Britanie pozvali me a Megan, kterou jsem velmi dobre znala uz predtim. Coz se vzdy hodi, kdyz vidite znamou tvar na takovych akcich a jeste navic v zahranici. 

Nebudu vam lhat, ze jsem se trochu neobavala toho, zda se za prve do neceho s mym rostoucim tehotenskym brichem vlezu a take jak bude muj styling vypadat. Myslim, ze jsem to nakonec zvladla docela dobre. Vybrala jsem si teplakove kalhoty s flitry, bilou bluzu a bomber bundu s napisem Yes, ktery je teda na zadech, takze tady na fotografiich nejde videt. 

Byl to pro me docela narocny vylet. Musela jsem vstavat brzo rano a jet na letiste a hned z letiste v Berline primo do showroomu a studia navrhare. Po te jsem se vydali do studia, kde jsme meli rychly obed a pak uz nasledovala sama prace, ale nastesti i zabava. Hodiny makeupu, vlasoveho stylingu, foceni kolekce az to nakonec strasne rychle uteklo. Zbyvala nam rychla navsteva Berlinske zdi a vynikajici vecere v restauraci Volt Berline. Vite, ze miluju dobre restaurace a teto davam pet hvezdicek. Myslim, ze cely PR tym pripravil opravdu fantasticky program a i kdyz jsem byla unavena jako cert, tak jsem si to neskutecne uzila. 

No a nechtela jsem, aby tem, co nemaji snapchat neco uniklo a tak jsem se rozhodla s vami sdilete tento clanek.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Blogging: 5 Important Attributes of a Blogger

1 Blogging is not science and practically anybody can start right now. However, there are definitely some attributes you may need to have if you want to succeed. Some of these are more or less important however together they create a good platform for any blogger to achieve what they want.

Creativity – Ok, let’s face it. You should have at least tiny bit of creativity otherwise it would be very difficult to create any content. Some people are less creative than others so perhaps look for inspiration at the least unexpected places. I actually found some sort of inspiration from almost all my colleagues. It is usually something they do or say that gives me an idea for another article.

Organisation skills – Blogging is often about goals, targets, planning, time keeping, scheduling and everything organisation related. Well, it is good to have a schedule and plan and make sure you know what is coming next. I am lucky as I am very organised person.

Persistence – So many people give up after few days, weeks or months. The return from blogging does not come over night. Whatever it is you want (more readers, fun, money, collaborations, more comments). You have to be patient and persistent. And you will achieve your goals.

Commercial Awareness – If you get serious about blogging and you want to grow, make money or have other sorts of success you have to be commercial. You have to understand this “business” and how it works and how you can make it better. You may get to the point where negotiating is going to be one of the more important skills. And you will also need some networking and pitching skills. Even if you are not getting paid for PR for certain products but you want to recommend it you need to know how to convince your readers it is a great product.

Passion – And last but not least. You need to love it. If I did not love it I would finish years ago. I had so many moments when I wanted to quit but you my lovely readers always gave me another breath with your encouraging comments.

Blogovani neni zadna veda. Prakticky muzete zacit prave ted. Staci vam pocitac a internet. Ale existuje rada atributu, ktere je dobre mit, pokud clovek chce v blogovani vydrzet a nasledne uspet. Nektere maji vetsi ci mensi vahu, ale spolu vytvari skvele predpoklady, ktere vam pomohou k vydrzi a uspechu.

Kreativita – Je vam asi jasne, ze be kreativniho ducha by asi bylo tezke vytvorit nejaky obsah. Nekdo ma kreativity vice a nekdo mene. Kdyz uz me treba nenapada, co na blog tvorit, tak hledam inspiraci na tech nejmene ocekavanych mistech. A muzu take s cistym srdcem rict, ze snad kazdy z kolegu v mem tymu v praci me nejakym zpusobem inspiroval. Vetsinou je to neco, co reknou nebo udelaji a to mi da podnet k dalsimu clanku. 

Organizacni schopnosti – Planovani, stanoveni cilu, dochvilnost, seznamy apod. To vsechno je soucasti blogovani. Ja mam to stesti, ze v tomhle jsem fakt dobra. Jinak bych nemohla delat praci co delam a jeste blogovat. Vsem doporucuji si rozepsat plan o cem chcete psat a premyslet o techto vecech predem. Nekdy tohle ma dane prirozene a nekteri bohuzel musi na planovacich schopnostech pracovat o neco vice.

Vydrz – Uz tolikrat jsem chtela zkoncit. Kazdy bloger proziva obdobi, kdy chce vse ukoncit a mit klid. Ale blogovani je opravdu hodne o vydrzi. Nezvdavejte to. Jestli uz chcete dosahnout vice komentaru, chodit na zajimave akce, spolupracovat s oblibenou znackou ci vydelavat tak tohle se nestane za den, tyden a a treba ani mesic ci dva. Veci, ktere stoji za to vetsinou nejsou zadarmo a clovek si musi pockat. 

Obchodni duch – Proc by blogerka potrebovala mit obchodnicho ducha? Protoze se musi neustale nekde presentovat, vyjednavat, musi se umet prodat, musi si byt vedoma toho, co ji lisi od ostatnich. Jako v kazdem druhem odvetvi. Mozna neprodavame auta ci domy, ale prodavame vlastne sebe, nasi osobnost a pozdeji kdyz se vam zastesti i produkty. I kdyz vam za reklamu nikdo neplati a treba chcete jenom urcitou vec doporucit, je dobre znit verohodne a vedet, jak produkt co nejlepe presentovat. 

Vasen – A k cemu by vam byla kreativita ci obchodni duch, kdyz vas to vlastne nebude bavit. Vasen a laska k blogovani je opravdu nejdulezitejsi. Kdyby me to nebavilo, nestrasila bych vas uz 6 let. To da smysl. 

Love Glamazon xoxo