Category Archives: Food and Drinks

Tip of the week: Afternoon Tea in Ceru

It is not a secret that I am a hugely into Lebanese, Turkish cuisine and similar to these. And you may also remember my previous post about incredible CERU restaurant that have previously been open more as a pop up spot. They finally found their home and it is such a stunning place that is only few minutes away from the South Kensington tube station. The deco took my breath away as it is a perfect blend of traditional and modern and has got that touch of Arabic countries. I really love what they have done with the place (perhaps you saw my Insta Stories last week as I could not resist to film their stunning toilets LOL).

I was lucky enough last week that my husband had few days off and I could visit this marvellous restaurant with my friend Helena for their afternoon tea. I love good afternoon tea and it is such a good way how to catch up with friends. Ceru definitely adds their own touches to it so do not expect traditional cakes and sandwiches. Imagine sandwiches and cakes with that levant touch and delicious spices. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

My favourite sandwich was definitely creamed feta, lemon and pickled cucumber but cannot really decide on the top choice from the sweet selection. They all had something surprising. You can chose tea with or without champagne and guess what I went for? Yes with LOL. It would not be me otherwise. As I have been in the restaurant few times previously I wanted my friend Helena to try some of the stuff I liked previously like their signature lamb (OMG what a dish) or other things. So we ordered few bits after the tea.

It was honestly such a lovely afternoon and I am definitely coming back. If you are around West London and you want to try something different definitely stop by as Ceru will take you on a lovely journey of tastes and great food.

Neni zadnym tajemstvim, ze miluju kuchyne jako Tureckou, Arabskou ci dobroty z Libanonu. Zkratka kuchyne Levantu. A mozna si i pamatujete nektere predchozi clanky o vyborne restauraci Ceru, ktera drive pusobila spise jako Pop up. To uz je ale minulosti a konecne jeji majitele nasli domov a otevreli si prekrasnou restauraci jenom par minut od zastavky South Kensington. Uz po prichodu se mi libilo jak si majitele poradili s interierem, ktery je uzasnym balancem moderniho a tradicniho. Najdete tam kusy dovezene primo z Maroka, ale i moderni navrhy, ktere do restaurace krasne zapadaji (mozna jste zrovna vy videli moje insta stories z jejich prekrasnych toalet – opravdu jsem si nemohla pomoci haha). 

Minuly tyden jsem mela zrovna stesti, ze muj manzel mel volno a tak jsem mohla jit do Ceru se svou kamaradkou Helenou na jejich Afternoon tea. Ja osobne mam Afternoon tea (neboli caj o pate) moc rada a je to super zpusob jak si pokecat s kamaradkou a dat si neco dobreho. Necekejte samozrejme tradicni Britsky caj, ale spise sandwiche a zakusky s chuti Levantu a vyborneho koreni. 

Nejvice mi chutnal sandwich s kremovou fetou, citronem a nakladanou okurkou, ale uprimne se nemuzu rozhodnout, ktery zakusek byl nejlepsi. Muzete si vybrat verzi bud s sampanskym ci bez a take si muzete vybrat i caj podle svych chuti. Ja jsem hrozne Helene chtela predstavit par jinych specialit a navic jsem mela sileny hlad (klasika co), takz jsme si jeste objednali jehneci a par jinych lahudek. 

Pokud  budete v okoli South Kensington, urcite se sem zastavte treba zrovna na jejich Aftenoon tea. Ja jsem si to moc uzila a snad se v Ceru bude libit i Vam.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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The ultimate girly day at St Martin’s Courtyard

If a massage appointment pops up on my phone calendar I am the happiest person in the world. So imagine full day of pampering, good food, shopping and great wine. I am beyond happy and more than that (simply find it hard to describe it with words). So let me take you on the journey of a day like that and introduce this nirvana for Londoners – St Martin’s Court Yard.

There is nothing better than an ultimate girly day packed with things most girls like. Whether you decide to take your sister, best friend or treat your dearest mum for upcoming Mother’s day this is the place to do it. I have never realised how handy it is to have all these facilities nearby each other and how easy it is to create a perfect day. If my mummy lived in London this is where we would be hanging around on 26th March for sure.

So let me take you with me on a little tour around St Martin’s Court Yard and make you forget that it is Monday today. I had the best time yesterday with my friend Joanne and as we are both mums this was an incredible treat. It has been the longest time I have been separated from Liam but it was so worth it.

Kdyz mi v kalendari na telefonu naskoci upozorneni, ze mam dneska masaz, tak me zaplavi pocit stesti. Takze si predstavte, ze zjistite, ze vas ceka cely den plny uzasnych veci jako kadernik, masaze, nakupy a dobra snidane a obed. Nikdy jsem si neuvedomila, jak jednoduche je zvladnout vse v jeden den, pokud se rozhodnete tento den stravit v St. Martin’s Courtyard na Covent Garden. 

Miluju takove holcici dny a tohle bylo asi nejdele, kdy jsem byla oddelena od Liamka. I kdyz se mi styskalo, tak jsem si vcerejsi nedeli opravdu uzila. Vydala jsem se na den plny zazitku s kamaradkou Joanne, ktera ma dve deti a vubec se nam nechtelo domu. Brzy nas ceka svatek matek a takovy den by byl uzasny darek pro maminku, ale treba i pro kamaradku k narozeninam ci si uzit den jenom se svoji sestrou. To uz je na kazdem.

A v dnesnim postu vas chci vzit na takovou mensi vypravu, kterou jsem si vcera vyzkousela ja. 

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Tip of the week: 202 in Notting Hill


Fridays have always been my favourite part of the week. Even when I was working in an office. You have after work drinks and the whole weekend ahead of you. Now when I am home, blogging and looking after Liam it still remains my top day of the week. Yesterday I met lovely Jasmine in her gorgeous Toy shop in Notting Hill and then headed to 202 for brunch with my friend. I am glad that Liam’s first visit in a toy shop was in this gorgeous store. My Canon is currently being repaired so I only took pictures with Iphone however 202 is one of the favourite local spots in Notting Hill. It has been around for a while but remains popular thanks to it’s cool design and good food.

I decided to go for traditional Eggs Benedict however I regretted few minutes later when the table next to us ordered amazing Beetroot risotto. Well, perhaps next time. When I was looking at the menu it offers great combination of main courses, typical brunch meals as well as desserts. And the outside is fab….great for people watching on this favourite shopping street in Notting Hill. What I like about this shop is quite unique set up as you have a designer boutique downstair and cafe/restaurant upstair. As soon as you walk in you can admire great clothes, lovely books and smell fabulous food. What else can you ask for right? I am not going to lie when I was going downstair to the toilet my eyes were everywhere. I resisted and went back upstairs to finish my soya latte. It is a dangerous set up for people like me…good food and fab clothes under one roof. LOL

Well, if you are around in Notting Hill it is definitely one of the places to try.

Miluju patky. Je to oblibena cast tydne a to nejen ted, ale i kdyz jsem pracovala v kancelari. A na me lasce k patku se nic moc nezmenilo od te doby, co jsem doma s Liamem a venuji se jemu a blogu. Skvela Jasmine me pozvala vcera do jejiho rozkosneho obhodu s hrackama Honeyjam, ktery najdete v Notting Hill. S Jasmine jsem se seznamila pred par mesici a jsem rada, ze Liamova prvni navsteva hrackarstvi byla prave u ni. A kdyz uz jsem byla na teto strane Londyna, vydala jsem se pak na brunch v 202, coz je misto, ktere vam chci dneska predstavit. Momentalne mam svuj Canon v servisu a tak jsem fotila pouze na Iphone, ale tohle misto je jedno ze stalic v teto ctvrti. 

Rozhodla jsem se pro klasicke vajicka Benedict, ale toho jsem trosku litovala, kdyz si stul vedle nas objednal rizoto s cervenou repou. Popravde jejich menu vypada vyborne. Najdte v nem klasicka brunchova jidla, dobre deserty a maji zajimavy vyber hlavnich chodu. 

Nejvice se mi libi koncept teto restaurace, protoze je soucasti butiku, ktery najdete ve spodni casti. Najdete zde uzasne kousky od navrharu a nebudu vam lhat, kdyz jsem sla dole na toaletu moje oci nevedely kam driv. Takovy koncept je pro lidi jako ja nebezpecny…dobre jidlo a hezke obleceni. LOL

Kazdopadne pokud budete v Notting Hill tak 202 vyzkousejte. Je to popularni misto a treba se vam postesti a narazite na Beckhamovi. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Tip of the week: Pizarro


Pizarro on Bermondsey street is a another place that definitely deserves lot of attention (although some reviews I read may not agree) . Especially that I always complain there are not many good options where to eat around London Bridge (that’s a fact and any new tips are welcomed). Over the last few weeks I had lot of visitors here in London including my best friends from Prague and Hong Kong and we had the best time together. Eating out, drinking good wine, chatting and mainly sharing experiences of motherhood. This is what it is like when four mums friends and mums meet.

One day after admiring Anthony Gormley exhibition in White Cube we all headed to this nearby restaurant which is only few steps away from the gallery. Bermondsey street is another go to place for cute cafes, great vibe and good food. The restaurant welcomed us with modern Spanish looking design and lovely staff. I always compliment when a place can combine well modern furniture with more traditional items to keep the space authentic.

If you are in to tapas I think you will like this place. I have tried many restaurants with Spanish tapas cuisine and this one is now high on my list. We ordered loads of dishes and this is the beauty of places like this. You can share and try lot of different excellent things and pick your favourite. My top dish must be vegetable lasagne. It may sound boring however I love when chef can create vegetable dish so well that it tastes better than fine meat main course. However other things from the menu were fantastic too including the lamb, octopus or their breads.

And although I am not huge on desserts after trying a little bit I had to keep going. I think partially I have to blame the breastfeeding as the sugar need is endless. LOL

I would love to now take my hubby to Pizarro and hopefully little Liam will be as good as last time.

Restaurace Pizarro je dalsim skvelym mistem, ktere si zaslouzi byt v mych tipech, kde se dobre najist tady na blogu (i kdyz nektere recenze online si to mozna nemysli). Ja si vzdy stezuju, ze v okoli London bridge je tezke najit dobre restaurace a jsem rada, ze jsem tuhle objevila.  Cela Bermondsey street vubec stoji za navstevu a nabizi hned nekolik dobrych mist k jidlu ci jenom si posedet v trendy kavarne.

V poslednich par tydnech jsem mela navstevu za navstevou a kdyz prijela moje kamaradka z Hong Kongu a z Prahy tak jsem si to s nima uzila na plno. Kazdy den jsme neco podnikali, jedli v dobrych restauracich, pili dobra vina a hlavne probirali materstvi. Tak nejak to vypada kdyz se sejdou ctyri maminky a kamaradky.

Jednoho dne jsem s holkama vydala do galerie White Cube na vystavu od Anthonyho Gormley. A po te jsme se vydali do teto nedaleke restaurace. Hned u vchodu nas privitala prijemna obsluha a skvely design. Mam rada pokud se podari vybalancovat tradicni kousky a ty novejsi. Ve finale pusobi interier jako moderni Spanelsky styl.

A pokud jste milovniky tapas tak si na sto procent pochutnate. Myslim, ze vsechny ctyri mame docela rozmazlene chute a ja jsem zkusila tapas restauraci opravdu dost. Objednali jsme si  hodne jidla a to je prave na tapas vyborne, ze clovek muze ochutnat hodne rozdilnych jidel a vybrat si to co mu nejvice chutna.

Za me to budou asi zeleninove lasagne. Miluju kdyz dokaze nekdo tak chutove vyvazit zdrava jidla, ze chutnaji lepe nez ten nejkvalitnejsi masovy pokrm. Ostatni veci z jejich menu ale v zadnem pripade nepokulhavaji. Vynikajici byla take chobotnice, jejich chleby a jehneci. A i kdyz nejsem zase az tak desertova tak po zakuseni jednoho sousta jsem se do nich pekne pustila (trochu za to mohou i chute, ktere mam ted kdyz kojim haha).

Strasne rada bych jsem ted vzala manzela, tak snad se nam to podari. Liam byl v Pizzaro opravdu zlaticko a snad pri trose stesti by byl i podruhe. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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