Category Archives: Mummy to be

Outfit: Black Lace at Tom Ford

Wearing: Dress: Asos, Jacket: Swagga & Soul, Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Asos

Last week I had a typical challenge of my life and that was what do I wear to work that I can wear to one of my events after work? This is now becoming even more challenging as I am carrying around 8 months bump and extra weight. Uff, the perks of being pregnant. LOL

I knew I cannot go wrong with simple black dress so I picked this Bardot style piece with lace details and it was a good option. After work I headed to a stunning Tom Ford event and although I was probably the less trendy and more elegant visitor I think it was a good choice anyway. You cannot deny the little black dress is a real classic.

Minuly tyden jsem musela resit moje klasicke dilema a to co na sebe do prace, kdyz mam vecer modni akci. Tohle je u me docela caste a nejsem fanouskem se prevlekat po praci a tahat sebou dva outfity. A ted je to jeste mnohem tezsi, protoze mam kila navic a taky tehotenske brisko a prestoze zacinam osmy mesic tak opravdu porostlo. No vyhody tehotne zeny ze? LOL

A tak jsem vsadila na jistotu a oblekla si tyhle saty s krajkou a spadlymi rameny. Vecer me cekala nadherna Tom Ford akce a i kdyz jsem byla asi nejmene trendy a spise elegantni tak i presto jsem sveho vyberu nelitovala. Klasika je zkratka klasika. Ale i tak se tesim az budu moci nosit zase vsechno, co v satniku mam. Lhat vam zase nebudu to ne. Hehe 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Cold shoulder frill sleeve dress

7 Photography: Rebecca Spencer

Wearing: Dress: Asos, Bag: Gucci, Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren, Shoes: Zara

Cold shoulders is another huge trend I am thankful for during pregnancy. You can find lot of shirt dresses and A-line dresses in the stores and if you are not a big fan of wearing maternity clothes at all times like me it is a great option. You can just pick a bigger size and problem solved. I love this frilly shirt dress so much and honestly even my almost 8 months bump managed to fit in.

Not sure what your weekend plans are however I am going to another Jessops photography course. Jessops kindly invited me to another academy session with them to learn how to take good photos and use camera like a pro. Now the challenge is on…how to pass all this knowledge to my friends and husband. LOL

Prustrihy na ramenou a hola ramena jsou opravdu trendem, kteremu jsem ted behem tehotenstvi hrozne vdecna. Na trhu je spousta obdobnych satu a tak staci koupit vetsi velikost a brisko se vam do nich krasne vleze. Je to idelani pro nekoho jako ja, kdo nechce porad nosit jenom tehotenske veci. A treba do techto kosilovych satu se mi me skoro osmimesicni brisko krasne vlezlo.

Dneska se chystam na dalsi kurz fotografie, kde me pozvala firma Jessops. Pred par tydny jste mozna videli na snapchatu (evaglamazon), ze jsem delala fashion photography course a dneska to bude spise technicka zalezitost jako nastavovani fotaku apod. Ale kazda nova znalost se hodi.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Zig zag maxi cardigan

6 Pictures by Nena
Wearing: Shoes: Adidas, Bag: Chanel, Cardigan: River Island, Top: Tchibo, Leggings: Asos, Sunglasses: Dior

This outfit is another perfect example that if you I have more stand out item it can give a bit of juice to simple combinations. This rule becomes very handy especially in pregnancy. I fell in love with this zig zag cardigan as firstly it looks like something from Missoni collection and secondly I can wear it even with my bump due to its cut and material.

This weekend I had a great meeting with a cosmetics brand called Geneu which I will tell you definitely more about in a near future. And then I spent my Saturday with a friend in Shoreditch house (what a surprise) by the pool sipping healthy juices and water. Well, after all I wish it was glass of wine or cocktail but I will have to wait for that a bit right?

Tento outfit je typickym prikladem toho, ze kdyz si poridite par vyraznych kusu, tak vzdy pridaji trosku stavy jinak velmi klasickym kombinacim. Tohle pravidlo se mi zacina vyplacet ted v tehotenstvi. Kdyz jsem uvidela poprve tento maxi cardigan se zig zag potiskem, tak jsem se hned zamilovala. Nejen, ze vypada jako kousek od Missoni (samozrejme za mene penez), ale dokonce diky strihu a materialu je to dalsi model, ktery muzu nosit jak ted tak i po porodu.

O vikendu jsem sla na schuzku a test DNA, ktery provadela kosmeticka znacka Geneu. O tom vam urcite reknu vice v budoucnu, protoze jsem byla sama fascinovana, kam az veda a kosmetika pokrocila. A pote jsem stravila Sobotu v Shoreditch housu (jako vzdy a znovu) polehavanim u bazenu a popijenim zdravych dzusu. No priznavam se, ze sklenicka vina ci koktejlu by mi sedela vice, ale na to si budu muset jeste pockat.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Denim maternity frilly dress

2 Photography by Rebecca Spencer

Wearing: Dress: Mayarya, Shoes: Dune, Jacket: Swagga & Soul, Bag: Gucci, Sunglasses: Victoria Beckham

This Mayarya maternity frilly dress is definitely one of the most flattering pieces I currently own. It works perfectly for the office as well as for just walking around the town, evening drinks or shopping. And mainly this dress is just super comfortable. Oh, how much I love that word right now. LOL I would not ever dreamt of saying this but comfort is one of the first things I look at now when I am pregnant. And all women that are pregnant or have kids surely understand me.

I wish everybody a great week ahead and stay tuned as lot of new posts are coming up.

Tyhle tehotenske saty jsou jedny z nejlychotivejsich tehotenskych satu, ktere mam. A navic se diky strihu a barve hodi na spoustu prilezitosti. Myslim, ze se spravnym sake jsou dobrou volbou do prace a kdyz se zmeni doplnky hodi se na den ci na vecer. Je dobre objevit saty, ktere opravdu vyuzijete. A hlavne kdyz jsou pohodlne. To je slovo, ktere snad zminuju v kazdem clanku. Ale kdyz je clovek tehotny tak se opravdu diva nejdrive na pohodli. 

A protoze je pondeli, tak vsem preju uspesny tyden. A hlavne mam pro vas zasobu novych postu, takze vas uz predem zvu. 


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