Category Archives: Travel

Travel: Santorini Photo Diary

It has been a while since I published any travel/photo diary post and because I am pregnant this may be a last one for a while. I am definitely planning to travel with my little one after birth but I think I will need a bit of time to adjust to my “new” lifestyle.

Anyway, I wanted to publish some of the photographs from our trip as Santorini truly is magical island. Endless stunning views, white houses, amazing food and unpredictable geology around you. I went to the red beach and visited beaches with black sand and everywhere you go there is another surprise. It would be a great trip for girlfriends just for few days as the island really is small so it is enough time to see everything.

I swear after three days we have seen everything so we decided to go back to places we loved the most like Amoudi bay. That is definitely my favourite spot. If you go do not forget to do your research about where it is good to watch the sunset as that is one thing you should do when visiting Santorini. You may use help of online tips or just ask the locals.

There is enough to do and enough to see. One thing I stayed away from was actually hiring the donkey. I am not a huge fan of using them going up and down from ports back to town. They always look so sad poor little things. Although I appreciate years and years ago the locals had no other option. Well, it still does not change the fact I do not want to support this.

Anyway, I hope these photographs will at least a bit show the beauty of this island and bring its atmosphere to your homes.

Uz je to nejakou dobu, co jsem vydala posledni travel post a jelikoz sem tehotna, tak letos cestuju opravdu mene a myslim, ze to chvilku potrva i po porodu. Budu se muset holt prizpusobit novemu zivotnimu stylu, ktery me ceka.

Kazdopadne jsem vam chtela ukazat par fotografii z posledni dovolene na Santorini. Je to opravdu prekrasny ostrov a rada bych se tam vratila. Myslim, ze uplne idelani by byla holcici dovolena na par dni, protoze ostrov je opravdu malicky a ctyri dny bohate staci. Santorini ma co nabidnout, ale nejvice jsem asi ocenila ty dechberouci vyhledy a dobre jidlo. Navic najdete v kazdem koute ostrova neuveritelnou geologii a v nekterych castech i velmi rozmanitou. Navstivila jsem red beach i plaze s cernym piskem a vubec kazdy kout prinesl neco noveho. Je to podle me idealni misto na holcici dovolenou na par dnu. Myslim, ze tyden je na ostrove docela dost vzhledem k velikosti. Mela jsem pocit, ze za tri dny jsem byla vsude a pak uz jsem se chtela vracet jenom na oblibena mista jako napriklad Amoudi bay.

Take se vyplati najit nejake dobre misto na sledovani zapadu slunce, ale o tom vam kazdy pruvodce ci mistni reknou sve. Jedna z veci, ktere jsem se vyhnula byl pronajem oslika. Nejsem fanousek toho, ze se pouzivaji na noseni zbozi a lidi a prijde mi, ze v ktere zemi jsem, tak vypadaji tak strasne smutne. Nemaji to v zivote jednoduche. I kdyz chapu, ze pred lety to byl jediny zpusob dopravy z pristavu nahoru na skaly a take zpusob jak dopravit zbozi do mesta.

Doufam, ze vam fotografie alespon trosku priblizi krasy ostrova.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Tip of the week: Sunset Taverna by Paraskevas


What a place!!! Under the red cliffs of Oia there is this stunning romantic spot called Ammoudi bay. A dream spot for food lovers and people that appreciate fresh sea food and romantic atmosphere. I loved this place after visiting one day and this gorgeous taverna got my heart so much we had to come back. Sunset Ammoudi taverna is a place we just came across but after having quick lunch there one day we decided to come back for full dinner after trying many places on Santorini. This restaurant is definitely at the top of my list. It is a fantastic spot to watch sunset but be aware if you want to experience this it is definitely important to actually book a table in advance.

There was just something about this lovely taverna. It was not just about good service and fresh sea food but the fact you feel you are almost dining in the sea. Everywhere you looked there was something beautiful to see and I could not stop soaking in local atmosphere. If I ever come back to Santorini I will come back. I had a thing for calamari on this trip and this placed served the best I tried on the island. However, their other sea food and other Santorini specialities are worth to try.

We really loved everything about this place and hopefully the pictures can bring you closer to this picturesque place.

Pod utesy Oia, ktere maji specifickou cervenou barvu, ktera se casto nachazi prave na ostrove Santorini, se nachazi tohle prekrasne misto – zatoka Ammoudi. Romanticke misto, ktere asi oceni hlavne milovnici morskych plodu a romanticke atmosfery. Behem naseho pobytu na Santorini jsme se zde stavili na lehky obed a hrozne mi tam chutnalo. A tak jsem jednoho dne rozhodla, ze bych chtela Tavernu Sunset vyzkouset i na veceri. Spousta turistu na ostrove si rezervuje stul v podobnych restauraci a ceka na proslaveny zapad slunce. A proto pokud se chystate na tyhle mista kolem osme hodiny tak urcite potrebujete rezervaci. 

Ja jsem se nemohla nabazit mistni atmosfery a pocitu, ze si uzivate vyborne jidlo temer v mori. Myslim, ze jsem nikdy nejedla tak blizko more. Mela jsem i pocit, ze kazdou chvili muzeme spadnout do vody, ale zkratka to melo neco do sebe. Servis, kvalita jidla a vyhled se opravdu neda srovnat s nekterymi misty, ktere jsem navstivila. 

Doufam, ze fotografie vam alespon trochu priblizi vyborne jidlo a tuhle prekrasnou zatoku pod utesy mesta Oia. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Berlin with Marcell von Berlin/Bonprix

For those who follow me on snapchat (evaglamazon) you may remember my recent press and bloggers trip to Berlin. Berlin is one of my favourite European destinations. It has got cool vibe, great spots, great fashion and shopping and in a way it reminds my some parts of London.

Marcell von Berlin who is a very talented german designer teamed up with Bonprix to design affordable yet trendy collection that is fun and young. And 15 different international bloggers came to Berlin to create different stylings, shoot and have a great day with the brand. As for UK representation it was myself and gorgeous Megan from Pages by Megan. I was glad I knew Megan before as it is always easier to see familiar face when travelling to these events.

I am not going to lie I was a bit worried how I will style and shoot normal clothes when I had quite obvious baby bump back then. I was finishing month 5 of pregnancy however I think I managed it quite well in the end. I picked tracksuit bottoms with white blouse and this super genius bomber jacket. And guess what? Everybody loved it.

After very tiring and long day of travelling, visiting Marcell’s show room and design studio, makeup, hair styling, shooting we headed to Berlin wall and finally for super delicious dinner at Volt Berlin. You know I am a big foodie and I can give five stars to this restaurant of choice.

Although I was soooo tired (the issues of a pregnant woman LOL) I had such a fabulous time with the team and all the bloggers and I wanted to share it with all of you. Not everybody follows me on snapchat so thought it was a nice day to write about.

Pro ty co me sleduji na snapchatu (evaglamazon) tohle asi nebude zadna novinka, ale nedavno jsem byla na press tripu jako blogerka a to v Berline. Berlin je jedno z mych nejoblibenjsich mest v Evrope. Ma uzasnou atmosferu, skvele restaurace, kluby a take modu a nakupovani. Trochu mi pripomina Londyn nebo abych byla presnejsi nektere cool casti jako je treba Shoreditch.

Marcell von Berlin je talentovany mlady nemecky navrhar a spojil sily s firmou Bonprix pro kterou navrhl cenove dostupnou, mladou a zabavnou kolekci obleceni a doplnku. Je to zkratka dalsi kolaborace navrhare a modniho retezce, se kteryma se v poslednich letech roztrhl pytel. Bonprix pozval 15 blogerek z ruznych zemi a z Britanie pozvali me a Megan, kterou jsem velmi dobre znala uz predtim. Coz se vzdy hodi, kdyz vidite znamou tvar na takovych akcich a jeste navic v zahranici. 

Nebudu vam lhat, ze jsem se trochu neobavala toho, zda se za prve do neceho s mym rostoucim tehotenskym brichem vlezu a take jak bude muj styling vypadat. Myslim, ze jsem to nakonec zvladla docela dobre. Vybrala jsem si teplakove kalhoty s flitry, bilou bluzu a bomber bundu s napisem Yes, ktery je teda na zadech, takze tady na fotografiich nejde videt. 

Byl to pro me docela narocny vylet. Musela jsem vstavat brzo rano a jet na letiste a hned z letiste v Berline primo do showroomu a studia navrhare. Po te jsem se vydali do studia, kde jsme meli rychly obed a pak uz nasledovala sama prace, ale nastesti i zabava. Hodiny makeupu, vlasoveho stylingu, foceni kolekce az to nakonec strasne rychle uteklo. Zbyvala nam rychla navsteva Berlinske zdi a vynikajici vecere v restauraci Volt Berline. Vite, ze miluju dobre restaurace a teto davam pet hvezdicek. Myslim, ze cely PR tym pripravil opravdu fantasticky program a i kdyz jsem byla unavena jako cert, tak jsem si to neskutecne uzila. 

No a nechtela jsem, aby tem, co nemaji snapchat neco uniklo a tak jsem se rozhodla s vami sdilete tento clanek.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Tip of the week – El Carnicero Milano


My friend Monika pulled all the stops when planning our social life when I was in Milan. Not only we managed to have a lovely breakfast in Pandenus and an amazing brunch at Four Seasons she also got a table in this Argentinian restaurant – El Carnicero. When we arrived around 8 pm the restaurant was already buzzing. All the locals enjoying their huge meat platters, wine and cocktails.

We ordered some delicious cocktails to start with and waited for our table at the bar. The place really had a great atmosphere and gorgeous decor. I knew straight away what I was heaving. I just cannot deny myself a good steak when you know they serve the best meat in Milan. And I was glad I did it. It was definitely one of the best steaks I have ever tried. We ordered some chips and vegetables on the side. And I felt like in seventh heaven if there is such a place. LOL

So thumbs up to Monika for this great choice. Although I felt like my body just cannot eat anymore we decided to share one of the desserts which was their day special. And I can say one thing – mouthwatering. I have cravings again just by looking at it.

If you are ever in Milan and you like good quality meat and good service you should try this gem. Just make sure you book in advance as they get really busy.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Behem Milanskeho fashion weeku moje kamaradka Monika nam pripravila nabity program, abych si to s ni krome mody poradne uzila. Nejenom ze jsem posnidala v utulne kavarne Pandenus a dala si vytecny brunch ve Four Seasons. Monice s podarilo prekvapive ziskat stul na vecer ve vytecne Argentinske restauraci El Carnicero.

Kdyz jsme dorazily, tak uz bylo v restauraci narvano. Nas vecer zacal nejakym tim koktejlem a ja si uzivala atmosferu. Jde videt, ze misto je to popularni, u dveri a baru bylo chvilema velmi tesno. Nastesti po usazeni uz to bylo lepsi a ja se kochala i jejich dekorem. Uz od zacatku jsem vedela, ze si dam poradny steak. To by ani jinak neslo, kdyz vite, ze udajne serviruji to nejlepsi maso v Milane. A opravdu jsem nelitovala. Byl to asi jeden z nejlepsich steaku, ktere jsem zkusila. A vybraly jsme par priloh, jako hranolky, ktere byly krajene spise jako chipsy. A taky nejake salaty.

Sice jsem mela pocit, ze uz do sebe nedam ani sousto, ale rozhodly jsme se si dat napul jejich desert, ktery byl v nabidce dne. Jeste ted se mi sbihaji sliny. Ani se nemuzu na tu fotku divat. 

Pokud se do Milana chystate a mate radi napriklad dobry steak, zebra a podobne masove dobroty, urcite si zkuste rezervovat stul. Jidlo bylo opravdu vytecne.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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