Hey skin laundry I am glowing



It was now over a year ago when I was in Hong Kong for New Years celebrations and stayed at one of my best friends’ house when she just returned from holidays and was just glowing. You know that type of glow when your skin looks fresh, tight and so healthy. Well, we kind of all glow after being relaxed however when I told her she said she is just back from Skin Laundry. That got me curious.

We did not discuss much about it but I was told it is the best thing ever if you want great results in short amount of time. Over the course of year she mentioned the treatment several times and one day I got a message from her Skin Laundry is now available in London at Liberty department store. Big fat yes from me! I knew I had to try it.

I have always had skin issues since I was a teenager. I suffered from severe acne and later from hyper-pigmentation and now when I am getting older there is a new issue called wrinkles. Well, does it ever stop? So when I got the opportunity to partner up with Skin Laundry and try the course of treatments I did not hesitate. The founder Yen Reis who had skin issues herself came up with a great concept of light laser and light therapy treatment that really delivers. It is great for everything – acne scars, wrinkles, clogged pores, pigmentation or even just tired looking complexion. Some of you may have tried traditional laser however this is more mild version that needs to be done frequently in order to achieve great results. And why would you do it this way rather then go once or twice for a traditional laser treatment?

Firstly, it is quick, secondly it is affordable (50 £ per treatment), thirdly you do not leave the salon red or irritated and plus it does not hurt. Even after the first treatment your skin is glowing, fresh and looks fantastic and that all just after 15 minutes. I have just finished the intensive course of 5 treatments and I am beyond happy. It works wonder on tired skin too. Now when I am a new mum that is also a huge concern. I am so impressed that I bought one of their bundles and I will be going for more (it kind of becomes an addiction). What I find fantastic that they offer first treatment free of charge for everybody. So you can go an try and see if you like it! I guarantee you will.

So who is going to get laundered with me? I think your lunch breaks are now sorted right?

Kdyz jsem byla pred vice nez rokem v Hong Kongu oslavit prichod Noveho Roku, bydlela jsem u jedne ze svych nejlepsich kamaradek. Ta se prave vratila z dovolene a jeji plet byla proste nadherna. Je mi jasne, ze slunicko a odpocinek pomaha nam vsem, ale trosku me vyvedla z omylu, protoze rekla, ze se prave vratila ze salonu Skin Laundry

Tenkrat jsme to az tak nerozebiraly, ale pochopila jsem, ze se jedna o rychly a slaby laserovy zasach, ktery pokozku behem patnacti minut napne, procisti a zkratka ji obnovi. A pokud budete chodit pravidelne, tak dokaze zamest s problemy jako pigmentace, jizvicky po akne apod. Jenomze co mi to bylo platne, kdyz Skin Laundry salon byl bud v LA ci v Hong Kongu. 

A prave neco takoveho by pro me bylo idealni. Vzdy jsem trpela na silne akne, ktere se upravilo az kdyz jsem byla starsi a pak prisla pigmentace, ktera me trapi doposud. No a ted po tricitce prisly vrasky. Ono je to zkratka porad neco. Takze kdyz mi jednoho dne prisla smska, ze Skin Laundry otevreli salon v Liberty obchodnim dome v Londyne, vedela jsem, ze to musim vyzkouset. 

Mela jsem to stesti, ze jsem se Skin Laundry mohla spolupracovat a zkusila intensivni kurz peti osetreni. Vcera jsem ho dokoncila a vysledky jsou tak skvele, ze jsem si koupila dalsi osetreni. A proc taky ne? Jedna se prakticky o velmi lehke osetreni laserem a take svetlem IPL, ktere trva pouze patnact minut. Neodchazite ze salonu cerveni, nybrz je vase pokozka krasne napnuta a svezi. A co je na tom nejlepsi, majitelka Yen Reis nabizi vsem prvni osetreni zdarma. Takze si to kazdy muze vyzkouset zdarma a rozhodnout se, zda tech 50 £ za osetreni stoji.

Ja si Skin Laundry nemuzu opravdu vynachvalit, takze pokud mate tu moznost, urcite to zkuste a uvidite.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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