My week in pictures

Hey everybody,
Hope you are having good week so far. I was off for a week and I had such a good time (not counting the flu that was ruining it a bit). Here are few random pictures. I went for nice meal with a friend and my mum to Mandarin Oriental, we went to Camden, had pint of Guinness, strolled around London and had afternoon tea as well. Did I forget anything?
Snad mate vsichni prijemny tyden. Ja jsem mela tyden volno a opravdu se vse vydarilo (nepocitam ten odporny virus, ktery me zachvatil). Pridavam par nahodne vybranych fotografii z celeho tyden. Dala jsem si s mamkou a kamaradkou vyborne jidlo v Mandarin Oriental, nechybel vylet do Camdenu, klasicky Guinness, prochazky Londynem a take tradicni caj o pate :DDD Snad jsem na nic nezapomela.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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