New In …Vienna shopping

Good morning darlings,I went for a short trip to Vienna with my mum and bought just few pieces. I could not believe my eyes that I found that iconic diamond necklace that was sold out in London. I also managed to get gorgeous Zara blazer on sale for only 20 euros. And finally this military piece from new collection. I also snapped few things in Forever 21 but I must say that the stores in NY and London have better selection.

Jela jsem v tydnu na mensi vylet do Vidne, kam to mam z Jizni Moravy za humny a koupila si par kousku. Nemuzu porad uverit, ze jsem objevila v Londyne vyprodany nahrdelnik. Podarilo se mi take ve slevach ulovit tohle krasne sacko ze Zary za pouhych 20 euro a take vesticku ve vojenskem stylu z nove kolekce. Par veci jsem si jeste poridila ve Forever 21, kde se mi toho zase tolik nelibilo. Myslim, ze jejich obchody v New Yorku ci Londyne maji mnohem vetsi vyber. 

Preju vsem krasny den.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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