Simple in Czech

Dear bloggers,

As you all know I spent 5 days in Czech and I always pack quite simple things like this dress. Its easy to combine and you just need right jewellery or bag. I never look super stylish back home as I need to keep it simple.

Anyway, I will show you this week what a stylish mum I have. She asked me to buy her some things and I must say she can have great taste.

Jak urcite vite, byla jsem na pet dni v Cechach. Vzdy si balim jednoduche veci jako jsou tyto saty. Daji se lehce kombinovat a pak uz staci jenom nejake doplnky a je to. V Cechach se nesnazim vypadat extra stylove, je treba spise jednoduchost.

Mimochodem, tento tyden vam ukazu jak mam stylovou maminku. Poprosila me ji koupit par veci a musim rict, ze nekdy ma skvely vkus.

A co vy a vase maminky?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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