Tag Archives: life

First half of 2021 is done..let’s look back

Wearing: Shoes: Nicholas Kirkwood, Dress: River Island, Earrings: Celeste Starre, Blazer: Vintage


We are approaching end of July and I am sitting here and thinking how fast the first half of 2021 went. I thought it would be a good time to reflect what has happened so far and how is life during pandemic. As let’s face it covid is still here with us and does not look like it will be taking Virgin rocket to the moon. Although things seem somewhat normal here in UK I am still worried that autumn may bring another lockdown however, I am staying positive and hope that the government know what they are doing?!

I actually slowed down a lot when it comes to content creation and it feels great. At this point I am getting back. You can watch one video a week on my youtube so hurry up and hit that subscribe button. I also had several campaigns mainly on TikTok and I cannot wait to get back to it. I slowed down a lot when it comes to filming Tiktok videos. Truth be told I did not feel inspired or motivated due to changing algorithm. It is so much fun to create content in the summer as you are busy with social life, you have holidays and you travel. That gives you fun opportunities to create and you are inspired. On the other hand other people do it too and that means engagement goes down :)

I am so grateful that I managed to travel to Czech this summer and I could enjoy great weather and time with my family. That has been one of the best experiences this year. It was worth all the 15 tests we had to do as a family. However this also put me off travelling abroad so we decided to spend another holiday here in UK. We recently came back from Cornwall and had such a wonderful time. I am planning to share some content with you from there. Weather was on our side so it really felt like being at our beloved South France. We just ate more pasties LOL.

I am now obviously spending summer with Liam who is off school and let me tell you content creating with him constantly home is not as easy. I am determined to find a way as always and bring you as many videos, images and articles as possible.

Let me know how has your year been so far? I am curious to know :)


Mame za sebou prvni pulku roku 2021 a cervenec je skoro u konce a tak jsem si rikala, ze neni spatne se ohlednout, jaky ten prvni pul rok byl. Nebudu vam lhat, spoustu mesicu vetsina z nas prozila v lockdownu a je tak tezke rict, ze se delo neco noveho :) Bohuzel take vsichni vime, ze covid nikam neodesel a tak prestoze v Anglii nam vlada vse plne rozvolnila, tak mam obavy, jake nasledky tohle bude mit na podzim. Nejak jsem si zvykla, ze zivot je skoro normalni. A uprimne se mi nechce moc vracet k tomu, ze se nemuzu schazet s lidmi ci si zajit do restaurace.

Ja jsem na par mesicu dost zpomalila, co se tyce tvorby obsahu a prace a citim se skvele. Pomalu se vracim k toceni a tvorbe, na youtube vas ceka jedno video tydne a urcite i vice clanku tady na blogu. Hodne jsem ubrala u tvorby na TikToku, jelikoz jsem necitila inspiraci a taky me prestaval motivovat menici se algoritmus:) Na druhou stranu vetsina spolupraci, ktere jsem letos mela, byla prave na Tiktoku. Firmy opravdu investuji do propagace prave na teto platforme. A paradoxem je, ze behem leta se mi tvori obsah asi nejlepe. Cestovani, pocasi a dobrodruzstvi nam dava spoustu moznosti pro tvorbu a inspiraci. Bohuzel na druhou stranu je engagement vzdy nejslabsi, protoze si leto uzivaji vsichni.

Jsem tak vdecna, ze pres vsechna uskali se mi podarilo navstivit rodinu v Cesku a uzit si tam krasne pocasi a take kulatiny meho taty. Stalo to za vsechny ty testy a ze jich nebylo malo. Pro nas tri to bylo celkove patnact testu a to me opravdu odradilo od dalsich zahranicnich cest. A tak nase dalsi dovolena byla v Cornwallu. Pocasi nam opravdu pralo a prisla jsem si spise jako v Jizni Francii, jenom s tim, ze jsem jedla vice Pasties :)

A ted me ceka leto v Londyne. Urcite jeste neco podnikneme o vikendech jako rodina a chci si leto uzit co nejvice. Jelikoz jsou ale letni prazdniny, Liam nechodi do skoly a tak jsou veci jako tvorba a prace trosku slozitejsi. Budu se ale snazit tvorit pro vas co nejvice, at uz jsou to vlogy, videa ci clanky.

Dejte mi vedet jaka byla vase prvni pulka tohoto roku a co mate v planu? Mejte se hezky.


5 things that motherhood taught me

Motherood is something so natural to human kind and yet it can shake us in many shapes and forms. It is something that comes and we just learn on the way as we go with support and help with those around us.

Well, if it is natural why can it be so hard to figure out what to do? Why some of us can struggle at the start or even later when our little ones are no longer that little? Why aren’t we sometimes sure about what to do even there are so many books, articles and we are being bombarded with information? Well the thing is it is never black and white and there are tons of opinions out there.

However as you go and your baby is growing, you learn and you find a way. There are many lessons that you will come across and you will find out some incredible and some less incredible things about yourself. So here is more about what motherhood taught me and showed me.

  1. Love – I heard that before so many times from people around us, from my own mother … the love for your child is unconditional and the type of love you can only experience  once you are a parent. It is that sort of love that even if you get few hours for yourself you keep scrolling through pictures of your child when they aren’t with you (Yep and never thought I would be that person). However, it does not mean you will click with your baby straight away. I heard so many stories when women felt the bond right after the birth but I didn’t. It took me few weeks so it is ok when you do not feel exactly how the world expects you to.
  2. Strenght – You will find out you are much stronger than you ever knew. Before I had Liam I thought I am tough and I can work hard however motherhood is a new level of everything. It is not just having two jobs and work 14 hours a day. It is non stop and different level of responsibility. There were times when I had 2 hours of sleep few days in a row, I had probably poo in my hair and on my face and I was trying to write and create content and also cook dinner for my husband and I was on the edge of losing it. There were times when I thought if somebody isn’t gonna come through the door and help me I will faint but I made it. I always made it and I am proud of it.
  3. Looking after yourself is more important than ever – You honestly will have the most surprising moments that will be nasty, filthy and can come out of nowhere. I had that just yesterday walking from a meeting wearing Gucci tights, cute designer bag and feeling good and then your child gets sick and it is everywhere his clothes, your clothes, buggy but then I was like at least I look good and he is ok. I laughed it off. However, it really has been researched that how you look really affects how you feel. If you workout, look after your skin and wear nice clothes it increases your confidence and everything around that. World just seems nicer with a cute lipstick on.
  4. It is Ok to ask for help – It is normal that you need time off, you need another pair of hands and it is fine to ask for help. To be fair I still work on this. Partially I feel guilt and I feel obliged to a person that helps me and partially I am a control freak. I have always felt I prefer to do things on my own. I know this is wrong as we all need help but that is my own personal issue to be fair. However, just because I have issues with it doesn’t mean you should have so accept help that is offered by family or friends. You need  it and you need time off as we rarely get that.
  5. Everything is just a phase – I cannot count how many times I have heard this and it is true. It helps so much to get through the tough times whether that is issues with breastfeeding, first illness, colic, tantrums and every other issue you will probably have to face. You will always get through it and then find a way and then just when you feel you have mastered it something new appears. However, it is all ok as it just a phase. Even when Liam will have girlfriend issues I will have to accept it as a phase LOL.

Motherhood is hard but wonderful and it will teach us many things along the way but remember you are strong, stay away from discussion forums or asking too many people for advice as it can get very confusing. You just have to listen to your intuition and go with the flow. You got this one.

Materstvi je neco, co je nam prirorezeneho a presto muze otrast v zakladech kazdou z nas. Je to zkratka neco, co se ucime behem celeho procesu za podpory naseho okoli, rodiny a kamaradu. Dostavame lekce za pochodu a nekdy jsou velmi necekane. 

A tak se sama sebe obcas ptam, kdyz by to pro nas melo byt vse tak prirozene, proc se tak casto ztracime a nevime jak na urcite veci? Ja jsem treba mela krusnejsi zacatky a nevedela si rady a vsechny ty informace kolem mi akorat davaly zabrat. Problem je v tom, ze to nikdy neni cerne a bile a nikdy nic neni spravne a spatne a clovek se v te zaplave informaci proste ztrati. 

Pozdeji vsak zjistite, ze nejlepsi je spolehat se na vasi intuici a ze jak dite roste, ucite se svym zpusobem. Ceka vas tolik lekci a postupne se o sobe dozvite nove a nove veci. Nektere jsou super a jine uz mene. A tak se s vama podelim o to. co jsem se zatim v materstvi naucila a zjistila ja. 

  1. Novy typ lasky – To ze materska laska je uplne neco jineho a nepopsatelneho jsem slysela tolikrat, ale clovek na to opravdu prijde az se stane rodicem. Je to nepodminena laska, ktera nema hranice a pro sve dite bude kazda mama dychat do posledniho konce. Je to takovy typ lasky, ze i v momente, kdy vite, ze potrebujete byt sama a podari se vam to, tak si prohlizite roztomile fotky sveho ditka (a nikdy bych nerekla, ze budu patrit do teto skupiny). Neznamena to, ze tyto pocity vam naskoci od prvniho momentu. Ja to tak nemela a nechapala jsem co je se mnou spatne, ze necitim materske pouto od prvniho dotyku hned po porodu. Hormony se mnou cloumaly jako silene a prestoze spousta zen o tom asi moc nemluvi, ja jsem zacala materske pouto citit asi az od tretiho mesice. Od te doby se hodne zmenilo a moje laska k Liamovi roste a roste kazdym dnem. 
  2. Mam obrovskou silu – Diky materstvi jsem zjistila, ze jsem strasne silna. Vzdy jsem o sobe vedela, ze jsem dric, ze hodne vydrzim, ale byt mamou je uplne neco jineho. Mela jsem stavy, kdy jsem mela pravdepodobne hovinka ve vlasech I na obliceji a prezivala asi na dvou hodinach spanku denne a do toho jsem se snazila psat, vydavat nejaky obsah, varit veceri, prat a vse kolem a presto jsem to vzdy vydrzela. Obcas jsem citila, ze jestli nekdo nevkroci do naseho domu a nepomuze mi, ze se sesypu a vzdy jsem to vydrzela. Je to uplne jina zatez nez mit dve prace a delat treba 14 az 15 hodin denne a presto to vzdy vydrzite. A jsem na sebe za to pysna. 
  3. Je dulezite se o sobe starat – V materstvi vas cekaji prekvapeni a velmi casto ne moc vonave. Prekvapi vas tak, ze nestacite rict svec. A zrovna to jsem zazila vcera. Sla jsem si ze schuzky, ktera dopadla dobre, citila jsem se skvele na sobe puncochy od Gucciho a hezkou designerskou kabelku a v tom hodil Liam takovou savli a ze to bylo vsude…moje obleceni, jeho obleceni kocarek, ale byl v poradku a to je hlavni. A tak jsem si dal kracela ve svych pozvracenych Gucci puncochacich a vlastne se i zasmala, ze se ani nic nestalo. Takove momenty by nemely zadnou z nas zastavit a rict si, ze stejne mi to dite zaspini, pozvraci, pokadi. Opravdu je dokazane, ze kdyz je clovek upraveny, vse se v jeho mysli meni, zvysuje se sebevedomi a citite se lepe. Ja to rikam porad, ze vse jde lepe s hezkou rtenkou.
  4. Je to v poradku, kdyz mate pomoc – Vsichni potrebujeme obcas pomoc a v dobe, kdy mate male dite tak asi vic nez kdy predtim. Ja mam trosku takovy problem, ze  kdyz mam pomoc, citim se provinile. Pokazde se ptam, zda to tomu cloveku nevadi a tak nejak s tim bojuju. Ale obcas je to treba, takze pomoc  neodmitejte a neuzirejte se jako ja. Je to normalni, ze chcete mit cas na sebe a treba si cist, zajit si zacvicit nebo proste vypnout.  
  5. Vsechno je jenom obdobi/faze – Nedokazala bych ani spocitat kolikrat jsem tohle slysela a ono je to skutecne tak. At uz je to kojeni, kolika, prvni nemoc, obdobi vzdoru vse je jenom faze. A az se s tim srovnate, prijde neco noveho. Musime se zkratka porad adaptovat a neco menit. A myslim, ze takovych obdobi jeste bude. Ale clovek si musi vzdy rict, ze je to dalsi etapa a ta prejde. Treba az bude Liam resit holky, budu se tim zase muset utesovat. LOL

Materstvi je narocne, ale zaroven je uzasne a naucite se tolik veci, ktere by vam zivot mozna nikdy neukazal. Idealni je se drzet daleko od skupin pro matky, diskuznich for a take se ptat hodne lidi na nazor. Vsechno toto akorat mate mamam hlavy. Nejlepe je poslouchat svou intuici a ridit se pocitem. Proste to vzdy vsechno zvladneme.

Eva x

The real reason behind negativity on Social media

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Bag: Chanel, Trousers: Allsaints, Cardigan: Zara, Hat: Asos

Social media is quite new world. Yes it has been around for several years but it is not something people had centuries before. And that means spreading news and information is going faster than before. What people have always had was variety of behaviours, certain type of characters and understanding of good and bad. And even hundreds years ago we had wonderful leaders and philosophers that inspire the world even in these days. Thanks to them we now have incredible knowledge about balance of life, law of attraction, how to find what our purpose of life is.  Those amazing quotes are now so much easier to spread thanks to media and social media and these days we are surrounded by knowledge gathered over many years. There are so many amazing books about things like law of attraction or about the path of your life.

And we are lucky and I am lucky as we now understand so much more about certain behaviour and why people act in a certain way whether that is a negative comment or their actions. As we come to this world and we grow up until early teen years we absorb everything that is being said, we absorb patterns from parents and close family, we create our own image of the world. Unfortunately during this period we create blocks that influence how we react to certain things for the rest of our lives and we can also subconsciously attract these things repetitively. And from a pure person that came to this world is now a brand new person full of prejudices and ideas that they gained based on their environment.

And that leads me to explaining why people would be negative in life or on social media. That explains those negative comments. It is people that absorbed certain patterns and created blocks during early years of their lives. The thing is it does not have to be just a negative comment but it can simply be an opinion. If you hear a lot as a child that rich people only got to their wealth by fraud you will assume that about most rich people, if you hear that age should define what you wear that is what you believe. We have ideas about money, looks, behaviours, food and everything you can think of. However, it does not mean that what was passed on to you is right. Somebody gave you that idea and it stuck and now millions of opinions and different points of view are circulating around social media and turning into negative comments, hate and more. Instead of spreading love, positive energy and joy we see total opposites.

What it means is that it is only somebody’s point of view and their beliefs and it has got nothing to do with you. It is that person’s personal view and there is not much they can do about that until they decided to change it themselves. We all can work on balancing our lives, spread only the good, stop being judgmental and trust me it is hard work. No matter how many books I read about this topic even I am influenced so much by things I was being told for years. Whatever somebody says about you or does to you has got nothing to do with you at all. It is them and their inner believes. So next time somebody tells you you are materialistic, stupid, ugly, fat, old or whatever it is. Remember, it is not you…it is them. You are only a mirror to them and that triggers their behaviour. If somebody has got an issue that some Youtuber bought another expensive bag it only shows something about that person commenting. It can be anything that they believe in and picked up during the years whether a thought that expensive bags are not achievable, that expensive things ruin character….whatever it is. You are the mirror and the comment is the reflection.

I am very lucky that when I forget this and a bad comment appears I discuss this with my best friend. She is such a smart person that she always reminds me of this and says always something so relevant that I cannot argue and always admit it has got nothing to do with me. The main thing is that negativity on social media has got nothing to do with you.

We all have the right to express and opinion but this is more message for those who receive or encounter negative situations, comments that it is has nothing to do with them.

Svet socialnich medii je docela nova zalezitost, ano uz par let je nasi soucasti, ale jako takovy neexistoval pred stovkami let. A diky tomuto svetu se dneska informace siri mnohem rychleji. Co tu ale bylo vzdy jsou lide ruzneho charakteru, ruzna chovani, ruzne nazory a take schopnost vnimat dobro a zlo. A kdyz se na to tak podivam tak po celou dobu pokazde existovali velmi chytri filozofove a vudci, kteri dokazali inspirovat a predavat svetu jejich znalost. Dnes kdyz ctu knizky o vecech jak najit sam sebe, jake je moje poslani, zakon pritazlivosti, tak je ve vetsine z nich pouzito tolik starych mot a hlasek. A vlastne i ty se siri diky socialnim mediim obrovskou rychlosti a muzou nam pomoci v kazde zivotni situaci. 

Ja mam to stesti a vy take, ze dneska uz muzeme konecne pochopit, proc se urciti lide chovaji jistym zpusobem, proc se nekdo chova spatne, slovne ublizuje nebo treba necha nekde na Instagramu negativni komentar. Kdyz se clovek narodi, narodi se cisty, bez predsudku nazoru ci strachu. To se bohuzel meni a jak deti rostou tak do urciteho veku, dejme tomu do nejakeho obdobi puberty nas opravdu hodne ovlivnuje nase blizke okoli, ktere nam predava sve predsudky, nazory a vzorce. A tak vznika uplne jina osoba, ktera si sebou nese ruzne bloky ulozene nekde v podvedomi, ktere ovlivni dalsi chod zivota a take to jak na urcite veci reaguje. A dalsi veci, kterou si clovek odnese jsou ruzne “mylne” nazory. To co je nam opakovano a vkladano, tomu jednoho dne zacneme verit a to pro nas bude ta nase pravda. A to ze o tom pisu neznamena, ze ja jsem perfektni. Jako kazdy mam sama co delat, ma spoustu bloku a take opakujicich se veci, ktere se mi budou porad dit, dokud neprijdu na to proc. 

A to me vede k tomu vysvetlit proc je tolik lidi na socialnich mediich negativni a proc nekdo zanechava takovy a takovy komentar. Kazdy z nich vlastne ukazuje sam sebe, predstavuje jejich prebrane nazory a stare vzorce a neni to nic jineho. Vy jim pouze nastavujete zrcadlo. Takze to co nekdo napise se vas vubec netyka. Jenom to vypovida o dane osobe a co si sebou z rannych let vzal. Kdyz vam jako diteti nekdo bude porad opakovat, ze kazdy bohac zbohatl zlodejinou a podvodem, tak uz tomu budete verit cely zivot. Kdyz vyrostete v prostredi, ze vek ma definovat to co nosite, tak tomu budete i verit. A tak na socialnich siti cirkuluje tolik ruznych nazoru, komentaru at uz pozitivnich ci negativnich, ale cokoli je vysloveno ci napsano vzdy jenom odrazi osobu, ktera to pise. Jak rika pan Jaroslav Dusek – Mne se to netyka. Sama s tim obcas bojuju a neni to jednoduche si to rict ve vsem pripadech, ale kdyz se opravdu zklidnite a zapremyslite o tom, zjistite, ze to tak opravdu je. A to je takova zprava pro ty, kterych se to tyka. Kdyz ma nekdo problem s tim, ze mate dalsi novou designerskou kabelku, neni to vas problem. Vy jste obraz v zrcadle a onen komentar je jenom odraz a tento odraz ma toho cloveka vest dal. Ma se zeptat sam sebe, proc mi to vadi, proc me toto chovani vyvadi z miry a neco s tim delat. 

Vsechno je proste jenom neci nazor, jejich vira a presvedceni a s vama to nema nic spolecneho. Kdyz vam nekdo rekne, ze jste hlupak, tak to svedci jenom neco o te dane osobne a vas se to netyka. Je to jenom nazor a vlastne pokud se dany clovek nerozhodne sam s tim neco udelat, vy moc nezmenite. Kazdy se musi rozhodnout sam. Je to o tom zit zivot v balancu, sirit dobro a lasku a prestat soudit ostatni. Verte mi, ze je to obrovska prace a takova nekonecna cesta. Ja mam treba tyden, kdy si vedu dobre a pak se mi stane neco a mam treba hodne negativni den, ktery me strhne zpet na spatnou cestu. A prestoze ctu knihy na toto tema, i ja jsem ovlivena vzorci z detstvi. Jedno je ale jasne, ze to co o vas nekdo rika s vama nema co delat. Takze kdyz vam nekdo rekne ci napise, ze jste materialista, hlupak, tlusty, stari nebo cokoli je to jejich vnimani sveta. Nejste to vy, ale oni…..

Obcas se taky zaseknu a kdyz mi nekdo napise nazor, ktery treba nevnimam podobne, ci mi nekdo zanecha negativni komentar. Ale nastesti mam svou nejlepsi kamaradku a ta mi vzdy pripomene jak to vlastne je. Pokazdne mi rekne neco tak trefneho, ze musim ten komentar hodit za hlavu i kdybych nechtela. Hlavni veci je, ze vam predhazovana negativita na internetu se vas proste netyka. 


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Be happy right now

Wearing: Bag: Bulgari, Boots: River Island, Dress: De la vali via Luisaviaroma, Sunglasses: Le Specs

Being happy?! What does it mean and why do I write about it so much?! It feels like every day we have our ups and downs and you also hear it from other people. After many years I finally realised if you want to be happy you have to be happy right here and right now!

Easier said than done but that is the only way. It does not matter if you do not have as glamorous holiday booked as your friends or if you live in a small room that you are renting out. You have to feel happy right here and right now that is the only way.

Otherwise we end up chasing something that may never come and I am pretty confident if you find a way to be happy with what you have and love yourself as you are right now…those better things will start happening.

I start to feel that the puzzle in my life that was broken is finally coming together. And if I actually think of it there are lot of ‘problems’ in my life but I am taking the life more with a flow. Certain things are meant to be and you have to accept it and look at things from positive point of view.

I am really trying to see good things in the smallest things in life and encourage other people to feel the same. Of course I still love my designer bags and great food in a trendy restaurant however I can feel happy just running around in the park with Liam. It is all about being grateful and feeling love.

And the same comes to you and how you see yourself. I do not have a perfect figure and I do not look like a supermodel but I actually am happier with myself than ever before. You have to accept yourself as you are. After all I am and so are you perfect in our own way.

Byt stastny? Co to vubec znamena a proc to tak casto zminuju? Mam pocit, ze kazdy den na me vyskakuji pribehy lidi kolem, kteri si stezuji a kdyz se na to podivam, vlastne nemaji proc. Ono se to rekne, ze kdyz mame pocit, ze ten druhy ma vse na co si vzpomene, ale jak muzeme vedet, co se odehrava uvnitr jejich hlavy a srdce. A to je prave ono. Je treba by stastny tady a ted. A nezalezi na tom kolik mame v garazi aut, jakou dovolenou jsme si zarezervovali, ci jestli mame vetsi televizi nez soused. At uz jste kdekoli a delato to ci ono, je treba se citit stastny s tim co mame. 

Ja moc o negativnich vecech na socialnich medii nemluvim. Obcas zminim nevyspani, ale kazdy snad pochopi, ze jako rodic je na tom stejne spoustu lidi, ale kdyz se na to podivam z jineho uhlu, tak to nevyspani tech par let, kdyz miminko neni spac vlastne neni takova tragedie. A verte, ze i ja a moji blizci maji problemy, ty maji vsichni. Jde o to ale jak se na ne divame. Podle me nema cenu jeste sirit negativitu a stiznosti a hlasat je do sveta. Komu to prospeje? Nikomu. Snazim se to  brat tak, ze proste nektere veci maji tak proste byt a nic s tim neudelam. A proste jdu dal.

Byt stastny tady a ted je takova cesta…nekonecna cesta, ale verim, ze kdyz budu spokojena s tim co mam, ze opravdu zacnou prichazet lepsi a lepsi veci. Je dobre a dulezite mit ambice, ale abyste je dosahli, musite byt spokojeni uz tady ted, protoze se pak muze clovek hnat a hnat a nebude nikdy spokojeny. 

A to same plati i o tom jak se stavime k sobe samym. Prestoze jsem starsi a jde to videt, mam sve telo radsi nez drive. Vim, ze bych mohla veci vylepsit, byt hubenejsi, mit vetsi prsa a mensi zadek, ale co prijimam se takova jaka jsem. Svym zpusobem dokonala. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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