Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Bag: Chanel, Trousers: Allsaints, Cardigan: Zara, Hat: Asos
Social media is quite new world. Yes it has been around for several years but it is not something people had centuries before. And that means spreading news and information is going faster than before. What people have always had was variety of behaviours, certain type of characters and understanding of good and bad. And even hundreds years ago we had wonderful leaders and philosophers that inspire the world even in these days. Thanks to them we now have incredible knowledge about balance of life, law of attraction, how to find what our purpose of life is. Those amazing quotes are now so much easier to spread thanks to media and social media and these days we are surrounded by knowledge gathered over many years. There are so many amazing books about things like law of attraction or about the path of your life.
And we are lucky and I am lucky as we now understand so much more about certain behaviour and why people act in a certain way whether that is a negative comment or their actions. As we come to this world and we grow up until early teen years we absorb everything that is being said, we absorb patterns from parents and close family, we create our own image of the world. Unfortunately during this period we create blocks that influence how we react to certain things for the rest of our lives and we can also subconsciously attract these things repetitively. And from a pure person that came to this world is now a brand new person full of prejudices and ideas that they gained based on their environment.
And that leads me to explaining why people would be negative in life or on social media. That explains those negative comments. It is people that absorbed certain patterns and created blocks during early years of their lives. The thing is it does not have to be just a negative comment but it can simply be an opinion. If you hear a lot as a child that rich people only got to their wealth by fraud you will assume that about most rich people, if you hear that age should define what you wear that is what you believe. We have ideas about money, looks, behaviours, food and everything you can think of. However, it does not mean that what was passed on to you is right. Somebody gave you that idea and it stuck and now millions of opinions and different points of view are circulating around social media and turning into negative comments, hate and more. Instead of spreading love, positive energy and joy we see total opposites.
What it means is that it is only somebody’s point of view and their beliefs and it has got nothing to do with you. It is that person’s personal view and there is not much they can do about that until they decided to change it themselves. We all can work on balancing our lives, spread only the good, stop being judgmental and trust me it is hard work. No matter how many books I read about this topic even I am influenced so much by things I was being told for years. Whatever somebody says about you or does to you has got nothing to do with you at all. It is them and their inner believes. So next time somebody tells you you are materialistic, stupid, ugly, fat, old or whatever it is. Remember, it is not you…it is them. You are only a mirror to them and that triggers their behaviour. If somebody has got an issue that some Youtuber bought another expensive bag it only shows something about that person commenting. It can be anything that they believe in and picked up during the years whether a thought that expensive bags are not achievable, that expensive things ruin character….whatever it is. You are the mirror and the comment is the reflection.
I am very lucky that when I forget this and a bad comment appears I discuss this with my best friend. She is such a smart person that she always reminds me of this and says always something so relevant that I cannot argue and always admit it has got nothing to do with me. The main thing is that negativity on social media has got nothing to do with you.
We all have the right to express and opinion but this is more message for those who receive or encounter negative situations, comments that it is has nothing to do with them.
Svet socialnich medii je docela nova zalezitost, ano uz par let je nasi soucasti, ale jako takovy neexistoval pred stovkami let. A diky tomuto svetu se dneska informace siri mnohem rychleji. Co tu ale bylo vzdy jsou lide ruzneho charakteru, ruzna chovani, ruzne nazory a take schopnost vnimat dobro a zlo. A kdyz se na to tak podivam tak po celou dobu pokazde existovali velmi chytri filozofove a vudci, kteri dokazali inspirovat a predavat svetu jejich znalost. Dnes kdyz ctu knizky o vecech jak najit sam sebe, jake je moje poslani, zakon pritazlivosti, tak je ve vetsine z nich pouzito tolik starych mot a hlasek. A vlastne i ty se siri diky socialnim mediim obrovskou rychlosti a muzou nam pomoci v kazde zivotni situaci.
Ja mam to stesti a vy take, ze dneska uz muzeme konecne pochopit, proc se urciti lide chovaji jistym zpusobem, proc se nekdo chova spatne, slovne ublizuje nebo treba necha nekde na Instagramu negativni komentar. Kdyz se clovek narodi, narodi se cisty, bez predsudku nazoru ci strachu. To se bohuzel meni a jak deti rostou tak do urciteho veku, dejme tomu do nejakeho obdobi puberty nas opravdu hodne ovlivnuje nase blizke okoli, ktere nam predava sve predsudky, nazory a vzorce. A tak vznika uplne jina osoba, ktera si sebou nese ruzne bloky ulozene nekde v podvedomi, ktere ovlivni dalsi chod zivota a take to jak na urcite veci reaguje. A dalsi veci, kterou si clovek odnese jsou ruzne “mylne” nazory. To co je nam opakovano a vkladano, tomu jednoho dne zacneme verit a to pro nas bude ta nase pravda. A to ze o tom pisu neznamena, ze ja jsem perfektni. Jako kazdy mam sama co delat, ma spoustu bloku a take opakujicich se veci, ktere se mi budou porad dit, dokud neprijdu na to proc.
A to me vede k tomu vysvetlit proc je tolik lidi na socialnich mediich negativni a proc nekdo zanechava takovy a takovy komentar. Kazdy z nich vlastne ukazuje sam sebe, predstavuje jejich prebrane nazory a stare vzorce a neni to nic jineho. Vy jim pouze nastavujete zrcadlo. Takze to co nekdo napise se vas vubec netyka. Jenom to vypovida o dane osobe a co si sebou z rannych let vzal. Kdyz vam jako diteti nekdo bude porad opakovat, ze kazdy bohac zbohatl zlodejinou a podvodem, tak uz tomu budete verit cely zivot. Kdyz vyrostete v prostredi, ze vek ma definovat to co nosite, tak tomu budete i verit. A tak na socialnich siti cirkuluje tolik ruznych nazoru, komentaru at uz pozitivnich ci negativnich, ale cokoli je vysloveno ci napsano vzdy jenom odrazi osobu, ktera to pise. Jak rika pan Jaroslav Dusek – Mne se to netyka. Sama s tim obcas bojuju a neni to jednoduche si to rict ve vsem pripadech, ale kdyz se opravdu zklidnite a zapremyslite o tom, zjistite, ze to tak opravdu je. A to je takova zprava pro ty, kterych se to tyka. Kdyz ma nekdo problem s tim, ze mate dalsi novou designerskou kabelku, neni to vas problem. Vy jste obraz v zrcadle a onen komentar je jenom odraz a tento odraz ma toho cloveka vest dal. Ma se zeptat sam sebe, proc mi to vadi, proc me toto chovani vyvadi z miry a neco s tim delat.
Vsechno je proste jenom neci nazor, jejich vira a presvedceni a s vama to nema nic spolecneho. Kdyz vam nekdo rekne, ze jste hlupak, tak to svedci jenom neco o te dane osobne a vas se to netyka. Je to jenom nazor a vlastne pokud se dany clovek nerozhodne sam s tim neco udelat, vy moc nezmenite. Kazdy se musi rozhodnout sam. Je to o tom zit zivot v balancu, sirit dobro a lasku a prestat soudit ostatni. Verte mi, ze je to obrovska prace a takova nekonecna cesta. Ja mam treba tyden, kdy si vedu dobre a pak se mi stane neco a mam treba hodne negativni den, ktery me strhne zpet na spatnou cestu. A prestoze ctu knihy na toto tema, i ja jsem ovlivena vzorci z detstvi. Jedno je ale jasne, ze to co o vas nekdo rika s vama nema co delat. Takze kdyz vam nekdo rekne ci napise, ze jste materialista, hlupak, tlusty, stari nebo cokoli je to jejich vnimani sveta. Nejste to vy, ale oni…..
Obcas se taky zaseknu a kdyz mi nekdo napise nazor, ktery treba nevnimam podobne, ci mi nekdo zanecha negativni komentar. Ale nastesti mam svou nejlepsi kamaradku a ta mi vzdy pripomene jak to vlastne je. Pokazdne mi rekne neco tak trefneho, ze musim ten komentar hodit za hlavu i kdybych nechtela. Hlavni veci je, ze vam predhazovana negativita na internetu se vas proste netyka.
I like how you styled the cardigan!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Nice article :) I believe the people who create negative vibes do so only because they are unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives. Never saw a truly blissful person going negative… In the end, they just do bad for themselves.
hugs and kisses,
Zajimavy clanek a pohled na vec. Lidi jsou anonymne daleko vice odvaznejsi a napisou veci, co by ti v realu nerekli. Ale myslim, ze kritika neni, kdyz ti nekdo napise, ze jsi na urcite obleceni uz starsi. Nevim, jak se tvaris na zeny po “40” v minisukni a kratkym topu. Je jasny, ze odpovis: nechat zit. Ale zkus se na to podivat z jineho uhlu pohledu.
xx Vera
Je to opet prebrany vzorec, ze zeny po 40 nemaji nosit kratke sukne s kratkym trikem, je to v co verim a v cem jsme vyrostli, ale neznamena to, ze je to spatne. Opravdu zalezi na tech dvou osobach, ta ktera to rika a ta ktera tu sukni ma. Predpokladam, ze osoba, ktera ji ma se v tom citi dobre, je vyrovnana s tim jak vypada, ma se rada, ma rada sve telo atd. Osoba ktera to rika si sebou nese vzorec, ze po 40 se mini sukne nemaji nosit, sama by se bala, nema na to sebevedomi a nema se dostatecne rada a ani sve telo. Je to o tom se vzdy zeptat proc mi to vadi natolik, ze k tomu musim nechat komentar? Ale to je jenom jeden z mnoha scenaru. Podstatou je zjistit hluboko sam v sobe, proc mi ta vec vadi ci proc se mi veci deji dokola a casto jsou to tak hluboce ulozene veci, ktere musime vyslovene vydolovat. Ja mam treba opakujici vzorce, ze pritahuju lidi, kteri chodi pozde a myslim, ze uz jsem na to prisla proc a ted si musim najit cas a silu to odblokovat. Vsichni lide ti proste zrcadli to, co si sama musis vyresit. Nevidis zkratka veci takove jako jsou, ale tak jaky si ty. tady v komentarich nechala odkaz na clanek Alice z Mamou stylove a v nem se dotyka tohoto tematu, sama ted prochazi terapii, aby
zjistila proc reaguje na urcite veci, ktere ji treba stvou atd.