Wearing: Belt Bag: Gucci, Boots: Allsaints, Dress: Allsaints, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban
When I started blogging years and years ago I shared very little on social media from my private life. And that is the way I went for years. For me it was a way how to express something I loved and how to talk about fashion. I wanted to keep things positive, talk positive and do not bring negativity on to any of my platforms. Nothing less and nothing more.
However, blogging has transformed. People want to know more and more and although I still stick to what I love the most I share a bit more than I used to. And so do other people in this industry. Some people vlog daily and let thousands of people see what they do daily. And that reveals a lot from how you make your breakfast, how tidy your house is, how your bring your children up or how you look without makeup. Although it should not be like that then it can bring lot of judgment from the readers, followers and watchers. We all are so different, we like different things, we were naturally given things we cannot change, we have different mannerism, we are different body sizes, religions, skin tone or body type. And that is perfectly fine. Each of the person online is unique and there will be people that love them and follow them. They will be grateful that the bloggers are offering them free content that inspires and entertains them.
I personally see social media as something that could help spread positivity. Anybody whether you are a follower, viewer or content creator can add something positive. People can add value, make people smile and make others to feel good. They can share information that can help and support, help people to improve. It is simple.
- Share positive thoughts, appreciation posts, positive comments and talk positively – Even if you do not like somebody’s new skirt it is fine (your personal taste) it is all about how you phrase things. Surely there are other elements you can comment on that are positive and and you can mix the negative comment amongst two positive ones. Criticism should be constructive, try to avoid abuse and try not to offend. Always think how would you feel if you were facing this person in real and you would say the comment out loud. If you are criticising make sure it is politely and it is something that the individual person can improve. Saying to a person things like your teeth are horrific isn’t going to help them to improve their video content or writing skills.
- Share inspiring quotes, articles, posts – Sharing interesting quotes or other people’s content is the way forward. I do it a lot myself. I repost things so it reaches more people. It feels great to share positivity further and further.
- Your actions and words should add value – If you are content creator try to give something to people each time. If you are a watcher or follower your comments should add value to others or the content creator. Comments like I hate when you touch your hair all the time is not adding too much value. It is probably something the creator is doing subconsciously and cannot help it. We all have mannerism like this. However, if you say things like you should try this for better results of x,y, z gives something to the creator and people reading the comments.
- Use social media to help – Lot of bad things happen daily so use social media to create awareness and ideas how anybody can help. Share information about charities, create awareness and let’s try to use social media together to achieve something good.
Kdyz jsem zacala s blogem, nesdilela jsem prakticky nic ze sveho osobniho zivota. Byla to pro me zabavna platforma, kde muzu sdilet svou lasku k mode a mluvit o tom, co mam rada. Chtela jsem vzdy a za tim si stojim mluvit spise positivne a sirit positivitu skrze sve clanky, fotografie, skrze slova a ted i videa. Nic vic nic min. I kdyz se dotknu negativniho tematu, snazim se drzet toho, aby melo vse positivni spad ci positivni zpravu pro sledujici a ctenare.
Ale i blogovani se meni a lide zajima vice osobnich veci. Chteji videt do vaseho zivota a tak blogeri odhaluji vice nez je obcas moudre. Dneska je nespocet blogeru a youtuberu, kteri vam ukazuji jejich kazdodeni zivot a ukazuji veci jako jak si delaji snidani, jak vychovavaji deti, jak si jdou udelat botox a tim padem otviraji velkou cast sveho soukromi. To bohuzel dava prostor sledovatelum soudit. Casto narazim na komentare, ktere ja osobne nechapu. Vynesene soudy lidi treba nad tim, ze si nekdo, kdyz si vari caj nejdriv do hrnku naleje mleko. Ale vzdyt je to uplne jedno. Kazdy clovek je tak jiny, ma jine zvyky, kazdy ma jinou konfekcni velikost, ton pleti, kazdy ma jine zuby a jinak se chova. Kazdy z nas je nejaky a to je cini unikatni. A vzdy se najde skupina lidi, ktera toho ci onoho bude milovat a bude vdecna za to, ze jim onen bloger nabizi zdarma inspiraci a zabavu.
Ja osobne vidim socialni media jak neco, co nam muze pomoci sirit lasku, radost, positivni mysleni dal. At uz je nekdo bloger, ci jenom pasivni ctenar a odberatel. Socialni media maji velkou silu a bohuzel urciti jedinci je casto pouzivaji k sireni nenavisti apod. Kazdy z nas muze denne rozdavat lasku, positivni energii a vytvaret lidem usmev na rtu.
- Sdilejte positivni myslenky, positivni komentare a posty – I kdyz se vam nelibi Maricina nova sukne, vse je to o tom jak to podate. Pokud se opravdu musite k sukni vyjadrit (ne vsem se libi jedno a to same) a neda vam to, muzete okomentovat treba dalsi vec, ktera se vam libi. Kritika by mela byt konstruktivni, snazte se neurazet. Vzdy si reknete, kdybych ted mel onoho cloveka tvari v tvar rekl bych mo to takto? Nebo rekl bych mu to vubec? Snazte se lidi zbytecne neurazet. Kdyz nekomu reknete, ze ma tak silene zuby, ze nema radsi mluvit, moc to cloveku neda. Kdyz mu reknete, ze si ma zapracovat napriklad na zvuku videa, koupit jiny mikrofon. To je konstruktivni kritika a ta ho posune dal a k vam se priste dostanou kvalitnejsi videa.
- Sdilejte online mota, positivni clanky, rady a posty – Sdileni zajimavych mot je inspirujici a povzbudi. Ja sama rada sdilim tvorbu ostatnich, dostava se tak k dalsim lidem a je dulezite positivni a motivujici mysleni posilat dale.
- Vase slova by mela davat smysl a hodnotu – Pokud jste bloger, snazte se tvorit obsah tak, aby lidem opravdu neco predal. At uz je to tip na restauraci, jak usetrit penize, novy recept, ci jenom rozdavat radost. Pokud jako sledovatel napisete nekomu pod video, ze nenavidite jak se smeje, moc to nepomuze. Je to asi neco co je mu prirozene a kazdy z nas je nejaky. Nekdo si saha casto na vlasy, nekdo ma tiky apod. Ale pokud nekomu napriklad reknete, at priste do testa da vice mleka, ze bude mit lepsi vysledek, to mu neco da. Je to komentar, ktery ma nejakou hodnotu a pointu.
- Pouzivejte socialni media k pomoci druhym – Na svete se denne deje tolik spatnych veci, pohrom, smutnych udalosti. Zkuste pomahat i kdyz nemate vice nez 100 sledovatelu. Sdilejte informace, napady jak pomoci a snazme se tak vsichni spolecne vytvorit lepsi a positivnejsi svet. Snazme se pomahat a podporit jeden druheho.
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