Tag Archives: Sweatshirt


I stopped counting how many weeks we have been staying in isolation. And to be fair I quickly got used to this new normality. I can also confidently say I do shop much less. There is always something positive about any situation. LOL

One thing that I am constantly browsing would be cute hoodies and sweatshirts as I can wear those now and also when lock down is over. And why not to share some of my favourites. Amongst all those sales and discounts you will surely find some amazing buy.

Uz jsem prestala pocitat kolikaty tyden jsme v izolaci. A abych byla uprimna nejak jsem si na tu nasi novou normalitu i zvykla. Ma to i sve vyhody a jednou z nich je, ze urcite mene nakupuju. Presto me ale neustale laka si prohlizet hezke mikiny, ktere muzu nosit jak v izolaci, ci na na nase povolene vychazky, tak i pozdeji, az budeme mit vice flexibility a svobody.

A tak jsem vybrala par kousku, ktere se mi libi a treba mezi tema slevama a slevovyma kuponama taky nejakou krasku ukoristite.


Outfit: Bow Back Sweatshirt

Wearing: Jeans: Asos, Boots: Ash, Top: Shein, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Gucci

I promise I am still alive. I know I have not been publishing as much as you are used to. Firstly, I am very busy and then I caught some virus again. I spent today all day in bed and let me tell you every mum that is sick and at the same time needs to look after a child deserves a medal.

Things just got a bit manic. I have been bombarded by emails, tried to film a video whilst looking after infant and also create content and organise LFW. So, I guess sometimes it is good to stop. At least we can all appreciate how cute is this sweatshirt with a bow. LOL

Jsem stale na zivu. Jenom jsem nepublikovala, tak jak bych chtela. Za prve toho mam opravdu hoden a za druhe jsem opet chytila nejaky virus (myslim, ze potrebujeme uz jaro). Dneska jsem stravila cely den doma, protoze mi opravdu nebylo dobre. A rada bych prohlasila, ze kazda mama, ktera onemocni a jeste se stara o dite, si zaslouzi medajli. 

Veci se dost rozjely. Denne jsem zaplavena emaily, snazila jsem se natocit video ( s nemluvnetem doma), tvorim obsah na blog a organizuju veci na Londynsky fashion week. Takze mozna je dobre, ze me obcas zastavi neco jako nemoc. Alespon mam pak cas ocenit jak roztomila je tahle mikina s maslickou. Hehe

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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