Tag Archives: travel

Visit Ireland – Things to do

I recently came back from our trip to Ireland and despite being so many times before I fell in love with this place all over again. I wanted to share what we have been up to and perhaps give you some inspiration for your visit. It was our half-term holiday and we had a toddler and 7 years old so that can limit us in certain way but we managed to see quite a lot and came back with lot of experiences.


Capital of each country is probably always the obvious however Dublin is so worth it and has an incredible charm. You pretty much can manage to see a lot in 24 hours as in the town center you can get everywhere on foot. My favourite spot is Trinity College that has incredible character and the library is something like from Harry Potter movie. I also adore Irish gift shops and they are so fun to browse. Perhaps grab yourself a treat from Aran sweater shop or the University gift shop. And I would suggest a little walk around Temple bar area and snap a cute shot with the views of river Liffey. If you love shopping then Grafton Street is probably the best option as I know so many people love to splurge on different things when travelling. And Brown Thomas even has really good luxury stores if that is your thing. We were so lucky with the weather as it was perfect sunny but crispy day and I felt a bit like in Gilmore Girls especially at the campus.

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5 Places to visit in Cornwall

Minack Theatre in Cornwall Porthcurno


This incredible open-air theatre has to be one of the most beautiful things I have seen. I feel so lucky I could experience it in such a stunning weather as well. You can find this Cornish gem in Porthcurno and around 4 miles from Land’s End and trust me you will not regret the visit. Set up on the rocks with the view over the ocean is the most charming position you can think off. If you just want to visit make sure to book in advance as tickets go fast and you can also book to see a play which is what we did.

Tohle uzasne venkovni divadlo musi byt jedno z nejkrasnejsich mist, ktera jsem navstivila. Navic nam pralo pocasi a jsem rada, ze jsem tohle divadlo navstivila, kdyz svitilo slunicko a nasavala vanek z oceanu. Najdete ho ve vesnici Porthcurno a opravdu nebudete litovat. Jen se zarezervujte listky na vstup vcas, protoze je divadlo Minack je opravdu navstevovane.

Minack Theatre
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First half of 2021 is done..let’s look back

Wearing: Shoes: Nicholas Kirkwood, Dress: River Island, Earrings: Celeste Starre, Blazer: Vintage


We are approaching end of July and I am sitting here and thinking how fast the first half of 2021 went. I thought it would be a good time to reflect what has happened so far and how is life during pandemic. As let’s face it covid is still here with us and does not look like it will be taking Virgin rocket to the moon. Although things seem somewhat normal here in UK I am still worried that autumn may bring another lockdown however, I am staying positive and hope that the government know what they are doing?!

I actually slowed down a lot when it comes to content creation and it feels great. At this point I am getting back. You can watch one video a week on my youtube so hurry up and hit that subscribe button. I also had several campaigns mainly on TikTok and I cannot wait to get back to it. I slowed down a lot when it comes to filming Tiktok videos. Truth be told I did not feel inspired or motivated due to changing algorithm. It is so much fun to create content in the summer as you are busy with social life, you have holidays and you travel. That gives you fun opportunities to create and you are inspired. On the other hand other people do it too and that means engagement goes down :)

I am so grateful that I managed to travel to Czech this summer and I could enjoy great weather and time with my family. That has been one of the best experiences this year. It was worth all the 15 tests we had to do as a family. However this also put me off travelling abroad so we decided to spend another holiday here in UK. We recently came back from Cornwall and had such a wonderful time. I am planning to share some content with you from there. Weather was on our side so it really felt like being at our beloved South France. We just ate more pasties LOL.

I am now obviously spending summer with Liam who is off school and let me tell you content creating with him constantly home is not as easy. I am determined to find a way as always and bring you as many videos, images and articles as possible.

Let me know how has your year been so far? I am curious to know :)


Mame za sebou prvni pulku roku 2021 a cervenec je skoro u konce a tak jsem si rikala, ze neni spatne se ohlednout, jaky ten prvni pul rok byl. Nebudu vam lhat, spoustu mesicu vetsina z nas prozila v lockdownu a je tak tezke rict, ze se delo neco noveho :) Bohuzel take vsichni vime, ze covid nikam neodesel a tak prestoze v Anglii nam vlada vse plne rozvolnila, tak mam obavy, jake nasledky tohle bude mit na podzim. Nejak jsem si zvykla, ze zivot je skoro normalni. A uprimne se mi nechce moc vracet k tomu, ze se nemuzu schazet s lidmi ci si zajit do restaurace.

Ja jsem na par mesicu dost zpomalila, co se tyce tvorby obsahu a prace a citim se skvele. Pomalu se vracim k toceni a tvorbe, na youtube vas ceka jedno video tydne a urcite i vice clanku tady na blogu. Hodne jsem ubrala u tvorby na TikToku, jelikoz jsem necitila inspiraci a taky me prestaval motivovat menici se algoritmus:) Na druhou stranu vetsina spolupraci, ktere jsem letos mela, byla prave na Tiktoku. Firmy opravdu investuji do propagace prave na teto platforme. A paradoxem je, ze behem leta se mi tvori obsah asi nejlepe. Cestovani, pocasi a dobrodruzstvi nam dava spoustu moznosti pro tvorbu a inspiraci. Bohuzel na druhou stranu je engagement vzdy nejslabsi, protoze si leto uzivaji vsichni.

Jsem tak vdecna, ze pres vsechna uskali se mi podarilo navstivit rodinu v Cesku a uzit si tam krasne pocasi a take kulatiny meho taty. Stalo to za vsechny ty testy a ze jich nebylo malo. Pro nas tri to bylo celkove patnact testu a to me opravdu odradilo od dalsich zahranicnich cest. A tak nase dalsi dovolena byla v Cornwallu. Pocasi nam opravdu pralo a prisla jsem si spise jako v Jizni Francii, jenom s tim, ze jsem jedla vice Pasties :)

A ted me ceka leto v Londyne. Urcite jeste neco podnikneme o vikendech jako rodina a chci si leto uzit co nejvice. Jelikoz jsou ale letni prazdniny, Liam nechodi do skoly a tak jsou veci jako tvorba a prace trosku slozitejsi. Budu se ale snazit tvorit pro vas co nejvice, at uz jsou to vlogy, videa ci clanky.

Dejte mi vedet jaka byla vase prvni pulka tohoto roku a co mate v planu? Mejte se hezky.


Mother’s Day trip to dreamy Calcot

Last weekend was a Mother’s Day on Sunday and that was a great opportunity for us to leave London and enjoy fresh air in beloved Cotswolds. So I packed my favourite beauty products and comfortable clothing into my new snazzy Lipault Paris suitcase and headed together with Tadhg and Liam to a breathtaking Calcot Manor. 

And yes it did take my breath away already when we were arriving. I love countryside spa places like this with lot of character and luxury feel. And to all of the pluses Calcot is very children friendly so it is fair to say I found my slice of heaven only few hours drive from London. It can be tricky to find places like this that welcome kids with open arms.

Minuly vikend byl Den Matek (tady v UK) a byla to skvela prilezitost se vydat mimo Londyn na vikend a uzit si cerstveho vzduchu v Cotswolds, kde to mam moc rada. A tak jsem si sbalila pohodlne obleceni a nejake oblibene produkty do sveho krasneho noveho kufru od Lipault Paris a vydala s Tadhgem a Liamkem do nadherneho hotelu Calcot Manor.

Mam hrozne rada tyhle lazenske hotely na britskem venkove. Tento byl kdysi farma a pochazi ze 14 stoleti a zvenci tak i pusobi a vevnitr na vas zapusobi typicky venkovsky luxus. A tak muzu uprimne rict, ze jsem nasla raj na zemi, ktery je par hodin autem od Londyna. A to uz jenom diky tomu, ze deti jsou tady vitane. Spousta obdobnych mist je urcena pouze pro deti coz mi asi momentalne neni moc platne. 

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