Win Molly and Pearl Earrings



molly After so many compliments and emails you finally have a chance to win these amazing earrings thanks to Molly and Pearl. I absolutely love this piece and it draw a lot of attention at last London fashion week. You can see me wearing them here. This online shop provides some amazing pieces and ships internationally.

All you need to do:

1. Follow my blog on  – Instagram (evglamazon) and Bloglovin

2. Like Molly and Pearl on Facebook and Instagram.

3. Leave a comment with your email address below and mention where you follow this blog.

4. Share this giveaway on your facebook or blog.

This giveaway will be open until 16th March. The winner will be picked randomly.

Good luck to everyone.

Tyto nausnice jste asi parkrat videli a po tolika komplimentech a emailech je ted mate sanci vyhrat. Diky spolupraci s Molly and pearl je muzete take vlastnit. Skvela zprava je, ze tento e-shop zasila zbozi i mimo CR a maji spoustu krasnych kousku.

1. Musite byt fanousky na dvou z nasledujicihc – Instagram (evglamazon), Bloglovin.

2. Musite se byt nebo se stat fanouskem Molly and Pearl na Facebooku and Instagram.

3. Zanechejte komentar s emailem a poznamkou, kde sledujete tento blog.

4. Sdilejte link na  tuhle giveaway na facebooku ci vasem blogu.

Giveaway bude uzavrena 16. Brezna. Vitez bude vybranym nahodnym losovanim. Preji vsem hodne stesti.

Love Glamazon xoxo

11 comments on “Win Molly and Pearl Earrings

  1. Nausnice jsou nadherne. Sleduji vsude mozne a uz celkem dlouho. :)
    Link jdu nasdilet a zaroven si budu drzet palce. :)

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