Zollenspieker Fährhaus

Ok, I do love travelling and I love even more when I can stay in a lovely place. During my last visit in Germany I was accomodated in this beautiful place called Zollenspieker Fährhaus and enjoyed every second of a very clever and welcoming decoration and interior.
You know I blogged about few hotels previously (e.g. fantastic Nhow hotel in Milan) however I decided to show you more in future as some pictures from good places that deserve to be seen.
This stunning hotel had a fantastic design and some fabulous features like a glass wall in the bathroom and beautiful small decoration touches. It is all linked together so well and in the end felt like the most welcoming and cosy hotel. I felt also it has got small touches from typical Scandinavian style. I loved the wood work and use of space as well.

If you ever go there, I would recommend this place to anybody as the service was as good as the atmosphere and the interior.

Strasne rada cestuju a uz jsem parkrat vydala nejake clanky o hotelech, kde jsem byla ubytovana (napr. oblibeny Nhow hotel v Milane). Pri posledni navsteve v Nemecku jsem stravila vikend v tomto hotelu – Zollenspieker Fährhaus a byla jsem moc nadsena.

Vsechno od designu az po servis bylo perfektni a i kdyz mam spise rada takove ty tradicni hotely v britskem stylu, tak tento interier me zaujal. Vsechny male prvky jako napriklad pouziti dreva, typ svetel nebo dokonce prosklena cast koupelny do sebe krasne zapadala a hotel pusobil ve finale moc utulne. A taky jsem mela pocit, ze vidim trosku vliv skandinavskeho stylu. Pouziti dreva i barev k sobe ladilo a celou dobu jsem citila jak z hotelu sala hrozne moc klidu a pohodli. A tak to ma byt.

Pokud se do teto oblasti nekdy chystate, urcite vsem tohle misto doporucuji, protoze vsechno bylo zkratka skvele.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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